AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.
Operation ID: CreateFunctionDefinitionVersion
Creates a version of a Lambda function definition that has already been defined.
Produces: application/json
Body Parameters
- CreateFunctionDefinitionVersionRequestBody
Information about the function definition version.
where used: body; required: true
{ "DefaultConfig": { "Execution": { "IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer|NoContainer", "RunAs": { "Uid": 1001, "Gid": 1002 } } }, "Functions": [ { "Id": "string", "FunctionArn": "string", "FunctionConfiguration": { "Pinned": true, "Executable": "string", "ExecArgs": "string", "MemorySize": 0, "Timeout": 0, "EncodingType": "binary|json", "Environment": { "Variables": { "additionalProperty0": "string", "additionalProperty1": "string", "additionalProperty2": "string" }, "ResourceAccessPolicies": [ { "ResourceId": "string", "Permission": "ro|rw" } ], "AccessSysfs": true, "Execution": { "IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer|NoContainer", "RunAs": { "Uid": 1001, "Gid": 1002 } } } } } ] }
- FunctionDefinitionVersion
Information about a function definition version.
type: object
- DefaultConfig
The default configuration that applies to all Lambda functions in the group. Individual Lambda functions can override these settings.
type: object
- Execution
Configuration information that specifies how a Lambda function runs.
- Functions
A list of Lambda functions in this function definition version.
type: array
items: Function
Information about a Lambda function.
type: object
required: ["Id"]
- Id
A descriptive or arbitrary ID for the function. This value must be unique within the function definition version. Maximum length is 128 characters with the pattern
.type: string
- FunctionArn
The ARN of the alias (recommended) or version of the target Lambda function.
type: string
- FunctionConfiguration
The configuration of the Lambda function.
type: object
- Pinned
True if the function is pinned. Pinned means the function is long-lived and starts when the core starts.
type: boolean
- Executable
The name of the function executable.
type: string
- ExecArgs
The execution arguments.
type: string
- MemorySize
The memory size, in KB, required by the function. This setting does not apply and should be cleared when you run the Lambda function without containerization.
type: integer
- Timeout
The allowed function execution time, after which Lambda should terminate the function. This timeout still applies to pinned Lambda functions for each request.
type: integer
- EncodingType
The expected encoding type of the input payload for the function. The default is
.type: string
enum: ["binary", "json"]
- Environment
The environment configuration of the function.
type: object
- Variables
Environment variables for the Lambda function's configuration.
type: object
additionalProperties: An object with properties of type
that represent the environment variables. - ResourceAccessPolicies
A list of the resources, with their permissions, to which the Lambda function is granted access. A Lambda function can have at most 10 resources. ResourceAccessPolicies applies only when you run the Lambda function in a Greengrass container.
type: array
items: ResourceAccessPolicy
- ResourceAccessPolicy
A policy used by the function to access a resource.
type: object
required: ["ResourceId"]
- ResourceId
The ID of the resource. (This ID is assigned to the resource when you create the resource definiton.)
type: string
- Permission
The type of permission a function has to access a resource.
type: string
enum: ["ro", "rw"]
- AccessSysfs
If true, the Lambda function is allowed to access the host's /sys folder. Use this when the Lambda function needs to read device information from /sys. This setting applies only when you run the Lambda function in a Greengrass container.
type: boolean
- Execution
Configuration information that specifies how a Lambda function runs.
type: object
- IsolationMode
Specifies whether the Lambda function runs in a Greengrass container (default) or without containerization. Unless your scenario requires that you run without containerization, we recommend that you run in a Greengrass container. Omit this value to run the Lambda function with the default containerization for the group.
type: string
enum: ["GreengrassContainer", "NoContainer"]
- RunAs
Specifies the user and group whose permissions are used when running the Lambda function. You can specify one or both values to override the default values. To minimize the risk of unintended changes or malicious attacks, we recommend that you avoid running as root unless absolutely necessary. To run as root, you must update config.json in
to setallowFunctionsToRunAsRoot
.type: object
- Uid
The user ID whose permissions are used to run a Lambda function.
type: integer
- Gid
The group ID whose permissions are used to run a Lambda function.
type: integer
Header Parameters
- X-Amzn-Client-Token
A client token used to correlate requests and responses.
where used: header; required: false
type: string
Path Parameters
- FunctionDefinitionId
The ID of the function definition.
where used: path; required: true
type: string
aws greengrass create-function-definition-version \
--function-definition-id <value> \
[--default-config <value>] \
[--functions <value>] \
[--amzn-client-token <value>] \
[--cli-input-json <value>] \
cli-input-json format:
"FunctionDefinitionId": "string",
"DefaultConfig": {
"Execution": {
"IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer|NoContainer",
"RunAs": {
"Uid": "integer",
"Gid": "integer"
"Functions": [
"Id": "string",
"FunctionArn": "string",
"FunctionConfiguration": {
"Pinned": "boolean",
"Executable": "string",
"ExecArgs": "string",
"MemorySize": "integer",
"Timeout": "integer",
"EncodingType": "binary|json",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"additionalProperty0": "string",
"additionalProperty1": "string",
"additionalProperty2": "string"
"ResourceAccessPolicies": [
"ResourceId": "string",
"Permission": "ro|rw"
"AccessSysfs": "boolean",
"Execution": {
"IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer|NoContainer",
"RunAs": {
"Uid": "integer",
"Gid": "integer"
"AmznClientToken": "string"
- 200 (CreateFunctionDefinitionVersionResponse)
{ "Arn": "string", "Id": "string", "Version": "string", "CreationTimestamp": "string" }
- VersionInformation
Information about a version.
type: object
- Arn
The ARN of the version.
type: string
- Id
The ID of the parent definition that the version is associated with.
type: string
- Version
The ID of the version.
type: string
- CreationTimestamp
The time, in milliseconds since the epoch, when the version was created.
type: string
- 400
Invalid request.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string
Operation ID: ListFunctionDefinitionVersions
Lists the versions of a Lambda function definition.
Produces: application/json
Path Parameters
- FunctionDefinitionId
The ID of the function definition.
where used: path; required: true
type: string
Query Parameters
- NextToken
The token for the next set of results, or
if there are no more results.where used: query; required: false
type: string
- MaxResults
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
where used: query; required: false
type: integer
aws greengrass list-function-definition-versions \ --function-definition-id <value> \ [--next-token <value>] \ [--max-results <value>] \ [--cli-input-json <value>] \ [--generate-cli-skeleton]
cli-input-json format:
"FunctionDefinitionId": "string",
"NextToken": "string",
"MaxResults": "integer"
- 200 (ListFunctionDefinitionVersionsResponse)
{ "Versions": [ { "Arn": "string", "Id": "string", "Version": "string", "CreationTimestamp": "string" } ], "NextToken": "string" }
- ListVersionsResponse
A list of versions.
type: object
- Versions
Information about a version.
type: array
items: VersionInformation
- VersionInformation
Information about a version.
type: object
- Arn
The ARN of the version.
type: string
- Id
The ID of the parent definition that the version is associated with.
type: string
- Version
The ID of the version.
type: string
- CreationTimestamp
The time, in milliseconds since the epoch, when the version was created.
type: string
- NextToken
The token for the next set of results, or
if there are no more results.type: string
- 400
Invalid request.
{ "Message": "string", "ErrorDetails": [ { "DetailedErrorCode": "string", "DetailedErrorMessage": "string" } ] }
- GeneralError
General error information.
type: object
required: ["Message"]
- Message
A message that contains information about the error.
type: string
- ErrorDetails
A list of error details.
type: array
items: ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetail
Details about the error.
type: object
- DetailedErrorCode
A detailed error code.
type: string
- DetailedErrorMessage
A detailed error message.
type: string