Managing kdb dataviews - Amazon FinSpace

Managing kdb dataviews

The following sections provide a detailed overview of the operations that you can perform by using a Managed kdb dataview.

Creating a kdb dataview

To create a kdb dataview
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon FinSpace console at

  2. In the left pane, under Managed kdb Insights, choose Kdb environments.

  3. From the kdb environments table, choose the name of the environment.

  4. On the environment details page, choose the Databases tab.

  5. On database details page, choose the Dataviews tab.

  6. Choose Create dataview.

  7. On the Create dataview page, enter a unique name for the dataview.

  8. (Optional) Enter a description for your dataview.

  9. Choose the availability zone that you want to associate with the dataview. Currently, you can only choose single availability zone.

  10. Choose a how you want to update data in the dataview from one of the following options.

    • Auto-update – Adds the most recent version of the data in a database. The dataview is automatically updated as new data is added to the database.

    • Static – Add data based on the changeset ID that you specify. The dataview is not automatically updated as new data is added to the database. To refresh the contents of a static dataview, you need to update it and specify a new changeset ID. When you choose this, the Read Write option enables.

    1. If you choose Static, specify the Changeset ID to indicate which version of data you want.

    2. If you choose Static, you get the option to make dataviews writable. Select True if you want to make the dataview writable to perform database maintenance operations. By default, this value is set to False. For more information, read this section.

  11. (Optional) For segment configuration, specify the database path of the data that you want to place on each selected volume. You can also enable On demand caching on the selected database path when a particular file or a column of a database is accessed.

    • Each segment must have a unique database path for each volume.

    • Every data view has a default segment associated with it. The default segment is S3/object store segment. All database paths not explicitly specified to be on a volume are accessible from the cluster through this default segment.

    • The Segment configuration is required if Read Write is True. You can only add one segment for a writeable dataview.

    • The Database path is disabled and defaults to \* when Read Write is True as you cannot have partial writeable dataviews on cache.

  12. Choose Create dataview. The database details page opens and the table under Dataviews lists the newly created database along with its status.

    You can choose the dataview name from the list to view its details.

Viewing kdb dataview details

To view and get details of a kdb dataview
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon FinSpace console at

  2. In the left pane, under Managed kdb Insights, choose Kdb environments.

  3. From the kdb environments table, choose the name of the environment.

  4. On the environment details page, choose Databases tab.

  5. From the list of databases, choose a database name. The database details page opens.

  6. On the database details page, choose the Dataviews tab that shows a list of dataviews along with its status, availability zones where they were created, and their creation time.

  7. From the list of dataviews, choose a name to view its details. The dataviews details page opens where you can view the following details.

    • Dataview details section – Displays the metadata of the dataview that you created.

    • Configuration tab – Displays the details about the dataview update mode and ID, and the availability zones ID.

    • Active versions tab – Displays a list of active versions of the dataview. Each update of the dataview creates a new version, including changeset details and the cache configurations. Each version triggers a workflow to cache database based on the cache configuration. A dataview version becomes active once the workflow finishes.

      The dataview version is deactivated under the following conditions

      • It's not the latest active version.

      • No cluster is currently mounting this version.

      You can choose the Version ID to see details of each active version.

    • Clusters tab – Displays a list of clusters that mounts the dataview.

Updating a kdb dataview

To update a kdb dataview
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon FinSpace console at

  2. In the left pane, under Managed kdb Insights, choose Kdb environments.

  3. From the kdb environments table, choose the name of the environment.

  4. On the environment details page, choose Databases tab.

  5. From the list of databases, choose a database name. The database details page opens.

  6. On the database details page, choose the Dataviews tab.

  7. From the list of dataviews, choose a name and then choose Edit.

  8. On the edit page, you can update the description for the dataview. If the dataview is Static, you can also update the Changeset ID.

  9. Choose Save changes.

Deleting a kdb dataview

Before deleting a dataview, make sure that it is not in use by any cluster. You can check this from the Clusters tab in the dataview details page.


This action is irreversible. Deleting a kdb dataview will delete all of its metadata.

To delete a kdb dataview
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon FinSpace console at

  2. In the left pane, under Managed kdb Insights, choose Kdb environments.

  3. From the kdb environments table, choose the name of the environment.

  4. On the environment details page, choose the Databases tab.

  5. From the list of databases, choose the one whose dataview you want to delete. The database details page opens.

  6. On the database details page, choose the Dataviews tab.

  7. From the list of dataviews, choose a name and then choose Delete.

  8. On the confirmation dialog box, enter confirm to provide a written consent to delete the resource permanently.

  9. Choose Delete.