Virtual desktop environment details - Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client

Virtual desktop environment details

Amazon WorkSpaces directory details

Directory ID - The Amazon WorkSpaces directory associated with this environment.

Directory name - The unique identifier associated with this Amazon WorkSpaces directory.

Organization name - The name of the organization that controls the Amazon WorkSpaces directory.

Directory type - The format of the Amazon WorkSpaces directory.

Registered - Whether this Amazon WorkSpaces directory is registered.

Status - Whether this Amazon WorkSpaces directory is active.

Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser portal details

Name - The unique identifier associated with this Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser portal.

Time created - The date and time when this AppStream 2.0 stack was created.

Web portal endpoint - The url used to access your virtual desktop environment.

AppStream 2.0 details

Stack name - The unique identifier associated with this AppStream 2.0 stack.

IdP login url - The identity provider url that is used to log in and out of your AppStream 2.0 stack.

Time created - The date and time when this AppStream 2.0 stack was created.