Create a deployment configuration with CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy

Create a deployment configuration with CodeDeploy

If you don't want to use one of the default deployment configurations provided with CodeDeploy, you can create your own using the following instructions.

You can use the CodeDeploy console, AWS CLI, the CodeDeploy APIs, or an AWS CloudFormation template to create custom deployment configurations.

For information about using an AWS CloudFormation template to create a deployment configuration, see AWS CloudFormation templates for CodeDeploy reference.

Creating a deployment configuration (console)

Use the following instructions to create a deployment configuration using the AWS console.

To create a deployment configuration in CodeDeploy using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Deployment configurations.

    A list of built-in deployment configurations appears.

  3. Choose Create deployment configuration.

  4. In Deployment configuration name, enter a name for the deployment configuration. For example, my-deployment-config.

  5. Under Compute platform, choose one of the following:

    • EC2/On-premises

    • AWS Lambda

    • Amazon ECS

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you chose EC2/On-premises:

      1. Under Minimum healthy hosts, specify the number or percentage of instances that must remain available at any time during a deployment. For more information about how CodeDeploy monitors and evaluates instance health during a deployment, see Instance Health.

      2. (Optional) Under Zonal configuration, select Enable zonal configuration to have CodeDeploy deploy your application to one Availability Zone at a time, within an AWS Region. By deploying to one Availability Zone at a time, you can expose your deployment to a progressively larger audience as confidence in the deployment's performance and viability grows. If you don't enable a zonal configuration, CodeDeploy deploys your application to a random selection of hosts across a Region.

        If you enable the zonal configuration feature, note the following:

        • The zonal configuration feature is only supported with in-place deployments to Amazon EC2 instances. (Blue/green deployments and on-premises instances are not supported.) For more information about in-place deployments, see Deployment type.

        • The zonal configuration feature is not supported with predefined deployment configurations. To use a zonal configuration, you must create a custom deployment configuration, as described here.

        • If CodeDeploy needs to roll back a deployment, CodeDeploy will perform the rollback operations on random hosts. (CodeDeploy will not roll back one zone at a time, as you might expect.) This rollback behavior was chosen for performance reasons. For more information about rollbacks, see Redeploy and roll back a deployment with CodeDeploy.

      3. If you selected the Enable zonal configuration check box, optionally specify the following options:

        • (Optional) In Monitor duration, specify the period of time, in seconds, that CodeDeploy must wait after completing a deployment to an Availability Zone. CodeDeploy will wait this amount of time before starting a deployment to the next Availability Zone. Consider adding a monitor duration to give the deployment some time to prove itself (or 'bake') in one Availability Zone before it is released in the next zone. If you don't specify a monitor duration, then CodeDeploy starts deploying to the next Availability Zone immediately. For more information about how the Monitor duration setting works, see About the minimum number of healthy instances per Availability Zone.

        • (Optional) Select Add a monitor duration for the first zone to set a monitor duration that only applies to the first Availability Zone. You might set this option if you want to allow extra bake time for the first Availability Zone. If you don't specify a value in Add a first zone monitor duration, then CodeDeploy uses the Monitor duration value for the first Availability Zone.

        • (Optional) Under Minimum healthy hosts per zone, specify the number or percentage of instances that must remain available per Availability Zone during a deployment. Choose FLEET_PERCENT to specify a percentage, or HOST_COUNT to specify a number. This field works in conjunction with the Minimum healthy hosts field. For more information, see About the minimum number of healthy instances per Availability Zone.

          If you don't specify a value under Minimum healthy hosts per zone, then CodeDeploy uses a default value of 0 percent.

    • If you chose AWS Lambda or Amazon ECS:

      1. For Type, choose Linear or Canary.

      2. In the Step and Interval fields, do one of the following:

        • If you chose Canary, for Step, enter a percentage of traffic, between 1 and 99, to be shifted. This is the percentage of traffic that is shifted in the first increment. The remaining traffic is shifted after the selected interval in the second increment.

          For Interval, enter the number of minutes between the first and second traffic shift.

        • If you chose Linear, for Step, enter a percentage of traffic, between 1 and 99, to be shifted. This is the percentage of traffic that is shifted at the start of each interval.

          For Interval, enter the number of minutes between each incremental shift.

  7. Choose Create deployment configuration.

    You now have a deployment configuration that you can associate with a deployment group.

Creating a deployment configuration with CodeDeploy (AWS CLI)

To use the AWS CLI to create a deployment configuration, call the create-deployment-config command.

The following example creates an EC2/On-Premises deployment configuration named ThreeQuartersHealthy that requires 75% of target instances to remain healthy during a deployment:

aws deploy create-deployment-config --deployment-config-name ThreeQuartersHealthy --minimum-healthy-hosts type=FLEET_PERCENT,value=75

The following example creates an EC2/On-Premises deployment configuration named 300Total50PerAZ that requires 300 target instances to remain healthy in total per deployment, and 50 to remain healthy per Availability Zone. It also sets a monitor duration of 1 hour.

aws deploy create-deployment-config --deployment-config-name 300Total50PerAZ --minimum-healthy-hosts type=HOST_COUNT,value=300 --zonal-config '{"monitorDurationInSeconds":3600,"minimumHealthyHostsPerZone":{"type":"HOST_COUNT","value":50}}'

The following example creates an AWS Lambda deployment configuration named Canary25Percent45Minutes. It uses canary traffic shifting to shift 25 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 75 percent shifted 45 minutes later:

aws deploy create-deployment-config --deployment-config-name Canary25Percent45Minutes --traffic-routing-config "type="TimeBasedCanary",timeBasedCanary={canaryPercentage=25,canaryInterval=45}" --compute-platform Lambda

The following example creates an Amazon ECS deployment configuration named Canary25Percent45Minutes. It uses canary traffic shifting to shift 25 percent of traffic in the first increment. The remaining 75 percent shifted 45 minutes later:

aws deploy create-deployment-config --deployment-config-name Canary25Percent45Minutes --traffic-routing-config "type="TimeBasedCanary",timeBasedCanary={canaryPercentage=25,canaryInterval=45}" --compute-platform ECS