監控 SiteWise 邊緣閘道記錄 - AWS IoT SiteWise


監控 SiteWise 邊緣閘道記錄

您可以設定 AWS IoT SiteWise 邊緣閘道,將資訊記錄到 Amazon CloudWatch 日誌或本機檔案系統。


SiteWise Edge 閘道裝置包含事件記錄檔,以協助偵錯問題。下列各節將協助您尋找並使用 AWS IoT SiteWise OPC UA 收集器和 AWS IoT SiteWise 發行者元件的事件記錄檔。

AWS IoT SiteWise OPCUA 收集器事件記錄

AWS IoT SiteWise OPCUA Collector 元件包含事件記錄,可協助客戶識別並修正問題。記錄檔與本機記錄檔不同,可在下列位置找到。Replace (取代) /格拉斯/V2C:\greengrass\v2 與 AWS IoT Greengrass 根文件夾的路徑。



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  • 其他事件特定資訊

dataSourceConnectionSuccess: Summary: Successfully connected to OpcUa server Level: INFO Timestamp: '2023-06-15T21:04:16.303Z' Description: Successfully connected to the data source. AssociatedMetrics: - Name: FetchedDataStreams Description: The number of fetched data streams for this data source Value: 1.0 Namespace: IoTSiteWise Dimensions: - Name: SourceName Value: SourceName{value=OPC-UA Server} - Name: ThingName Value: test-core AssociatedData: - Name: DataSourceTrace Description: Name of the data source Data: - OPC-UA Server - Name: EndpointUri Description: The endpoint to which the connection was attempted. Data: - '"opc.tcp://"'

AWS IoT SiteWise 發佈者事件記錄

AWS IoT SiteWise Publisher 元件包含事件記錄,可協助客戶識別並修正問題。記錄檔與本機記錄檔不同,可在下列位置找到。Replace (取代) /格拉斯/V2C:\greengrass\v2 與 AWS IoT Greengrass 根文件夾的路徑。



  • 嚴重性等級

  • 時間戳記

  • 其他事件特定資訊

accountBeingThrottled: Summary: Data upload speed slowed due to quota limits Level: WARN Timestamp: '2023-06-09T21:30:24.654Z' Description: The IoT SiteWise Publisher is limited to the "Rate of data points ingested" quota for a customers account. See the associated documentation and associated metric for the number of requests that were limited for more information. Note that this may be temporary and not require any change, although if the issue continues you may need to request an increase for the mentioned quota. FurtherInformation: - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot-sitewise/latest/userguide/quotas.html - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot-sitewise/latest/userguide/troubleshooting-gateway.html#gateway-issue-data-streams AssociatedMetrics: - Name: TotalErrorCount Description: The total number of errors of this type that occurred. Value: 327724.0 AssociatedData: - Name: AggregatePropertyAliases Description: The aggregated property aliases of the throttled data. FileLocation: /greengrass/v2/work/aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher/./logs/data/AggregatePropertyAliases_1686346224654.log