Solution to ingest, transform, query, and manage datasets from multiple sources - Automated Data Analytics on AWS

Solution to ingest, transform, query, and manage datasets from multiple sources

Publication date: August 2022 (last update: April 2024)

The Automated Data Analytics on AWS solution provides an end-to-end data platform for ingesting, transforming, managing and querying datasets. This helps analysts and business users manage and gain insights from data without deep technical experience using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It has an open-sourced architecture with connectors to commonly used AWS services, along with third-party data sources and services. This solution also provides an user interface (UI) to search, share, manage, and query datasets using standard SQL commands.

This solution is applicable for a variety of use-cases:

  • Ingesting, transforming, and querying disparate datasets.

  • Providing simplified access to data for non-technical business users.

  • Managing organization-wide data governance and access policies.

This implementation guide describes the architectural considerations and configuration steps for deploying the Automated Data Analytics on AWS solution in the AWS Cloud. It includes links to an AWS CloudFormation template that launches, configures, and runs the AWS services required to deploy this solution using AWS best practices for security and availability. This implementation guide also includes instructions on how to use the solution web UI, and a developer guide for steps to deploy the CDK and use the ADA APIs.

Use this navigation table to quickly find answers to these questions:

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Know the cost for running this solution. The estimated cost for running this solution in the Asia-Pacific (AP-Southeast-2) Region is USD $1246.46 per month.

Understand the security considerations for this solution. Security

Know how to plan for quotas for this solution. Use AWS Service Quotas in your AWS console to verify your AWS Lambda concurrent executions

Know which AWS Regions are supported for this solution. Supported AWS Regions
View or download the AWS CloudFormation template included in this solution to automatically deploy the infrastructure resources (the “stack”) for this solution. AWS CloudFormation template
View details about the features of the solution web UI and how to use them for working with datasets. Using the ADA solution
Know how to deploy the solution using CDK, and how to use the ADA APIs. Developer guide

The guide is intended for IT architects, developers, engineers, and technology professionals who have practical experience architecting in the AWS Cloud.