使用 AWS SDK 列出 Amazon S3 物件的網頁 - AWSSDK 程式碼範例

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使用 AWS SDK 列出 Amazon S3 物件的網頁

下列程式碼範例顯示如何在網頁中列出 Amazon S3 物件。

適用於 JavaScript (v3) 的開發套件

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下面的代碼是叫用 AWS SDK 的相關 React 元件。可以在前面 GitHub 的鏈接中找到包含此組件的應用程序的可運行版本。

import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { ListObjectsCommand, ListObjectsCommandOutput, S3Client, } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { fromCognitoIdentityPool } from "@aws-sdk/credential-providers"; import "./App.css"; function App() { const [objects, setObjects] = useState< Required<ListObjectsCommandOutput>["Contents"] >([]); useEffect(() => { const client = new S3Client({ region: "us-east-1", // Unless you have a public bucket, you'll need access to a private bucket. // One way to do this is to create an Amazon Cognito identity pool, attach a role to the pool, // and grant the role access to the 's3:GetObject' action. // // You'll also need to configure the CORS settings on the bucket to allow traffic from // this example site. Here's an example configuration that allows all origins. Don't // do this in production. //[ // { // "AllowedHeaders": ["*"], // "AllowedMethods": ["GET"], // "AllowedOrigins": ["*"], // "ExposeHeaders": [], // }, //] // credentials: fromCognitoIdentityPool({ clientConfig: { region: "us-east-1" }, identityPoolId: "<YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_ID>", }), }); const command = new ListObjectsCommand({ Bucket: "bucket-name" }); client.send(command).then(({ Contents }) => setObjects(Contents || [])); }, []); return ( <div className="App"> {objects.map((o) => ( <div key={o.ETag}>{o.Key}</div> ))} </div> ); } export default App;
  • 如需 API 詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS SDK for JavaScriptAPI 參考ListObjects中的。