Microsoft Yammer data source connector field mappings - Amazon Q Business

Microsoft Yammer data source connector field mappings

To help you structure data for retrieval and chat filtering, Amazon Q Business crawls data source document attributes or metadata and maps them to fields in your Amazon Q index.

Amazon Q has reserved fields that it uses when querying your application. When possible, Amazon Q automatically maps these built-in fields to attributes in your data source. If a built-in field doesn't have a default mapping, or if you want to map additional index fields, use the custom field mappings to specify how a data source attribute maps to your Amazon Q application. You create field mappings by editing your data source after your application and retriever are created.

To learn more about document attributes and how they work in Amazon Q, see Document attributes and types in Amazon Q.


Filtering using document attributes in chat is only supported through the API.

The Amazon Q Yammer connector supports the following entities and the associated reserved and custom attributes.


You can map any Yammer field to the document title or document body Amazon Q reserved/default index fields.

Supported entities and field mappings


Amazon Q supports crawling Microsoft Yammer Messages and offers the following message field mappings.

Microsoft Yammer field name Index field name Description Data type
id ymr_id Custom String
message_type ymr_message_type Custom String
api_url ymr_api_url Custom String
group_id ymr_group_id Custom String
group_name ymr_group_name Custom String
in_private_conversation ymr_in_private_conversation Custom String
in_private_group ymr_in_private_group Custom String
sender_email ymr_sender_email Custom String
sender_id ymr_sender_id Custom String
sender_name ymr_sender_name Custom String
created_at _created_at Default Date
web_url _source_uri Default String


Microsoft Yammer field name Index field name Description Data type
id ymr_attachment_id Custom String
name ymr_attachment_name Custom String
size ymr_attachment_size Custom String
url ymr_attachment_url Custom String
file_type ymr_attachment_type Custom String
created_at _created_at Default Date
privacy ymr_attachment_privacy Custom String
group_name ymr_attachment_group_name Custom String
sender_email ymr_attachment_sender_email Custom String
web_url _source_uri Default String


Microsoft Yammer field name Index field name Description Data type
id ymr_user_id Custom String
user_type ymr_user_type Custom String
state ymr_user_state Custom String
full_name ymr_user_full_name Custom String
activated_at _created_at Default Date
first_name ymr_user_first_name Custom String
last_name ymr_user_last_name Custom String
network_name ymr_user_network_name Custom String
network_domains ymr_user_network_domains Custom String
url ymr_user_url Custom String
name ymr_user_name Custom String
birth_date ymr_user_birth_date Custom Date
admin ymr_user_admin Custom String
verified_admin ymr_user_verified_admin Custom String
contact ymr_user_contact Custom String
email ymr_user_email Custom String
web_url _source_uri Default String


Microsoft Yammer field name Index field name Description Data type
id ymr_community_id Custom String
name ymr_community_name Custom String
email ymr_community_email Custom String
full_name ymr_community_full_name Custom String
description ymr_community_description Custom String
privacy ymr_community_privacy Custom String
url ymr_community_url Custom String
created_at _created_at Default Date
state ymr_community_state Custom String
web_url _source_uri Default String