搭配 SUPER 資料類型路徑使用動態資料遮罩 - Amazon Redshift


搭配 SUPER 資料類型路徑使用動態資料遮罩

Amazon Redshift 支援將動態資料遮罩政策附加到 SUPER 類型資料欄的路徑。如需 SUPER 資料類型的相關資訊,請參閱 Amazon Redshift 中的半結構化資料

將遮罩政策附加至 SUPER 類型資料欄的路徑時,請考慮下列事項。

  • 將遮罩政策附加至資料欄上的路徑時,必須將該資料欄定義為 SUPER 資料類型。您只能將遮罩政策套用至 SUPER 路徑上的純量值。您無法將遮罩政策套用至複雜的結構或陣列。

  • 只要 SUPER 路徑不衝突,您就可以將不同的遮罩政策套用至單一 SUPER 資料欄上的多個純量值。例如,SUPER 路徑 a.ba.b.c 衝突,因為它們位於相同路徑,而且 a.ba.b.c 的上層。SUPER 路徑a.b.ca.b.d 沒有衝突。

  • 在使用者查詢執行期套用政策之前,Amazon Redshift 無法檢查遮罩政策附加的路徑是否存在於資料中,且為預期類型的路徑。例如,當您將遮罩 TEXT 值的遮罩政策附加到包含 INT 值的 SUPER 路徑時,Amazon Redshift 會嘗試在路徑上轉換為該值的類型。

    在這種情況下,Amazon Redshift 在執行期的行為取決於您用於查詢 SUPER 物件的組態設定。根據預設,Amazon Redshift NULL處於寬鬆模式,並且會像指定的 SUPER 路徑一樣解析遺失的路徑和無效轉換。如需與 SUPER 相關之組態設定的詳細資訊,請參閱 SUPER 組態

  • SUPER 是一種無結構描述類型,這表示 Amazon Redshift 無法確認在指定的 SUPER 路徑上的值是否存在。如果您將遮罩政策附加到不存在的 SUPER 路徑,且 Amazon Redshift 處於寬鬆模式,則 Amazon Redshift 會將路徑解析為 NULL 值。建議您在將遮罩政策附加至 SUPER 資料欄的路徑時,考慮 SUPER 物件的預期格式,以及具有未預期屬性的可能性。如果您認為 SUPER 資料欄中可能有未預期的結構描述,請考慮將遮罩政策直接附加至 SUPER 資料欄。您可以使用 SUPER 類型資訊函數來檢查屬性和類型,並使用 OBJECT_TRANSFORM 遮罩值。如需 SUPER 類型資訊函數的詳細資訊,請參閱 SUPER 類型資訊函數


將遮罩政策附加至 SUPER 路徑

下列範例會將多個遮罩政策附加至一個資料欄中的多個 SUPER 類型路徑。

CREATE TABLE employees ( col_person SUPER ); INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( json_parse(' { "name": { "first": "John", "last": "Doe" }, "age": 25, "ssn": "111-22-3333", "company": "Company Inc." } ') ), ( json_parse(' { "name": { "first": "Jane", "last": "Appleseed" }, "age": 34, "ssn": "444-55-7777", "company": "Organization Org." } ') ) ; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO PUBLIC; -- Create the masking policies. -- This policy converts the given name to all uppercase letters. CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_first_name WITH(first_name TEXT) USING ( UPPER(first_name) ); -- This policy replaces the given name with the fixed string 'XXXX'. CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_last_name WITH(last_name TEXT) USING ( 'XXXX'::TEXT ); -- This policy rounds down the given age to the nearest 10. CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_age WITH(age INT) USING ( (FLOOR(age::FLOAT / 10) * 10)::INT ); -- This policy converts the first five digits of the given SSN to 'XXX-XX'. CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_ssn WITH(ssn TEXT) USING ( 'XXX-XX-'::TEXT || SUBSTRING(ssn::TEXT FROM 8 FOR 4) ); -- Attach the masking policies to the employees table. ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_first_name ON employees(col_person.name.first) TO PUBLIC; ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_last_name ON employees(col_person.name.last) TO PUBLIC; ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_age ON employees(col_person.age) TO PUBLIC; ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_ssn ON employees(col_person.ssn) TO PUBLIC; -- Verify that your masking policies are attached. SELECT policy_name, TABLE_NAME, priority, input_columns, output_columns FROM svv_attached_masking_policy; policy_name | table_name | priority | input_columns | output_columns -----------------+------------+----------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------- mask_age | employees | 0 | ["col_person.\"age\""] | ["col_person.\"age\""] mask_first_name | employees | 0 | ["col_person.\"name\".\"first\""] | ["col_person.\"name\".\"first\""] mask_last_name | employees | 0 | ["col_person.\"name\".\"last\""] | ["col_person.\"name\".\"last\""] mask_ssn | employees | 0 | ["col_person.\"ssn\""] | ["col_person.\"ssn\""] (4 rows) -- Observe the masking policies taking effect. SELECT col_person FROM employees ORDER BY col_person.age; -- This result is formatted for ease of reading. col_person -------------------------------- { "name": { "first": "JOHN", "last": "XXXX" }, "age": 20, "ssn": "XXX-XX-3333", "company": "Company Inc." } { "name": { "first": "JANE", "last": "XXXX" }, "age": 30, "ssn": "XXX-XX-7777", "company": "Organization Org." }

以下是 SUPER 路徑的無效遮罩政策附件的一些範例。

-- This attachment fails because there is already a policy -- with equal priority attached to employees.name.last, which is -- on the same SUPER path as employees.name. ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_ssn ON employees(col_person.name) TO PUBLIC; ERROR: DDM policy "mask_last_name" is already attached on relation "employees" column "col_person."name"."last"" with same priority -- Create a masking policy that masks DATETIME objects. CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_date WITH(INPUT DATETIME) USING ( INPUT ); -- This attachment fails because SUPER type columns can't contain DATETIME objects. ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_date ON employees(col_person.company) TO PUBLIC; ERROR: cannot attach masking policy for output of type "timestamp without time zone" to column "col_person."company"" of type "super

以下是將遮罩政策附加至不存在的 SUPER 路徑的範例。預設情況下,Amazon Redshift 會將路徑解析到 NULL

ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_first_name ON employees(col_person.not_exists) TO PUBLIC; SELECT col_person FROM employees LIMIT 1; -- This result is formatted for ease of reading. col_person ----------------------------------- { "name": { "first": "JOHN", "last": "XXXX" }, "age": 20, "ssn": "XXX-XX-3333", "company": "Company Inc.", "not_exists": null }