Class | Description |
Application |
Information about an application.
ApplicationSummary |
The summary of attributes associated with an application.
AutoStartConfig |
The configuration for an application to automatically start on job submission.
AutoStopConfig |
The configuration for an application to automatically stop after a certain amount of time being idle.
CancelJobRunRequest | |
CancelJobRunResult | |
CloudWatchLoggingConfiguration |
The Amazon CloudWatch configuration for monitoring logs.
Configuration |
A configuration specification to be used when provisioning an application.
ConfigurationOverrides |
A configuration specification to be used to override existing configurations.
CreateApplicationRequest | |
CreateApplicationResult | |
DeleteApplicationRequest | |
DeleteApplicationResult | |
GetApplicationRequest | |
GetApplicationResult | |
GetDashboardForJobRunRequest | |
GetDashboardForJobRunResult | |
GetJobRunRequest | |
GetJobRunResult | |
Hive |
The configurations for the Hive job driver.
ImageConfiguration |
The applied image configuration.
ImageConfigurationInput |
The image configuration.
InitialCapacityConfig |
The initial capacity configuration per worker.
InteractiveConfiguration |
The configuration to use to enable the different types of interactive use cases in an application.
JobDriver |
The driver that the job runs on.
JobRun |
Information about a job run.
JobRunAttemptSummary |
The summary of attributes associated with a job run attempt.
JobRunSummary |
The summary of attributes associated with a job run.
ListApplicationsRequest | |
ListApplicationsResult | |
ListJobRunAttemptsRequest | |
ListJobRunAttemptsResult | |
ListJobRunsRequest | |
ListJobRunsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ManagedPersistenceMonitoringConfiguration |
The managed log persistence configuration for a job run.
MaximumAllowedResources |
The maximum allowed cumulative resources for an application.
MonitoringConfiguration |
The configuration setting for monitoring.
NetworkConfiguration |
The network configuration for customer VPC connectivity.
PrometheusMonitoringConfiguration |
The monitoring configuration object you can configure to send metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus for a
job run.
ResourceUtilization |
The resource utilization for memory, storage, and vCPU for jobs.
RetryPolicy |
The retry policy to use for a job run.
S3MonitoringConfiguration |
The Amazon S3 configuration for monitoring log publishing.
SparkSubmit |
The configurations for the Spark submit job driver.
StartApplicationRequest | |
StartApplicationResult | |
StartJobRunRequest | |
StartJobRunResult | |
StopApplicationRequest | |
StopApplicationResult | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TotalResourceUtilization |
The aggregate vCPU, memory, and storage resources used from the time job start executing till the time job is
terminated, rounded up to the nearest second.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateApplicationRequest | |
UpdateApplicationResult | |
WorkerResourceConfig |
The cumulative configuration requirements for every worker instance of the worker type.
WorkerTypeSpecification |
The specifications for a worker type.
WorkerTypeSpecificationInput |
The specifications for a worker type.
Enum | Description |
ApplicationState | |
Architecture | |
JobRunMode | |
JobRunState |
Exception | Description |
AWSEMRServerlessException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by EMR Serverless
ConflictException |
The request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource.
InternalServerException |
Request processing failed because of an error or failure with the service.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource was not found.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
The maximum number of resources per account has been reached.
ValidationException |
The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.