Device details
Device serial number - The identification number assigned to an individual device.
ARN - The unique identifier for the device in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format.
Device name - The name that you give to a device. If you have not created a name, you can name it, or it will get a default name.
Device type - The type of end user device that is linked to the account.
Activity status - The current status of this device. The two status states are:
Environment ID - The identification number of the environment that the device uses.
Enrollment status - Confirmation that a device has been set up, is associated with this AWS account, and is part of a specific environment. It can be in one of the following four states:
Registered - This is the default status.
Deregistering - The device is in the Reset and Deregister process.
Deregistered - The device has been successfully deregistered.
You can only delete the device if it’s in either a Deregistered or Archived status.
Archived - This device has been marked by the administrator as not currently in service.
Enrolled since - The date the device was activated.
Last logged in - The date and time of the most recent login.
Last posture checked at - The date and time of the most recent device check-in.
Current software version - The software version that this device is currently using.
Scheduled for software update - The scheduled software version on the device.
Software compliance - Confirmation that the software set is valid. There are two status states:
Not Compliant
User log
Last device access - The date and time when this device was last used.