通话的示例 Contact Lens 输出文件 - Amazon Connect


通话的示例 Contact Lens 输出文件



以下示例显示了 Contact Lens 分析过的呼叫架构。该示例显示了响度、问题检测、呼叫驱动程序以及将要编辑的信息。


  • 它并不表明哪些敏感数据已被编辑。所有数据均被称为 PII(个人身份信息)。

  • 仅当每个轮次包含 PII 时,它才包括 Redaction 分区。

  • 如果 Redaction 分区存在,则它包括以毫秒为单位的偏移量。在 .wav 文件中,加密的部分将静音。如果需要,您可以使用偏移量将静音替换为其他内容,例如哔音。

  • 如果轮次中存在两个或更多个 PII 加密,则第一个偏移量适用于第一个 PII,第二个偏移量适用于第二个 PII,依此类推。

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "Channel": "VOICE", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Raw" }, "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/add-custom-vocabulary.html "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is Peter and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. Peter, how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] } }


在此示例中,RedactionMaskMode 设置为 PII。对某个实体进行加密后,Contact Lens 会将其替换为 [PII]。如果将其设置为 ENTITY_TYPE,则 Contact Lens 会将相应数据替换为该实体的名称,例如 [CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER]

{ "Version": "1.1.0", "AccountId": "your AWS account ID", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Redacted", "RedactionTypes": ["PII"], "RedactionTypesMetadata": { "PII": { "RedactionEntitiesRequested": ["CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER", "NAME", "USERNAME"], "RedactionMaskMode": "PII" // if you were to choose ENTITY_TYPE instead, the redaction would say, for example, [NAME] } } }, "Channel": "VOICE", "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": ["Cancellation"], "MatchedDetails": { "Cancellation": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "EndOffsetMillis": 11190 } ] } } }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "PostContactSummary": { "Content": "The customer and agent's conversation did not have any clear issues, outcomes or next steps. Agent verified customer information and finished the call." } }, "TotalConversationDurationMillis": 32110, "Sentiment": { "OverallSentiment": { "AGENT": 0, "CUSTOMER": 3.1 }, "SentimentByPeriod": { "QUARTER": { "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 7427, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7427, "EndOffsetMillis": 14855, "Score": -5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 14855, "EndOffsetMillis": 22282, "Score": 0 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22282, "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Score": 5 } ], "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "EndOffsetMillis": 8027, "Score": -2.5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 8027, "EndOffsetMillis": 16055, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 16055, "EndOffsetMillis": 24082, "Score": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24082, "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Score": 5 } ] } } }, "Interruptions": { "InterruptionsByInterrupter": { "CUSTOMER": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ], "AGENT": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 10710, "DurationMillis": 3790, "EndOffsetMillis": 14500 } ] }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalTimeMillis": 7580 }, "NonTalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 0, "Instances": [] }, "TalkSpeed": { "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 239 }, "CUSTOMER": { "AverageWordsPerMinute": 163 } } }, "TalkTime": { "TotalTimeMillis": 28698, "DetailsByParticipant": { "AGENT": { "TotalTimeMillis": 15079 }, "CUSTOMER": { "TotalTimeMillis": 13619 } } } }, "CustomModels": [ { // set via https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/add-custom-vocabulary.html "Type": "TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY", "Name": "ProductNames", "Id": "4e14b0db-f00a-451a-8847-f6dbf76ae415" // optional field } ], "Transcript": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 0, "Content": "Okay.", "EndOffsetMillis": 90, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.27 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 160, "Content": "Just hello. My name is [PII] and help.", "EndOffsetMillis": 4640, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 66.56, 40.06, 85.27, 82.22, 77.66 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 3290, "EndOffsetMillis": 3620 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 4640, "Content": "Hello. [PII], how can I help you?", "EndOffsetMillis": 6610, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 70.23, 73.05, 71.8 ], "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 5100, "EndOffsetMillis": 5450 } ] } }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 7370, "Content": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription.", "EndOffsetMillis": 11190, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 77.18, 79.59, 85.23, 81.08, 73.99 ], "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 55 }, "Text": "I need to cancel. I want to cancel my plan subscription" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 11220, "Content": "That sounds very bad. I can offer a 20% discount to make you stay with us.", "EndOffsetMillis": 15210, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 75.92, 75.79, 80.31, 80.44, 76.31 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 15840, "Content": "That sounds interesting. Thank you accept.", "EndOffsetMillis": 18120, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 73.77, 79.17, 77.97, 79.29 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 18310, "Content": "Alright, I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied.", "EndOffsetMillis": 21820, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "LoudnessScore": [ 83.88, 86.75, 86.97, 86.11 ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 9, "EndOffsetChar": 77 }, "Text": "I made all the changes to the account and now these discounts applied" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 22610, "Content": "Awesome. Thank you so much.", "EndOffsetMillis": 24140, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 79.11, 81.7, 78.15 ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 24120, "Content": "No worries. I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you.", "EndOffsetMillis": 29710, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "AGENT", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 87.07, 83.96, 76.38, 88.38, 87.69, 76.6 ], "ActionItemsDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 12, "EndOffsetChar": 102 }, "Text": "I will send you all the details later today and call you back next week to check up on you" } ] }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 30580, "Content": "Thank you. Sir. Have a nice evening.", "EndOffsetMillis": 32110, "Id": "the ID of the turn", "ParticipantId": "CUSTOMER", "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "LoudnessScore": [ 81.42, 82.29, 73.29 ] } ] }