C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

Component Directory Reference

Open 3D Engine (O3DE), the successor to Lumberyard, is now available in Developer Preview. Download O3DE or visit the AWS Game Tech blog to learn more.


file Component.h
Header file for the Component base class.
file ComponentApplication.h
Header file for the class that represents a component-based Lumberyard application.
file ComponentApplicationBus.h
Header file that defines event buses for the component application interface.
file ComponentBus.h
Header file for the component bus class, which most AZ::Components use as the base class for their buses.
file Entity.h
Header file for the Entity class.
file EntityBus.h
Header file for buses that dispatch notification events concerning the AZ::Entity class.
file EntityId.h
Header file for the entity ID type.
file TickBus.h
Header file for buses that dispatch tick notification events and receive tick-related requests.
file TransformBus.h
Header file for buses that dispatch and receive events related to positioning, rotating, scaling, and parenting an entity.