key share - AWS CloudHSM


key share

key share命令与 AWS CloudHSM 集群中的其他 CU 共享密钥。

只有创建密钥、并因此拥有密钥的 CU 才能共享密钥。共享密钥的用户可以在加密操作中使用该密钥,但不能删除、导出、共享或取消共享该密钥。此外,这些用户无法更改密钥属性



  • 加密用户(CU)


要运行此命令,必须以 CU 身份登录。


aws-cloudhsm > help key share Share a key in the HSM cluster with another user Usage: key share --filter [<FILTER>...] --username <USERNAME> --role <ROLE> Options: --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> Unique Id to choose which of the clusters in the config file to run the operation against. If not provided, will fall back to the value provided when interactive mode was started, or error --filter [<FILTER>...] Key reference (e.g. key-reference=0xabc) or space separated list of key attributes in the form of attr.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=KEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE to select a matching key for sharing --username <USERNAME> A username with which the key will be shared --role <ROLE> Role the user has in the cluster Possible values: - crypto-user: A CryptoUser has the ability to manage and use keys - admin: An Admin has the ability to manage user accounts -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h')

示例:与另一个 CU 共享密钥

以下示例演示了如何使用 key share 命令与 CU alice 共享密钥。

  1. 运行 key share 命令与 alice 共享密钥。

    aws-cloudhsm > key share --filter attr.label="rsa_key_to_share" attr.class=private-key --username alice --role crypto-user { "error_code": 0, "data": { "message": "Key shared successfully" } }
  2. 运行 key list 命令。

    aws-cloudhsm > key list --filter attr.label="rsa_key_to_share" attr.class=private-key --verbose { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x00000000001c0686", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu3", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [ { "username": "cu2", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu4", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu5", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu6", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu7", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "alice", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "rsa", "label": "rsa_key_to_share", "id": "", "check-value": "0xae8ff0", "class": "private-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": true, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": true, "verify": false, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 1219, "public-exponent": "0x010001", "modulus": "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", "modulus-size-bits": 2048 } } ], "total_key_count": 1, "returned_key_count": 1 } }
  3. 在上面的列表中,verify aliceshared-users 列表中



要运行此操作的集群的 ID。




有关支持的密钥属性的列表,请参阅 CloudHSM CLI 的密钥属性



为用户指定友好名称。最大长度为 31 个字符。唯一允许的特殊字符是下划线 ( _ )。此命令中的用户名不区分大小写,用户名始终以小写形式显示。



指定分配给该用户的角色。此参数为必需参数。要获取用户的角色,请使用 user list 命令。有关 HSM 上的用户类型的详细信息,请参阅 了解 HSM 用户


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