AttributeFilter - Amazon Q Business


The filter criteria used on responses based on document attributes or metadata fields.



Performs a logical AND operation on all supplied filters.

Type: Array of AttributeFilter objects

Required: No


Returns true when a document contains all the specified document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: stringListValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Returns true when a document contains any of the specified document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: stringListValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs an equals operation on two document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: dateValue, longValue, stringListValue and stringValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs a greater than operation on two document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: dateValue and longValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs a greater than or equals operation on two document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: dateValue and longValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs a less than operation on two document attributes or metadata fields. Supported for the following document attribute value types: dateValue and longValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs a less than or equals operation on two document attributes or metadata fields.Supported for the following document attribute value type: dateValue and longValue.

Type: DocumentAttribute object

Required: No


Performs a logical NOT operation on all supplied filters.

Type: AttributeFilter object

Required: No


Performs a logical OR operation on all supplied filters.

Type: Array of AttributeFilter objects

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: