使用 Lambda 函数响应事件 - AWS 证书管理器


使用 Lambda 函数响应事件

此过程演示 AWS Lambda 如何使用在 Amazon 上监听 EventBridge、使用亚马逊简单通知服务 (SNS) 创建通知以及如何向其发布调查结果 AWS Security Hub,从而为管理员和安全团队提供可见性。

设置 Lambda 函数和角色 IAM
  1. 首先配置 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 角色并定义 Lambda 函数所需的权限。通过此安全性最佳实践,您可以灵活地指定谁有权调用该函数,并限制授予该用户的权限。不建议直接在用户帐户下运行大多数 AWS 操作,尤其不要在管理员帐户下运行。


  2. 使用JSON策略编辑器创建在以下模板中定义的策略。提供您自己的地区和 AWS 账户详情。有关更多信息,请参阅JSON选项卡上的创建策略

    { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy1", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":"logs:CreateLogGroup", "Resource":"arn:aws:logs:<region>:<AWS-ACCT-NUMBER>:*" }, { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy2", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Resource":[ "arn:aws:logs:<region>:<AWS-ACCT-NUMBER>:log-group:/aws/lambda/handle-expiring-certificates:*" ] }, { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy3", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "acm:DescribeCertificate", "acm:GetCertificate", "acm:ListCertificates", "acm:ListTagsForCertificate" ], "Resource":"*" }, { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy4", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":"SNS:Publish", "Resource":"*" }, { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy5", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "SecurityHub:BatchImportFindings", "SecurityHub:BatchUpdateFindings", "SecurityHub:DescribeHub" ], "Resource":"*" }, { "Sid":"LambdaCertificateExpiryPolicy6", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":"cloudwatch:ListMetrics", "Resource":"*" } ] }
  3. 创建IAM角色并将新策略附加到该角色。有关创建IAM角色和附加策略的信息,请参阅为 AWS 服务创建角色(控制台)

  4. 打开 AWS Lambda 控制台,网址为https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/

  5. 创建 Lambda 函数。有关更多信息,请参阅使用控制台创建 Lambda 函数。完成以下步骤:

    1. 创建函数页面上,选择 Author from scratch(从头开始创作)选项以创建函数。

    2. 函数名称字段中指定一个名称,例如 handle-expiring-certificates “”。

    3. Runtime(运行时)列表中,选择“Python 3.8”。

    4. 展开 Change default execution role(更改默认执行角色),然后选择 Use an existing role(使用现有角色)

    5. Existing role(现有角色)列表中选择您先前创建的角色。

    6. 选择 Create function (创建函数)

    7. Function code(函数代码)下,插入以下代码。

      # Copyright 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import json import boto3 import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone # ------------------------------------------- # setup global data # ------------------------------------------- utc = timezone.utc # make today timezone aware today = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=utc) # set up time window for alert - default to 45 if its missing if os.environ.get('EXPIRY_DAYS') is None: expiry_days = 45 else: expiry_days = int(os.environ['EXPIRY_DAYS']) expiry_window = today + timedelta(days = expiry_days) def lambda_handler(event, context): # if this is coming from the ACM event, its for a single certificate if (event['detail-type'] == "ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration"): response = handle_single_cert(event, context.invoked_function_arn) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': response } def handle_single_cert(event, context_arn): cert_client = boto3.client('acm') cert_details = cert_client.describe_certificate(CertificateArn=event['resources'][0]) result = 'The following certificate is expiring within ' + str(expiry_days) + ' days: ' + cert_details['Certificate']['DomainName'] # check the expiry window before logging to Security Hub and sending an SNS if cert_details['Certificate']['NotAfter'] < expiry_window: # This call is the text going into the SNS notification result = result + ' (' + cert_details['Certificate']['CertificateArn'] + ') ' # this call is publishing to SH result = result + ' - ' + log_finding_to_sh(event, cert_details, context_arn) # if there's an SNS topic, publish a notification to it if os.environ.get('SNS_TOPIC_ARN') is None: response = result else: sns_client = boto3.client('sns') response = sns_client.publish(TopicArn=os.environ['SNS_TOPIC_ARN'], Message=result, Subject='Certificate Expiration Notification') return result def log_finding_to_sh(event, cert_details, context_arn): # setup for security hub sh_region = get_sh_region(event['region']) sh_hub_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{0}:{1}:hub/default".format(sh_region, event['account']) sh_product_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{0}:{1}:product/{1}/default".format(sh_region, event['account']) # check if security hub is enabled, and if the hub arn exists sh_client = boto3.client('securityhub', region_name = sh_region) try: sh_enabled = sh_client.describe_hub(HubArn = sh_hub_arn) # the previous command throws an error indicating the hub doesn't exist or lambda doesn't have rights to it so we'll stop attempting to use it except Exception as error: sh_enabled = None print ('Default Security Hub product doesn\'t exist') response = 'Security Hub disabled' # This is used to generate the URL to the cert in the Security Hub Findings to link directly to it cert_id = right(cert_details['Certificate']['CertificateArn'], 36) if sh_enabled: # set up a new findings list new_findings = [] # add expiring certificate to the new findings list new_findings.append({ "SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08", "Id": cert_id, "ProductArn": sh_product_arn, "GeneratorId": context_arn, "AwsAccountId": event['account'], "Types": [ "Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Config Analysis" ], "CreatedAt": event['time'], "UpdatedAt": event['time'], "Severity": { "Original": '89.0', "Label": 'HIGH' }, "Title": 'Certificate expiration', "Description": 'cert expiry', 'Remediation': { 'Recommendation': { 'Text': 'A new certificate for ' + cert_details['Certificate']['DomainName'] + ' should be imported to replace the existing imported certificate before expiration', 'Url': "https://console.aws.amazon.com/acm/home?region=" + event['region'] + "#/?id=" + cert_id } }, 'Resources': [ { 'Id': event['id'], 'Type': 'ACM Certificate', 'Partition': 'aws', 'Region': event['region'] } ], 'Compliance': {'Status': 'WARNING'} }) # push any new findings to security hub if new_findings: try: response = sh_client.batch_import_findings(Findings=new_findings) if response['FailedCount'] > 0: print("Failed to import {} findings".format(response['FailedCount'])) except Exception as error: print("Error: ", error) raise return json.dumps(response) # function to setup the sh region def get_sh_region(event_region): # security hub findings may need to go to a different region so set that here if os.environ.get('SECURITY_HUB_REGION') is None: sh_region_local = event_region else: sh_region_local = os.environ['SECURITY_HUB_REGION'] return sh_region_local # quick function to trim off right side of a string def right(value, count): # To get right part of string, use negative first index in slice. return value[-count:]
    8. Environment variables(环境变量)下,选择 Edit(编辑)并可选择添加以下变量。

      • (可选)EXPIRY_ DAYS

        指定发送证书过期通知之前的准备时间(天数)。此函数默认为 45 天,但您可以指定自定义值。

      • (可选)SNS_ TOPIC _ ARN

        为 Amazon 指定一个SNS。ARN以 arn: aw ARN s: sns 的格式提供完整内容:<region>:<account-number>:<topic-name>.

      • (可选)SECURITY_ HUB _ REGION

        在不同的区域 AWS Security Hub 中指定。如果未指定此选项,则使用正在运行的 Lambda 函数的区域。如果该函数在多个区域中运行,则可能需要将所有证书消息都转到单个区域中的 Security Hub。

    9. Basic settings(基本设置)下,将 Timeout(超时)设置为 30 秒。

    10. 在页面顶部,选择 Deploy(部署)



在此示例中,当通过 Amazon EventBridge 发起活动时,我们为每份即将到期的证书提供一封电子邮件。默认情况下,对于距离到期日不超过 45 天的证书,每天都会ACM引发一个事件。(此时间段可以使用. 的PutAccountConfiguration操作进行自定义ACMAPI。) 这些事件中的每一个都会触发以下级联的自动操作:

ACM raises Amazon EventBridge event → >>>>>>> events Event matches Amazon EventBridge rule → Rule calls Lambda function → Function sends SNS email and logs a Finding in Security Hub
  1. 创建 Lambda 函数并配置权限。(已完成 – 请参阅 设置 Lambda 函数和角色 IAM)。

  2. 为 Lambda 函数创建一个用于发送通知的标准SNS主题。有关更多信息,请参阅创建 Amazon SNS 主题

  3. 为任何感兴趣的各方订阅新SNS主题。有关更多信息,请参阅订阅 Amazon SNS 主题

  4. 创建用于触发 Lambda 函数的亚马逊 EventBridge 规则。有关更多信息,请参阅创建对事件做出反应的 Amazon EventBridge 规则

    在 Amazon EventBridge 控制台中 https://console.aws.amazon.com/events/,导航至事件 > 规则页面,然后选择创建规则。指定服务名称事件类型Lambda 函数。在事件模式预览编辑器中,粘贴以下代码:

    { "source": [ "aws.acm" ], "detail-type": [ "ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration" ] }

    显示示例事件下会显示如 Lambda 接收这样的事件:

    { "version": "0", "id": "9c95e8e4-96a4-ef3f-b739-b6aa5b193afb", "detail-type": "ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration", "source": "aws.acm", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-09-30T06:51:08Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/61f50cd4-45b9-4259-b049-d0a53682fa4b" ], "detail": { "DaysToExpiry": 31, "CommonName": "My Awesome Service" } }


  • IAM策略和角色

  • Lambda 函数

  • CloudWatch 活动规则

  • CloudWatch 与 Lambda 关联的日志

  • SNS话题