Configuring network settings for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
To configuring network settings for WorkSpaces Secure Browser follow these steps.
Open the WorkSpaces Secure Browser console at
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Choose WorkSpaces Secure Browser, then Web portals, and then choose Create web portal.
On the Step 1: Specify networking connection page, complete the following steps to connect your VPC to your web portal and configure your VPC and subnets.
For Networking details, choose a VPC with a connection to the content you want your users to access with WorkSpaces Secure Browser.
Choose up to three private subnets that meet the following requirements. For more information, see Networking for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser.
You must choose a minimum of two private subnets to create a portal.
To ensure high availability for your web portal, we recommend you provide the maximum number of private subnets in unique availability zones for your VPC.
Choose a security group.