AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate - AWS CloudFormation


The AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate resource is an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource type that you can use to generate transcoding jobs.

When you declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, you pass in your transcoding job settings in JSON or YAML format. This settings specification must be formed in a particular way that conforms to AWS Elemental MediaConvert job validation. For more information about creating a job template model for the SettingsJson property, see the Remarks section later in this topic.

For information about job templates, see Working with AWS Elemental MediaConvert Job Templates in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide .


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate", "Properties" : { "AccelerationSettings" : AccelerationSettings, "Category" : String, "Description" : String, "HopDestinations" : [ HopDestination, ... ], "Name" : String, "Priority" : Integer, "Queue" : String, "SettingsJson" : Json, "StatusUpdateInterval" : String, "Tags" : [ Tag, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate Properties: AccelerationSettings: AccelerationSettings Category: String Description: String HopDestinations: - HopDestination Name: String Priority: Integer Queue: String SettingsJson: Json StatusUpdateInterval: String Tags: - Tag



Accelerated transcoding can significantly speed up jobs with long, visually complex content. Outputs that use this feature incur pro-tier pricing. For information about feature limitations, For more information, see Job Limitations for Accelerated Transcoding in AWS Elemental MediaConvert in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.

Required: No

Type: AccelerationSettings

Update requires: No interruption


Optional. A category for the job template you are creating

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Optional. A description of the job template you are creating.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Optional. Configuration for a destination queue to which the job can hop once a customer-defined minimum wait time has passed. For more information, see Setting Up Queue Hopping to Avoid Long Waits in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.

Required: No

Type: Array of HopDestination

Update requires: No interruption


Name of the output group

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


Specify the relative priority for this job. In any given queue, the service begins processing the job with the highest value first. When more than one job has the same priority, the service begins processing the job that you submitted first. If you don't specify a priority, the service uses the default value 0. Minimum: -50 Maximum: 50

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


Optional. The queue that jobs created from this template are assigned to. Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue. For example, arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-west-2:505474453218:queues/Default. If you don't specify this, jobs will go to the default queue.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Specify, in JSON format, the transcoding job settings for this job template. This specification must conform to the AWS Elemental MediaConvert job validation. For information about forming this specification, see the Remarks section later in this topic.

For more information about MediaConvert job templates, see Working with AWS Elemental MediaConvert Job Templates in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide .

Required: Yes

Type: Json

Update requires: No interruption


Specify how often MediaConvert sends STATUS_UPDATE events to Amazon CloudWatch Events. Set the interval, in seconds, between status updates. MediaConvert sends an update at this interval from the time the service begins processing your job to the time it completes the transcode or encounters an error.

Specify one of the following enums:
















Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.

For more information, see Tag.

Required: No

Type: Array of Tag

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of an AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate resource to the intrinsic Ref function, the function returns the name of the job template, such as Streaming stack DASH.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job template, such as arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-west-2:123456789012.


The name of the job template, such as Streaming stack DASH.


Creating a Job Template Model for the SettingsJson Property

When you declare an AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, you pass in your transcoding job settings as the value for the property SettingsJson. This settings specification must be in in JSON or YAML format and must conform to AWS Elemental MediaConvert job validation.

The following procedure is for generating the specification in JSON. If you need it in YAML, you can create it in JSON and use a conversion utility.

To create a JSON job template model for SettingsJson

  1. Create a job template using the MediaConvert For more information, see Working with AWS Elemental MediaConvert Job Templates.

  2. Use the AWS CLI to get just the settings structure using the following command:

    aws mediaconvert get-job-template DASH-stack-template --query 'JobTemplate.Settings'

  3. Copy the settings as the value for the property SettingsJson.

For an example job template model in JSON and YAML, see the Examples section of this topic.


Job Template Model for SettingsJson

For more information about creating a job template model in JSON or YAML for the SettingsJson property, see the Remarks section of this topic.


{ "AdAvailOffset": 0, "OutputGroups": [ { "Name": "File Group", "OutputGroupSettings": { "FileGroupSettings": {}, "Type": "FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS" }, "Outputs": [ { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Uhd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_3840x2160p_24Hz_8Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Uhd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_3840x2160p_24Hz_8Mbps" }, { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_4.5Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_4.5Mbps" }, { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_3.0Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_3.0Mbps" }, { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_6Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_6Mbps" }, { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_4.5Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_4.5Mbps" }, { "Extension": "mp4", "NameModifier": "_Generic_Sd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_4x3_640x480p_24Hz_1.5Mbps", "Preset": "System-Generic_Sd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_4x3_640x480p_24Hz_1.5Mbps" } ] } ] }


--- AdAvailOffset: 0 OutputGroups: - Name: File Group OutputGroupSettings: FileGroupSettings: {} Type: FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS Outputs: - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Uhd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_3840x2160p_24Hz_8Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Uhd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_3840x2160p_24Hz_8Mbps - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_4.5Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_4.5Mbps - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_3.0Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Hevc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_3.0Mbps - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_6Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1920x1080p_24Hz_6Mbps - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_4.5Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Hd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_16x9_1280x720p_24Hz_4.5Mbps - Extension: mp4 NameModifier: _Generic_Sd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_4x3_640x480p_24Hz_1.5Mbps Preset: System-Generic_Sd_Mp4_Avc_Aac_4x3_640x480p_24Hz_1.5Mbps