Class | Description |
AcceptSharedDirectoryRequest | |
AcceptSharedDirectoryResult | |
AddIpRoutesRequest | |
AddIpRoutesResult | |
AddRegionRequest | |
AddRegionResult | |
AddTagsToResourceRequest | |
AddTagsToResourceResult | |
Attribute |
Represents a named directory attribute.
CancelSchemaExtensionRequest | |
CancelSchemaExtensionResult | |
Certificate |
Information about the certificate.
CertificateInfo |
Contains general information about a certificate.
ClientAuthenticationSettingInfo |
Contains information about a client authentication method for a directory.
ClientCertAuthSettings |
Contains information about the client certificate authentication settings for the
and DescribeCertificate operations. |
Computer |
Contains information about a computer account in a directory.
ConditionalForwarder |
Points to a remote domain with which you are setting up a trust relationship.
ConnectDirectoryRequest |
Contains the inputs for the ConnectDirectory operation.
ConnectDirectoryResult |
Contains the results of the ConnectDirectory operation.
CreateAliasRequest |
Contains the inputs for the CreateAlias operation.
CreateAliasResult |
Contains the results of the CreateAlias operation.
CreateComputerRequest |
Contains the inputs for the CreateComputer operation.
CreateComputerResult |
Contains the results for the CreateComputer operation.
CreateConditionalForwarderRequest |
Initiates the creation of a conditional forwarder for your Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory.
CreateConditionalForwarderResult |
The result of a CreateConditinalForwarder request.
CreateDirectoryRequest |
Contains the inputs for the CreateDirectory operation.
CreateDirectoryResult |
Contains the results of the CreateDirectory operation.
CreateLogSubscriptionRequest | |
CreateLogSubscriptionResult | |
CreateMicrosoftADRequest |
Creates an Managed Microsoft AD directory.
CreateMicrosoftADResult |
Result of a CreateMicrosoftAD request.
CreateSnapshotRequest |
Contains the inputs for the CreateSnapshot operation.
CreateSnapshotResult |
Contains the results of the CreateSnapshot operation.
CreateTrustRequest |
Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure trust relationships.
CreateTrustResult |
The result of a CreateTrust request.
DeleteConditionalForwarderRequest |
Deletes a conditional forwarder.
DeleteConditionalForwarderResult |
The result of a DeleteConditionalForwarder request.
DeleteDirectoryRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DeleteDirectory operation.
DeleteDirectoryResult |
Contains the results of the DeleteDirectory operation.
DeleteLogSubscriptionRequest | |
DeleteLogSubscriptionResult | |
DeleteSnapshotRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DeleteSnapshot operation.
DeleteSnapshotResult |
Contains the results of the DeleteSnapshot operation.
DeleteTrustRequest |
Deletes the local side of an existing trust relationship between the Managed Microsoft AD directory and the external
DeleteTrustResult |
The result of a DeleteTrust request.
DeregisterCertificateRequest | |
DeregisterCertificateResult | |
DeregisterEventTopicRequest |
Removes the specified directory as a publisher to the specified Amazon SNS topic.
DeregisterEventTopicResult |
The result of a DeregisterEventTopic request.
DescribeCertificateRequest | |
DescribeCertificateResult | |
DescribeClientAuthenticationSettingsRequest | |
DescribeClientAuthenticationSettingsResult | |
DescribeConditionalForwardersRequest |
Describes a conditional forwarder.
DescribeConditionalForwardersResult |
The result of a DescribeConditionalForwarder request.
DescribeDirectoriesRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DescribeDirectories operation.
DescribeDirectoriesResult |
Contains the results of the DescribeDirectories operation.
DescribeDomainControllersRequest | |
DescribeDomainControllersResult | |
DescribeEventTopicsRequest |
Describes event topics.
DescribeEventTopicsResult |
The result of a DescribeEventTopic request.
DescribeLDAPSSettingsRequest | |
DescribeLDAPSSettingsResult | |
DescribeRegionsRequest | |
DescribeRegionsResult | |
DescribeSettingsRequest | |
DescribeSettingsResult | |
DescribeSharedDirectoriesRequest | |
DescribeSharedDirectoriesResult | |
DescribeSnapshotsRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DescribeSnapshots operation.
DescribeSnapshotsResult |
Contains the results of the DescribeSnapshots operation.
DescribeTrustsRequest |
Describes the trust relationships for a particular Managed Microsoft AD directory.
DescribeTrustsResult |
The result of a DescribeTrust request.
DescribeUpdateDirectoryRequest | |
DescribeUpdateDirectoryResult | |
DirectoryConnectSettings |
Contains information for the ConnectDirectory operation when an AD Connector directory is being created.
DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription |
Contains information about an AD Connector directory.
DirectoryDescription |
Contains information about an Directory Service directory.
DirectoryLimits |
Contains directory limit information for a Region.
DirectoryVpcSettings |
Contains VPC information for the CreateDirectory or CreateMicrosoftAD operation.
DirectoryVpcSettingsDescription |
Contains information about the directory.
DisableClientAuthenticationRequest | |
DisableClientAuthenticationResult | |
DisableLDAPSRequest | |
DisableLDAPSResult | |
DisableRadiusRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DisableRadius operation.
DisableRadiusResult |
Contains the results of the DisableRadius operation.
DisableSsoRequest |
Contains the inputs for the DisableSso operation.
DisableSsoResult |
Contains the results of the DisableSso operation.
DomainController |
Contains information about the domain controllers for a specified directory.
EnableClientAuthenticationRequest | |
EnableClientAuthenticationResult | |
EnableLDAPSRequest | |
EnableLDAPSResult | |
EnableRadiusRequest |
Contains the inputs for the EnableRadius operation.
EnableRadiusResult |
Contains the results of the EnableRadius operation.
EnableSsoRequest |
Contains the inputs for the EnableSso operation.
EnableSsoResult |
Contains the results of the EnableSso operation.
EventTopic |
Information about Amazon SNS topic and Directory Service directory associations.
GetDirectoryLimitsRequest |
Contains the inputs for the GetDirectoryLimits operation.
GetDirectoryLimitsResult |
Contains the results of the GetDirectoryLimits operation.
GetSnapshotLimitsRequest |
Contains the inputs for the GetSnapshotLimits operation.
GetSnapshotLimitsResult |
Contains the results of the GetSnapshotLimits operation.
IpRoute |
IP address block.
IpRouteInfo |
Information about one or more IP address blocks.
LDAPSSettingInfo |
Contains general information about the LDAPS settings.
ListCertificatesRequest | |
ListCertificatesResult | |
ListIpRoutesRequest | |
ListIpRoutesResult | |
ListLogSubscriptionsRequest | |
ListLogSubscriptionsResult | |
ListSchemaExtensionsRequest | |
ListSchemaExtensionsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
LogSubscription |
Represents a log subscription, which tracks real-time data from a chosen log group to a specified destination.
OSUpdateSettings |
OS version that the directory needs to be updated to.
OwnerDirectoryDescription |
Describes the directory owner account details that have been shared to the directory consumer account.
RadiusSettings |
Contains information about a Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server.
RegionDescription |
The replicated Region information for a directory.
RegionsInfo |
Provides information about the Regions that are configured for multi-Region replication.
RegisterCertificateRequest | |
RegisterCertificateResult | |
RegisterEventTopicRequest |
Registers a new event topic.
RegisterEventTopicResult |
The result of a RegisterEventTopic request.
RejectSharedDirectoryRequest | |
RejectSharedDirectoryResult | |
RemoveIpRoutesRequest | |
RemoveIpRoutesResult | |
RemoveRegionRequest | |
RemoveRegionResult | |
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest | |
RemoveTagsFromResourceResult | |
ResetUserPasswordRequest | |
ResetUserPasswordResult | |
RestoreFromSnapshotRequest |
An object representing the inputs for the RestoreFromSnapshot operation.
RestoreFromSnapshotResult |
Contains the results of the RestoreFromSnapshot operation.
SchemaExtensionInfo |
Information about a schema extension.
Setting |
Contains information about the configurable settings for a directory.
SettingEntry |
Contains information about the specified configurable setting for a directory.
SharedDirectory |
Details about the shared directory in the directory owner account for which the share request in the directory
consumer account has been accepted.
ShareDirectoryRequest | |
ShareDirectoryResult | |
ShareTarget |
Identifier that contains details about the directory consumer account.
Snapshot |
Describes a directory snapshot.
SnapshotLimits |
Contains manual snapshot limit information for a directory.
StartSchemaExtensionRequest | |
StartSchemaExtensionResult | |
Tag |
Metadata assigned to a directory consisting of a key-value pair.
Trust |
Describes a trust relationship between an Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.
UnshareDirectoryRequest | |
UnshareDirectoryResult | |
UnshareTarget |
Identifier that contains details about the directory consumer account with whom the directory is being unshared.
UpdateConditionalForwarderRequest |
Updates a conditional forwarder.
UpdateConditionalForwarderResult |
The result of an UpdateConditionalForwarder request.
UpdateDirectorySetupRequest | |
UpdateDirectorySetupResult | |
UpdateInfoEntry |
An entry of update information related to a requested update type.
UpdateNumberOfDomainControllersRequest | |
UpdateNumberOfDomainControllersResult | |
UpdateRadiusRequest |
Contains the inputs for the UpdateRadius operation.
UpdateRadiusResult |
Contains the results of the UpdateRadius operation.
UpdateSettingsRequest | |
UpdateSettingsResult | |
UpdateTrustRequest | |
UpdateTrustResult | |
UpdateValue |
The value for a given type of
UpdateSettings . |
VerifyTrustRequest |
Initiates the verification of an existing trust relationship between an Managed Microsoft AD directory and an
external domain.
VerifyTrustResult |
Result of a VerifyTrust request.
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
Client authentication is not available in this region at this time.
AuthenticationFailedException |
An authentication error occurred.
AWSDirectoryServiceException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Directory Service
CertificateAlreadyExistsException |
The certificate has already been registered into the system.
CertificateDoesNotExistException |
The certificate is not present in the system for describe or deregister activities.
CertificateInUseException |
The certificate is being used for the LDAP security connection and cannot be removed without disabling LDAP security.
CertificateLimitExceededException |
The certificate could not be added because the certificate limit has been reached.
ClientException |
A client exception has occurred.
DirectoryAlreadyInRegionException |
The Region you specified is the same Region where the Managed Microsoft AD directory was created.
DirectoryAlreadySharedException |
The specified directory has already been shared with this Amazon Web Services account.
DirectoryDoesNotExistException |
The specified directory does not exist in the system.
DirectoryInDesiredStateException |
The directory is already updated to desired update type settings.
DirectoryLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of directories in the region has been reached.
DirectoryNotSharedException |
The specified directory has not been shared with this Amazon Web Services account.
DirectoryUnavailableException |
The specified directory is unavailable or could not be found.
DomainControllerLimitExceededException |
The maximum allowed number of domain controllers per directory was exceeded.
EntityAlreadyExistsException |
The specified entity already exists.
EntityDoesNotExistException |
The specified entity could not be found.
IncompatibleSettingsException |
The specified directory setting is not compatible with other settings.
InsufficientPermissionsException |
The account does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidCertificateException |
The certificate PEM that was provided has incorrect encoding.
InvalidClientAuthStatusException |
Client authentication is already enabled.
InvalidLDAPSStatusException |
The LDAP activities could not be performed because they are limited by the LDAPS status.
InvalidNextTokenException |
NextToken value is not valid. |
InvalidParameterException |
One or more parameters are not valid.
InvalidPasswordException |
The new password provided by the user does not meet the password complexity requirements defined in your directory.
InvalidTargetException |
The specified shared target is not valid.
IpRouteLimitExceededException |
The maximum allowed number of IP addresses was exceeded.
NoAvailableCertificateException |
Client authentication setup could not be completed because at least one valid certificate must be registered in the
OrganizationsException |
Exception encountered while trying to access your Amazon Web Services organization.
RegionLimitExceededException |
You have reached the limit for maximum number of simultaneous Region replications per directory.
ServiceException |
An exception has occurred in Directory Service.
ShareLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of Amazon Web Services accounts that you can share with this directory has been reached.
SnapshotLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of manual snapshots for the directory has been reached.
TagLimitExceededException |
The maximum allowed number of tags was exceeded.
UnsupportedOperationException |
The operation is not supported.
UnsupportedSettingsException |
The specified directory setting is not supported.
UserDoesNotExistException |
The user provided a username that does not exist in your directory.