AWS Lambda in AWS GovCloud (US) - AWS GovCloud (US)

AWS Lambda in AWS GovCloud (US)

With AWS Lambda, you can run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time that you consume—there’s no charge when your code isn’t running. You can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service—all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. You can set up your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app.

How AWS Lambda Differs for AWS GovCloud (US)

  • AWS Lambda Function URLs is not available.

  • Cross-account Amazon ECR access for AWS Lambda is not available.

  • Code signing for AWS Lambda is not available.

  • Lambda SnapStart is not available.

  • The DocumentDB event sources are not available.

  • The Amazon Linux 2023 (provided.al2023) runtime is not available.

  • The Node.js 20 managed runtime (nodejs20.x) is not available.

  • The Java 21 managed runtime (java21) is not available.

  • Multi-VPC connectivity for Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka event source mappings is not available.

  • The Python 3.12 managed runtime ( python3.12 ) is not available.

  • Lambda integration with Application Composer is not available.

  • The Future runtime launch dates are not applicable.

  • The Ruby 3.3 (ruby3.3) runtime is not available.

  • The .NET 8 (dotnet8) runtime is not yet available in AWS GovCloud (US). To give customers time to migrate from .NET 6 to .NET 8 after .NET 8 is released, Lambda will continue to support .NET 6 in AWS GovCloud (US) for at least 6 months after the release of .NET 8. During that time, Lambda will apply patches to the .NET 6 operating system (OS), but not to the .NET 6 language runtime.

Documentation for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda documentation.

Export-controlled content

For AWS Services architected within the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, the following list explains how certain components of data may leave the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions in the normal course of the service offerings. The list can be used as a guide to help meet applicable customer compliance obligations. Data not included in the following list remains within the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

  • Do not enter export-controlled data in the following console fields:

    • Function name

    • Description

    • DLQ data (can be exported through Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS)

    • Memory

    • Timeout

    • Runtime

    • Role name for service principals

    • Aliases

    • LayerName

    • Layer Description

    • Layer Compatible Architectures

    • Layer Compatible Runtimes

    • EphemeralStorage Size

    • PackageType

    • State

    • StateReason