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This is the Amazon Q Business API Reference. Amazon Q Business is a fully managed, generative-AI powered enterprise chat assistant that you can deploy within your organization. Amazon Q Business enhances employee productivity by supporting key tasks such as question-answering, knowledge discovery, writing email messages, summarizing text, drafting document outlines, and brainstorming ideas. Users ask questions of Amazon Q Business and get answers that are presented in a conversational manner. For an introduction to the service, see the Amazon Q Business User Guide.

For an overview of the Amazon Q Business APIs, see Overview of Amazon Q Business API operations.

For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use this API, see IAM roles for Amazon Q Business in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.

The following resources provide additional information about using the Amazon Q Business API:


The Amazon Q Apps feature capability within Amazon Q Business allows web experience users to create lightweight, purpose-built AI apps to fulfill specific tasks from within their web experience. For example, users can create a Q App that exclusively generates marketing-related content to improve your marketing team's productivity or a Q App for writing customer emails and creating promotional content using a certain style of voice, tone, and branding. For more information on the capabilities, see Amazon Q Apps capabilities in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.

For an overview of the Amazon Q App APIs, see Overview of Amazon Q Apps API operations.

For information about the IAM access control permissions you need to use the Amazon Q Apps API, see IAM role for the Amazon Q Business web experience including Amazon Q Apps in the Amazon Q Business User Guide.