AWS services that work with AWS Resource Groups - AWS Resource Groups

AWS services that work with AWS Resource Groups

You can use the following AWS services with AWS Resource Groups.

AWS service Using with Resource Groups

AWS CloudFormation – Create resource groups in AWS CloudFormation by using a stack template.

Provision and organize AWS resources at the same time. Organize resources by tags. Organize resources from another stack. Gather insights on your AWS resources in resource groups using Amazon CloudWatch or take operational actions using AWS Systems Manager.

For more information, see ResourceGroups resource type reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

CloudTrail – Capture all resource group actions using AWS CloudTrail.

Capture information about actions performed on your resource groups including details like who performed the action (IAM principal, such as a role, user, or an AWS service), when the action was performed, where the action occurred (the source IP address) and more. These records can then be used for analysis or to trigger follow-up actions.

For more information, see Viewing events with CloudTrail Event history.

Amazon CloudWatch – Enable real-time monitoring of your AWS resources and the applications you run on AWS.

Focus your view to display metrics and alarms from a single resource group.

For more information, see Focus on metrics and alarms in a resource group in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon CloudWatch application insights – Detect common problems with your .NET and SQL Server-based applications.

Monitor your .NET and SQL Server application resources that belong to a resource group.

For more information, see Supported application components in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon DynamoDB table groups – Organize your DynamoDB tables into logical groupings so you can more easily manage your resources.

Create, edit, and delete groups of DynamoDB tables from the DynamoDB Action menu.

For more information, see the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Amazon EC2 dedicated hosts – Use your existing per-socket, per-core, or per-VM software licenses, including Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, SUSE, and Linux Enterprise Server.

Launch Amazon EC2 instances into host resource groups to help maximize your utilization of Dedicated Hosts.

For more information, see Working with dedicated hosts in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Amazon EC2 capacity reservations – Reserve capacity for your Amazon EC2 instances to be used when you need it. You can specify attributes for the capacity reservation so that it only works with Amazon EC2 instances that launch with matching attributes.

Launch your Amazon EC2 instances into resource groups that contain one or more capacity reservations. If the group doesn't have a capacity reservation with matching attributes and available capacity for a requested instance, the instance runs as an on-demand instance. If you later add a matching capacity reservation to the targeted group, the instance is automatically matched with and moved into the reserved capacity.

For more information, see Work with Capacity Reservation groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

AWS License Manager – Streamline the process of bringing software vendor licenses to the cloud.

Configure a host resource group to enable License Manager to manage your Dedicated Hosts.

For more information, see Host Resource Groups in License Manager in the License Manager User Guide.

AWS Resilience Hub – Prepare and protect your applications from disruptions.

Discover your applications that are defined using Resource Groups.

For more information, see Measure and Improve Your Application Resilience with AWS Resilience Hub in the AWS News Blog.

AWS Resource Access Manager – Share specified AWS resources that you own with other accounts.

Share host resource groups using AWS RAM.

For more information, see Shareable resources in the AWS RAM User Guide.

AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry – Define and manage your applications and their metadata.

When you create an application in AppRegistry, that service automatically creates an resource group for that application. The application resource group is a collection of all of the resources in your application. The service also creates a AWS CloudFormation stack-based resource group for every stack associated with the application.

For more information, see Using AppRegistry in the AWS Service Catalog Administrator Guide.

AWS Systems Manager – Enable visibility and control of your AWS resources.

Gather operational insights and take bulk actions on your applications that are based on resource groups. In the AWS Systems Manager console, the Application Manager Custom applications page automatically imports and displays operations data for applications that are based on resource groups. You can use the information in Application Manager to help you determine which resources in an application are compliant and working correctly and which resources require action.

For more information, see Working with applications in Application Manager in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Amazon VPC Network Access Analyzer – Identify unwanted network access to your resources on AWS.

You can specify the sources and destinations for your network access requirements by using AWS Resource Groups. This lets you govern network access across your AWS environment, independent of how you configure your network.

For more information, see Use Resource Groups with Network Access Scopes in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.