RegisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSources - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


Registers sources (network interfaces) with the specified transit gateway multicast group.

A multicast source is a network interface attached to a supported instance that sends multicast traffic. For more information about supported instances, see Multicast on transit gateways in the AWS Transit Gateways Guide.

After you add the source, use SearchTransitGatewayMulticastGroups to verify that the source was added to the multicast group.

Request Parameters

The following parameters are for this specific action. For more information about required and optional parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Query Parameters.


Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The IP address assigned to the transit gateway multicast group.

Type: String

Required: No


The group sources' network interface IDs to register with the transit gateway multicast group.

Type: Array of strings

Required: Yes


The ID of the transit gateway multicast domain.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Response Elements

The following elements are returned by the service.


Information about the transit gateway multicast group sources.

Type: TransitGatewayMulticastRegisteredGroupSources object


The ID of the request.

Type: String


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common client error codes.


Example 1

This example registers the network interface as a group source eni-07f290fc3cEXAMPLE with the multicast domain tgw-mcast-domain-0c4905cef7EXAMPLE.

Sample Request &TransitGatewayMulticastDomainId=tgw-mcast-domain-0c4905cef7EXAMPLE &NetworkInterfaceIds=eni-07f290fc3cEXAMPLE &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<RegisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcesResponse xmlns=""> <requestId>b66c84ed-eb8a-4e6d-8d79-2347fEXAMPLE</requestId> <registeredMulticastGroupSources> <groupIpAddress></groupIpAddress> <registeredNetworkInterfaceIds> <item>eni-07f290fc3cEXAMPLE</item> </registeredNetworkInterfaceIds> <transitGatewayMulticastDomainId>tgw-mcast-domain-0c4905cef7EXAMPLE</transitGatewayMulticastDomainId> </registeredMulticastGroupSources> </RegisterTransitGatewayMulticastGroupSourcesResponse>

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: