Class | Description |
Action |
Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.
Aggregate |
Specifies a transform that groups rows by chosen fields and computes the aggregated value by specified function.
AggregateOperation |
Specifies the set of parameters needed to perform aggregation in the aggregate transform.
AmazonRedshiftAdvancedOption |
Specifies an optional value when connecting to the Redshift cluster.
AmazonRedshiftNodeData |
Specifies an Amazon Redshift node.
AmazonRedshiftSource |
Specifies an Amazon Redshift source.
AmazonRedshiftTarget |
Specifies an Amazon Redshift target.
ApplyMapping |
Specifies a transform that maps data property keys in the data source to data property keys in the data target.
AthenaConnectorSource |
Specifies a connector to an Amazon Athena data source.
AuditContext |
A structure containing the Lake Formation audit context.
AuthenticationConfiguration |
A structure containing the authentication configuration.
AuthenticationConfigurationInput |
A structure containing the authentication configuration in the CreateConnection request.
AuthorizationCodeProperties |
The set of properties required for the the OAuth2
AUTHORIZATION_CODE grant type workflow. |
BackfillError |
A list of errors that can occur when registering partition indexes for an existing table.
BasicCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that uses a Glue Data Catalog table.
BatchCreatePartitionRequest | |
BatchCreatePartitionResult | |
BatchDeleteConnectionRequest | |
BatchDeleteConnectionResult | |
BatchDeletePartitionRequest | |
BatchDeletePartitionResult | |
BatchDeleteTableRequest | |
BatchDeleteTableResult | |
BatchDeleteTableVersionRequest | |
BatchDeleteTableVersionResult | |
BatchGetBlueprintsRequest | |
BatchGetBlueprintsResult | |
BatchGetCrawlersRequest | |
BatchGetCrawlersResult | |
BatchGetCustomEntityTypesRequest | |
BatchGetCustomEntityTypesResult | |
BatchGetDataQualityResultRequest | |
BatchGetDataQualityResultResult | |
BatchGetDevEndpointsRequest | |
BatchGetDevEndpointsResult | |
BatchGetJobsRequest | |
BatchGetJobsResult | |
BatchGetPartitionRequest | |
BatchGetPartitionResult | |
BatchGetTableOptimizerEntry |
Represents a table optimizer to retrieve in the
BatchGetTableOptimizer operation. |
BatchGetTableOptimizerError |
Contains details on one of the errors in the error list returned by the
operation. |
BatchGetTableOptimizerRequest | |
BatchGetTableOptimizerResult | |
BatchGetTriggersRequest | |
BatchGetTriggersResult | |
BatchGetWorkflowsRequest | |
BatchGetWorkflowsResult | |
BatchStopJobRunError |
Records an error that occurred when attempting to stop a specified job run.
BatchStopJobRunRequest | |
BatchStopJobRunResult | |
BatchStopJobRunSuccessfulSubmission |
Records a successful request to stop a specified
JobRun . |
BatchTableOptimizer |
Contains details for one of the table optimizers returned by the
BatchGetTableOptimizer operation. |
BatchUpdatePartitionFailureEntry |
Contains information about a batch update partition error.
BatchUpdatePartitionRequest | |
BatchUpdatePartitionRequestEntry |
A structure that contains the values and structure used to update a partition.
BatchUpdatePartitionResult | |
BinaryColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for bit sequence data values.
Blueprint |
The details of a blueprint.
BlueprintDetails |
The details of a blueprint.
BlueprintRun |
The details of a blueprint run.
BooleanColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for Boolean data columns.
CancelDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunRequest | |
CancelDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunResult | |
CancelDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunRequest | |
CancelDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunResult | |
CancelMLTaskRunRequest | |
CancelMLTaskRunResult | |
CancelStatementRequest | |
CancelStatementResult | |
CatalogDeltaSource |
Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.
CatalogEntry |
Specifies a table definition in the Glue Data Catalog.
CatalogHudiSource |
Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.
CatalogImportStatus |
A structure containing migration status information.
CatalogKafkaSource |
Specifies an Apache Kafka data store in the Data Catalog.
CatalogKinesisSource |
Specifies a Kinesis data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
CatalogSchemaChangePolicy |
A policy that specifies update behavior for the crawler.
CatalogSource |
Specifies a data store in the Glue Data Catalog.
CatalogTarget |
Specifies an Glue Data Catalog target.
CheckSchemaVersionValidityRequest | |
CheckSchemaVersionValidityResult | |
Classifier |
Classifiers are triggered during a crawl task.
CloudWatchEncryption |
Specifies how Amazon CloudWatch data should be encrypted.
CodeGenConfigurationNode |
CodeGenConfigurationNode enumerates all valid Node types. |
CodeGenEdge |
Represents a directional edge in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
CodeGenNode |
Represents a node in a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
CodeGenNodeArg |
An argument or property of a node.
Column |
A column in a
Table . |
ColumnError |
Encapsulates a column name that failed and the reason for failure.
ColumnImportance |
A structure containing the column name and column importance score for a column.
ColumnRowFilter |
A filter that uses both column-level and row-level filtering.
ColumnStatistics |
Represents the generated column-level statistics for a table or partition.
ColumnStatisticsData |
Contains the individual types of column statistics data.
ColumnStatisticsError |
Encapsulates a
ColumnStatistics object that failed and the reason for failure. |
ColumnStatisticsTaskRun |
The object that shows the details of the column stats run.
Condition |
Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.
ConditionExpression |
Condition expression defined in the Glue Studio data preparation recipe node.
ConfigurationObject |
Specifies the values that an admin sets for each job or session parameter configured in a Glue usage profile.
ConfusionMatrix |
The confusion matrix shows you what your transform is predicting accurately and what types of errors it is making.
Connection |
Defines a connection to a data source.
ConnectionInput |
A structure that is used to specify a connection to create or update.
ConnectionPasswordEncryption |
The data structure used by the Data Catalog to encrypt the password as part of
CreateConnection or
UpdateConnection and store it in the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD field in the connection properties. |
ConnectionsList |
Specifies the connections used by a job.
ConnectorDataSource |
Specifies a source generated with standard connection options.
ConnectorDataTarget |
Specifies a target generated with standard connection options.
Crawl |
The details of a crawl in the workflow.
Crawler |
Specifies a crawler program that examines a data source and uses classifiers to try to determine its schema.
CrawlerHistory |
Contains the information for a run of a crawler.
CrawlerMetrics |
Metrics for a specified crawler.
CrawlerNodeDetails |
The details of a Crawler node present in the workflow.
CrawlerTargets |
Specifies data stores to crawl.
CrawlsFilter |
A list of fields, comparators and value that you can use to filter the crawler runs for a specified crawler.
CreateBlueprintRequest | |
CreateBlueprintResult | |
CreateClassifierRequest | |
CreateClassifierResult | |
CreateConnectionRequest | |
CreateConnectionResult | |
CreateCrawlerRequest | |
CreateCrawlerResult | |
CreateCsvClassifierRequest |
Specifies a custom CSV classifier for
CreateClassifier to create. |
CreateCustomEntityTypeRequest | |
CreateCustomEntityTypeResult | |
CreateDatabaseRequest | |
CreateDatabaseResult | |
CreateDataQualityRulesetRequest | |
CreateDataQualityRulesetResult | |
CreateDevEndpointRequest | |
CreateDevEndpointResult | |
CreateGrokClassifierRequest |
Specifies a
grok classifier for CreateClassifier to create. |
CreateJobRequest | |
CreateJobResult | |
CreateJsonClassifierRequest |
Specifies a JSON classifier for
CreateClassifier to create. |
CreateMLTransformRequest | |
CreateMLTransformResult | |
CreatePartitionIndexRequest | |
CreatePartitionIndexResult | |
CreatePartitionRequest | |
CreatePartitionResult | |
CreateRegistryRequest | |
CreateRegistryResult | |
CreateSchemaRequest | |
CreateSchemaResult | |
CreateScriptRequest | |
CreateScriptResult | |
CreateSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
CreateSecurityConfigurationResult | |
CreateSessionRequest |
Request to create a new session.
CreateSessionResult | |
CreateTableOptimizerRequest | |
CreateTableOptimizerResult | |
CreateTableRequest | |
CreateTableResult | |
CreateTriggerRequest | |
CreateTriggerResult | |
CreateUsageProfileRequest | |
CreateUsageProfileResult | |
CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
CreateUserDefinedFunctionResult | |
CreateWorkflowRequest | |
CreateWorkflowResult | |
CreateXMLClassifierRequest |
Specifies an XML classifier for
CreateClassifier to create. |
CsvClassifier |
A classifier for custom
CSV content. |
CustomCode |
Specifies a transform that uses custom code you provide to perform the data transformation.
CustomEntityType |
An object representing a custom pattern for detecting sensitive data across the columns and rows of your structured
Database |
Database object represents a logical grouping of tables that might reside in a Hive metastore or an
DatabaseIdentifier |
A structure that describes a target database for resource linking.
DatabaseInput |
The structure used to create or update a database.
DataCatalogEncryptionSettings |
Contains configuration information for maintaining Data Catalog security.
DataLakePrincipal |
The Lake Formation principal.
DataQualityAnalyzerResult |
Describes the result of the evaluation of a data quality analyzer.
DataQualityEvaluationRunAdditionalRunOptions |
Additional run options you can specify for an evaluation run.
DataQualityMetricValues |
Describes the data quality metric value according to the analysis of historical data.
DataQualityObservation |
Describes the observation generated after evaluating the rules and analyzers.
DataQualityResult |
Describes a data quality result.
DataQualityResultDescription |
Describes a data quality result.
DataQualityResultFilterCriteria |
Criteria used to return data quality results.
DataQualityRuleRecommendationRunDescription |
Describes the result of a data quality rule recommendation run.
DataQualityRuleRecommendationRunFilter |
A filter for listing data quality recommendation runs.
DataQualityRuleResult |
Describes the result of the evaluation of a data quality rule.
DataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunDescription |
Describes the result of a data quality ruleset evaluation run.
DataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunFilter |
The filter criteria.
DataQualityRulesetFilterCriteria |
The criteria used to filter data quality rulesets.
DataQualityRulesetListDetails |
Describes a data quality ruleset returned by
GetDataQualityRuleset . |
DataQualityTargetTable |
An object representing an Glue table.
DataSource |
A data source (an Glue table) for which you want data quality results.
Datatype |
A structure representing the datatype of the value.
DateColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for timestamp data columns.
DecimalColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for fixed-point number data columns.
DecimalNumber |
Contains a numeric value in decimal format.
DeleteBlueprintRequest | |
DeleteBlueprintResult | |
DeleteClassifierRequest | |
DeleteClassifierResult | |
DeleteColumnStatisticsForPartitionRequest | |
DeleteColumnStatisticsForPartitionResult | |
DeleteColumnStatisticsForTableRequest | |
DeleteColumnStatisticsForTableResult | |
DeleteConnectionRequest | |
DeleteConnectionResult | |
DeleteCrawlerRequest | |
DeleteCrawlerResult | |
DeleteCustomEntityTypeRequest | |
DeleteCustomEntityTypeResult | |
DeleteDatabaseRequest | |
DeleteDatabaseResult | |
DeleteDataQualityRulesetRequest | |
DeleteDataQualityRulesetResult | |
DeleteDevEndpointRequest | |
DeleteDevEndpointResult | |
DeleteJobRequest | |
DeleteJobResult | |
DeleteMLTransformRequest | |
DeleteMLTransformResult | |
DeletePartitionIndexRequest | |
DeletePartitionIndexResult | |
DeletePartitionRequest | |
DeletePartitionResult | |
DeleteRegistryRequest | |
DeleteRegistryResult | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyResult | |
DeleteSchemaRequest | |
DeleteSchemaResult | |
DeleteSchemaVersionsRequest | |
DeleteSchemaVersionsResult | |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteSecurityConfigurationResult | |
DeleteSessionRequest | |
DeleteSessionResult | |
DeleteTableOptimizerRequest | |
DeleteTableOptimizerResult | |
DeleteTableRequest | |
DeleteTableResult | |
DeleteTableVersionRequest | |
DeleteTableVersionResult | |
DeleteTriggerRequest | |
DeleteTriggerResult | |
DeleteUsageProfileRequest | |
DeleteUsageProfileResult | |
DeleteUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
DeleteUserDefinedFunctionResult | |
DeleteWorkflowRequest | |
DeleteWorkflowResult | |
DeltaTarget |
Specifies a Delta data store to crawl one or more Delta tables.
DevEndpoint |
A development endpoint where a developer can remotely debug extract, transform, and load (ETL) scripts.
DevEndpointCustomLibraries |
Custom libraries to be loaded into a development endpoint.
DirectJDBCSource |
Specifies the direct JDBC source connection.
DirectKafkaSource |
Specifies an Apache Kafka data store.
DirectKinesisSource |
Specifies a direct Amazon Kinesis data source.
DirectSchemaChangePolicy |
A policy that specifies update behavior for the crawler.
DoubleColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for floating-point number data columns.
DQResultsPublishingOptions |
Options to configure how your data quality evaluation results are published.
DQStopJobOnFailureOptions |
Options to configure how your job will stop if your data quality evaluation fails.
DropDuplicates |
Specifies a transform that removes rows of repeating data from a data set.
DropFields |
Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to drop.
DropNullFields |
Specifies a transform that removes columns from the dataset if all values in the column are 'null'.
DynamicTransform |
Specifies the set of parameters needed to perform the dynamic transform.
DynamoDBCatalogSource |
Specifies a DynamoDB data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
DynamoDBTarget |
Specifies an Amazon DynamoDB table to crawl.
Edge |
An edge represents a directed connection between two Glue components that are part of the workflow the edge belongs
EncryptionAtRest |
Specifies the encryption-at-rest configuration for the Data Catalog.
EncryptionConfiguration |
Specifies an encryption configuration.
ErrorDetail |
Contains details about an error.
ErrorDetails |
An object containing error details.
EvaluateDataQuality |
Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria.
EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame |
Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria.
EvaluationMetrics |
Evaluation metrics provide an estimate of the quality of your machine learning transform.
EventBatchingCondition |
Batch condition that must be met (specified number of events received or batch time window expired) before
EventBridge event trigger fires.
ExecutionProperty |
An execution property of a job.
ExportLabelsTaskRunProperties |
Specifies configuration properties for an exporting labels task run.
FederatedDatabase |
A database that points to an entity outside the Glue Data Catalog.
FederatedTable |
A table that points to an entity outside the Glue Data Catalog.
FillMissingValues |
Specifies a transform that locates records in the dataset that have missing values and adds a new field with a value
determined by imputation.
Filter |
Specifies a transform that splits a dataset into two, based on a filter condition.
FilterExpression |
Specifies a filter expression.
FilterValue |
Represents a single entry in the list of values for a
FilterExpression . |
FindMatchesMetrics |
The evaluation metrics for the find matches algorithm.
FindMatchesParameters |
The parameters to configure the find matches transform.
FindMatchesTaskRunProperties |
Specifies configuration properties for a Find Matches task run.
GetBlueprintRequest | |
GetBlueprintResult | |
GetBlueprintRunRequest | |
GetBlueprintRunResult | |
GetBlueprintRunsRequest | |
GetBlueprintRunsResult | |
GetCatalogImportStatusRequest | |
GetCatalogImportStatusResult | |
GetClassifierRequest | |
GetClassifierResult | |
GetClassifiersRequest | |
GetClassifiersResult | |
GetColumnStatisticsForPartitionRequest | |
GetColumnStatisticsForPartitionResult | |
GetColumnStatisticsForTableRequest | |
GetColumnStatisticsForTableResult | |
GetColumnStatisticsTaskRunRequest | |
GetColumnStatisticsTaskRunResult | |
GetColumnStatisticsTaskRunsRequest | |
GetColumnStatisticsTaskRunsResult | |
GetConnectionRequest | |
GetConnectionResult | |
GetConnectionsFilter |
Filters the connection definitions that are returned by the
GetConnections API operation. |
GetConnectionsRequest | |
GetConnectionsResult | |
GetCrawlerMetricsRequest | |
GetCrawlerMetricsResult | |
GetCrawlerRequest | |
GetCrawlerResult | |
GetCrawlersRequest | |
GetCrawlersResult | |
GetCustomEntityTypeRequest | |
GetCustomEntityTypeResult | |
GetDatabaseRequest | |
GetDatabaseResult | |
GetDatabasesRequest | |
GetDatabasesResult | |
GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsRequest | |
GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResult | |
GetDataflowGraphRequest | |
GetDataflowGraphResult | |
GetDataQualityResultRequest | |
GetDataQualityResultResult | |
GetDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunRequest | |
GetDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunResult | |
GetDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunRequest | |
GetDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunResult | |
GetDataQualityRulesetRequest | |
GetDataQualityRulesetResult | |
GetDevEndpointRequest | |
GetDevEndpointResult | |
GetDevEndpointsRequest | |
GetDevEndpointsResult | |
GetJobBookmarkRequest | |
GetJobBookmarkResult | |
GetJobRequest | |
GetJobResult | |
GetJobRunRequest | |
GetJobRunResult | |
GetJobRunsRequest | |
GetJobRunsResult | |
GetJobsRequest | |
GetJobsResult | |
GetMappingRequest | |
GetMappingResult | |
GetMLTaskRunRequest | |
GetMLTaskRunResult | |
GetMLTaskRunsRequest | |
GetMLTaskRunsResult | |
GetMLTransformRequest | |
GetMLTransformResult | |
GetMLTransformsRequest | |
GetMLTransformsResult | |
GetPartitionIndexesRequest | |
GetPartitionIndexesResult | |
GetPartitionRequest | |
GetPartitionResult | |
GetPartitionsRequest | |
GetPartitionsResult | |
GetPlanRequest | |
GetPlanResult | |
GetRegistryRequest | |
GetRegistryResult | |
GetResourcePoliciesRequest | |
GetResourcePoliciesResult | |
GetResourcePolicyRequest | |
GetResourcePolicyResult | |
GetSchemaByDefinitionRequest | |
GetSchemaByDefinitionResult | |
GetSchemaRequest | |
GetSchemaResult | |
GetSchemaVersionRequest | |
GetSchemaVersionResult | |
GetSchemaVersionsDiffRequest | |
GetSchemaVersionsDiffResult | |
GetSecurityConfigurationRequest | |
GetSecurityConfigurationResult | |
GetSecurityConfigurationsRequest | |
GetSecurityConfigurationsResult | |
GetSessionRequest | |
GetSessionResult | |
GetStatementRequest | |
GetStatementResult | |
GetTableOptimizerRequest | |
GetTableOptimizerResult | |
GetTableRequest | |
GetTableResult | |
GetTablesRequest | |
GetTablesResult | |
GetTableVersionRequest | |
GetTableVersionResult | |
GetTableVersionsRequest | |
GetTableVersionsResult | |
GetTagsRequest | |
GetTagsResult | |
GetTriggerRequest | |
GetTriggerResult | |
GetTriggersRequest | |
GetTriggersResult | |
GetUnfilteredPartitionMetadataRequest | |
GetUnfilteredPartitionMetadataResult | |
GetUnfilteredPartitionsMetadataRequest | |
GetUnfilteredPartitionsMetadataResult | |
GetUnfilteredTableMetadataRequest | |
GetUnfilteredTableMetadataResult | |
GetUsageProfileRequest | |
GetUsageProfileResult | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionResult | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionsRequest | |
GetUserDefinedFunctionsResult | |
GetWorkflowRequest | |
GetWorkflowResult | |
GetWorkflowRunPropertiesRequest | |
GetWorkflowRunPropertiesResult | |
GetWorkflowRunRequest | |
GetWorkflowRunResult | |
GetWorkflowRunsRequest | |
GetWorkflowRunsResult | |
GluePolicy |
A structure for returning a resource policy.
GlueSchema |
Specifies a user-defined schema when a schema cannot be determined by Glue.
GlueStudioSchemaColumn |
Specifies a single column in a Glue schema definition.
GlueTable |
The database and table in the Glue Data Catalog that is used for input or output data.
GovernedCatalogSource |
Specifies the data store in the governed Glue Data Catalog.
GovernedCatalogTarget |
Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 using the Glue Data Catalog.
GrokClassifier |
A classifier that uses
grok patterns. |
HudiTarget |
Specifies an Apache Hudi data source.
IcebergInput |
A structure that defines an Apache Iceberg metadata table to create in the catalog.
IcebergTarget |
Specifies an Apache Iceberg data source where Iceberg tables are stored in Amazon S3.
ImportCatalogToGlueRequest | |
ImportCatalogToGlueResult | |
ImportLabelsTaskRunProperties |
Specifies configuration properties for an importing labels task run.
JDBCConnectorOptions |
Additional connection options for the connector.
JDBCConnectorSource |
Specifies a connector to a JDBC data source.
JDBCConnectorTarget |
Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.
JdbcTarget |
Specifies a JDBC data store to crawl.
Job |
Specifies a job definition.
JobBookmarkEntry |
Defines a point that a job can resume processing.
JobBookmarksEncryption |
Specifies how job bookmark data should be encrypted.
JobCommand |
Specifies code that runs when a job is run.
JobNodeDetails |
The details of a Job node present in the workflow.
JobRun |
Contains information about a job run.
JobUpdate |
Specifies information used to update an existing job definition.
Join |
Specifies a transform that joins two datasets into one dataset using a comparison phrase on the specified data
property keys.
JoinColumn |
Specifies a column to be joined.
JsonClassifier |
A classifier for
JSON content. |
KafkaStreamingSourceOptions |
Additional options for streaming.
KeySchemaElement |
A partition key pair consisting of a name and a type.
KinesisStreamingSourceOptions |
Additional options for the Amazon Kinesis streaming data source.
LabelingSetGenerationTaskRunProperties |
Specifies configuration properties for a labeling set generation task run.
LakeFormationConfiguration |
Specifies Lake Formation configuration settings for the crawler.
LastActiveDefinition |
When there are multiple versions of a blueprint and the latest version has some errors, this attribute indicates the
last successful blueprint definition that is available with the service.
LastCrawlInfo |
Status and error information about the most recent crawl.
LineageConfiguration |
Specifies data lineage configuration settings for the crawler.
ListBlueprintsRequest | |
ListBlueprintsResult | |
ListColumnStatisticsTaskRunsRequest | |
ListColumnStatisticsTaskRunsResult | |
ListCrawlersRequest | |
ListCrawlersResult | |
ListCrawlsRequest | |
ListCrawlsResult | |
ListCustomEntityTypesRequest | |
ListCustomEntityTypesResult | |
ListDataQualityResultsRequest | |
ListDataQualityResultsResult | |
ListDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunsRequest | |
ListDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunsResult | |
ListDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunsRequest | |
ListDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunsResult | |
ListDataQualityRulesetsRequest | |
ListDataQualityRulesetsResult | |
ListDevEndpointsRequest | |
ListDevEndpointsResult | |
ListJobsRequest | |
ListJobsResult | |
ListMLTransformsRequest | |
ListMLTransformsResult | |
ListRegistriesRequest | |
ListRegistriesResult | |
ListSchemasRequest | |
ListSchemasResult | |
ListSchemaVersionsRequest | |
ListSchemaVersionsResult | |
ListSessionsRequest | |
ListSessionsResult | |
ListStatementsRequest | |
ListStatementsResult | |
ListTableOptimizerRunsRequest | |
ListTableOptimizerRunsResult | |
ListTriggersRequest | |
ListTriggersResult | |
ListUsageProfilesRequest | |
ListUsageProfilesResult | |
ListWorkflowsRequest | |
ListWorkflowsResult | |
Location |
The location of resources.
LongColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for integer data columns.
Mapping |
Specifies the mapping of data property keys.
MappingEntry |
Defines a mapping.
Merge |
Specifies a transform that merges a
DynamicFrame with a staging DynamicFrame based on the
specified primary keys to identify records. |
MetadataInfo |
A structure containing metadata information for a schema version.
MetadataKeyValuePair |
A structure containing a key value pair for metadata.
MetricBasedObservation |
Describes the metric based observation generated based on evaluated data quality metrics.
MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogSource |
Specifies a Microsoft SQL server data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that uses Microsoft SQL.
MLTransform |
A structure for a machine learning transform.
MLUserDataEncryption |
The encryption-at-rest settings of the transform that apply to accessing user data.
MongoDBTarget |
Specifies an Amazon DocumentDB or MongoDB data store to crawl.
MySQLCatalogSource |
Specifies a MySQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
MySQLCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that uses MySQL.
Node |
A node represents an Glue component (trigger, crawler, or job) on a workflow graph.
NotificationProperty |
Specifies configuration properties of a notification.
NullCheckBoxList |
Represents whether certain values are recognized as null values for removal.
NullValueField |
Represents a custom null value such as a zeros or other value being used as a null placeholder unique to the dataset.
OAuth2ClientApplication |
The OAuth2 client app used for the connection.
OAuth2Properties |
A structure containing properties for OAuth2 authentication.
OAuth2PropertiesInput |
A structure containing properties for OAuth2 in the CreateConnection request.
OpenTableFormatInput |
A structure representing an open format table.
Option |
Specifies an option value.
OracleSQLCatalogSource |
Specifies an Oracle data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
OracleSQLCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that uses Oracle SQL.
Order |
Specifies the sort order of a sorted column.
OtherMetadataValueListItem |
A structure containing other metadata for a schema version belonging to the same metadata key.
Partition |
Represents a slice of table data.
PartitionError |
Contains information about a partition error.
PartitionIndex |
A structure for a partition index.
PartitionIndexDescriptor |
A descriptor for a partition index in a table.
PartitionInput |
The structure used to create and update a partition.
PartitionValueList |
Contains a list of values defining partitions.
PhysicalConnectionRequirements |
The OAuth client app in GetConnection response.
PIIDetection |
Specifies a transform that identifies, removes or masks PII data.
PostgreSQLCatalogSource |
Specifies a PostgresSQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
PostgreSQLCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that uses Postgres SQL.
Predecessor |
A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.
Predicate |
Defines the predicate of the trigger, which determines when it fires.
PrincipalPermissions |
Permissions granted to a principal.
ProfileConfiguration |
Specifies the job and session values that an admin configures in an Glue usage profile.
PropertyPredicate |
Defines a property predicate.
PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsRequest | |
PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResult | |
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResult | |
PutSchemaVersionMetadataRequest | |
PutSchemaVersionMetadataResult | |
PutWorkflowRunPropertiesRequest | |
PutWorkflowRunPropertiesResult | |
QuerySchemaVersionMetadataRequest | |
QuerySchemaVersionMetadataResult | |
QuerySessionContext |
A structure used as a protocol between query engines and Lake Formation or Glue.
Recipe |
A Glue Studio node that uses a Glue DataBrew recipe in Glue jobs.
RecipeAction |
Actions defined in the Glue Studio data preparation recipe node.
RecipeReference |
A reference to a Glue DataBrew recipe.
RecipeStep |
A recipe step used in a Glue Studio data preparation recipe node.
RecrawlPolicy |
When crawling an Amazon S3 data source after the first crawl is complete, specifies whether to crawl the entire
dataset again or to crawl only folders that were added since the last crawler run.
RedshiftSource |
Specifies an Amazon Redshift data store.
RedshiftTarget |
Specifies a target that uses Amazon Redshift.
RegisterSchemaVersionRequest | |
RegisterSchemaVersionResult | |
RegistryId |
A wrapper structure that may contain the registry name and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
RegistryListItem |
A structure containing the details for a registry.
RelationalCatalogSource |
Specifies a Relational database data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
RemoveSchemaVersionMetadataRequest | |
RemoveSchemaVersionMetadataResult | |
RenameField |
Specifies a transform that renames a single data property key.
ResetJobBookmarkRequest | |
ResetJobBookmarkResult | |
ResourceUri |
The URIs for function resources.
ResumeWorkflowRunRequest | |
ResumeWorkflowRunResult | |
RunMetrics |
Metrics for the optimizer run.
RunStatementRequest | |
RunStatementResult | |
S3CatalogDeltaSource |
Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.
S3CatalogHudiSource |
Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.
S3CatalogSource |
Specifies an Amazon S3 data store in the Glue Data Catalog.
S3CatalogTarget |
Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 using the Glue Data Catalog.
S3CsvSource |
Specifies a command-separated value (CSV) data store stored in Amazon S3.
S3DeltaCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
S3DeltaDirectTarget |
Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in Amazon S3.
S3DeltaSource |
Specifies a Delta Lake data source stored in Amazon S3.
S3DirectSourceAdditionalOptions |
Specifies additional connection options for the Amazon S3 data store.
S3DirectTarget |
Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3.
S3Encryption |
Specifies how Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data should be encrypted.
S3GlueParquetTarget |
Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.
S3HudiCatalogTarget |
Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in the Glue Data Catalog.
S3HudiDirectTarget |
Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in Amazon S3.
S3HudiSource |
Specifies a Hudi data source stored in Amazon S3.
S3JsonSource |
Specifies a JSON data store stored in Amazon S3.
S3ParquetSource |
Specifies an Apache Parquet data store stored in Amazon S3.
S3SourceAdditionalOptions |
Specifies additional connection options for the Amazon S3 data store.
S3Target |
Specifies a data store in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Schedule |
A scheduling object using a
cron statement to schedule an event. |
SchemaChangePolicy |
A policy that specifies update and deletion behaviors for the crawler.
SchemaColumn |
A key-value pair representing a column and data type that this transform can run against.
SchemaId |
The unique ID of the schema in the Glue schema registry.
SchemaListItem |
An object that contains minimal details for a schema.
SchemaReference |
An object that references a schema stored in the Glue Schema Registry.
SchemaVersionErrorItem |
An object that contains the error details for an operation on a schema version.
SchemaVersionListItem |
An object containing the details about a schema version.
SchemaVersionNumber |
A structure containing the schema version information.
SearchTablesRequest | |
SearchTablesResult | |
SecurityConfiguration |
Specifies a security configuration.
Segment |
Defines a non-overlapping region of a table's partitions, allowing multiple requests to be run in parallel.
SelectFields |
Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to keep.
SelectFromCollection |
Specifies a transform that chooses one
DynamicFrame from a collection of DynamicFrames . |
SerDeInfo |
Information about a serialization/deserialization program (SerDe) that serves as an extractor and loader.
Session |
The period in which a remote Spark runtime environment is running.
SessionCommand |
SessionCommand that runs the job. |
SkewedInfo |
Specifies skewed values in a table.
SnowflakeNodeData |
Specifies configuration for Snowflake nodes in Glue Studio.
SnowflakeSource |
Specifies a Snowflake data source.
SnowflakeTarget |
Specifies a Snowflake target.
SortCriterion |
Specifies a field to sort by and a sort order.
SourceControlDetails |
The details for a source control configuration for a job, allowing synchronization of job artifacts to or from a
remote repository.
SparkConnectorSource |
Specifies a connector to an Apache Spark data source.
SparkConnectorTarget |
Specifies a target that uses an Apache Spark connector.
SparkSQL |
Specifies a transform where you enter a SQL query using Spark SQL syntax to transform the data.
Spigot |
Specifies a transform that writes samples of the data to an Amazon S3 bucket.
SplitFields |
Specifies a transform that splits data property keys into two
DynamicFrames . |
SqlAlias |
Represents a single entry in the list of values for
SqlAliases . |
StartBlueprintRunRequest | |
StartBlueprintRunResult | |
StartColumnStatisticsTaskRunRequest | |
StartColumnStatisticsTaskRunResult | |
StartCrawlerRequest | |
StartCrawlerResult | |
StartCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
StartCrawlerScheduleResult | |
StartDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunRequest | |
StartDataQualityRuleRecommendationRunResult | |
StartDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunRequest | |
StartDataQualityRulesetEvaluationRunResult | |
StartExportLabelsTaskRunRequest | |
StartExportLabelsTaskRunResult | |
StartImportLabelsTaskRunRequest | |
StartImportLabelsTaskRunResult | |
StartingEventBatchCondition |
The batch condition that started the workflow run.
StartJobRunRequest | |
StartJobRunResult | |
StartMLEvaluationTaskRunRequest | |
StartMLEvaluationTaskRunResult | |
StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRunRequest | |
StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRunResult | |
StartTriggerRequest | |
StartTriggerResult | |
StartWorkflowRunRequest | |
StartWorkflowRunResult | |
Statement |
The statement or request for a particular action to occur in a session.
StatementOutput |
The code execution output in JSON format.
StatementOutputData |
The code execution output in JSON format.
StopColumnStatisticsTaskRunRequest | |
StopColumnStatisticsTaskRunResult | |
StopCrawlerRequest | |
StopCrawlerResult | |
StopCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
StopCrawlerScheduleResult | |
StopSessionRequest | |
StopSessionResult | |
StopTriggerRequest | |
StopTriggerResult | |
StopWorkflowRunRequest | |
StopWorkflowRunResult | |
StorageDescriptor |
Describes the physical storage of table data.
StreamingDataPreviewOptions |
Specifies options related to data preview for viewing a sample of your data.
StringColumnStatisticsData |
Defines column statistics supported for character sequence data values.
SupportedDialect |
A structure specifying the dialect and dialect version used by the query engine.
Table |
Represents a collection of related data organized in columns and rows.
TableError |
An error record for table operations.
TableIdentifier |
A structure that describes a target table for resource linking.
TableInput |
A structure used to define a table.
TableOptimizer |
Contains details about an optimizer associated with a table.
TableOptimizerConfiguration |
Contains details on the configuration of a table optimizer.
TableOptimizerRun |
Contains details for a table optimizer run.
TableVersion |
Specifies a version of a table.
TableVersionError |
An error record for table-version operations.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TaskRun |
The sampling parameters that are associated with the machine learning transform.
TaskRunFilterCriteria |
The criteria that are used to filter the task runs for the machine learning transform.
TaskRunProperties |
The configuration properties for the task run.
TaskRunSortCriteria |
The sorting criteria that are used to sort the list of task runs for the machine learning transform.
TransformConfigParameter |
Specifies the parameters in the config file of the dynamic transform.
TransformEncryption |
The encryption-at-rest settings of the transform that apply to accessing user data.
TransformFilterCriteria |
The criteria used to filter the machine learning transforms.
TransformParameters |
The algorithm-specific parameters that are associated with the machine learning transform.
TransformSortCriteria |
The sorting criteria that are associated with the machine learning transform.
Trigger |
Information about a specific trigger.
TriggerNodeDetails |
The details of a Trigger node present in the workflow.
TriggerUpdate |
A structure used to provide information used to update a trigger.
UnfilteredPartition |
A partition that contains unfiltered metadata.
Union |
Specifies a transform that combines the rows from two or more datasets into a single result.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateBlueprintRequest | |
UpdateBlueprintResult | |
UpdateClassifierRequest | |
UpdateClassifierResult | |
UpdateColumnStatisticsForPartitionRequest | |
UpdateColumnStatisticsForPartitionResult | |
UpdateColumnStatisticsForTableRequest | |
UpdateColumnStatisticsForTableResult | |
UpdateConnectionRequest | |
UpdateConnectionResult | |
UpdateCrawlerRequest | |
UpdateCrawlerResult | |
UpdateCrawlerScheduleRequest | |
UpdateCrawlerScheduleResult | |
UpdateCsvClassifierRequest |
Specifies a custom CSV classifier to be updated.
UpdateDatabaseRequest | |
UpdateDatabaseResult | |
UpdateDataQualityRulesetRequest | |
UpdateDataQualityRulesetResult | |
UpdateDevEndpointRequest | |
UpdateDevEndpointResult | |
UpdateGrokClassifierRequest |
Specifies a grok classifier to update when passed to
UpdateClassifier . |
UpdateJobFromSourceControlRequest | |
UpdateJobFromSourceControlResult | |
UpdateJobRequest | |
UpdateJobResult | |
UpdateJsonClassifierRequest |
Specifies a JSON classifier to be updated.
UpdateMLTransformRequest | |
UpdateMLTransformResult | |
UpdatePartitionRequest | |
UpdatePartitionResult | |
UpdateRegistryRequest | |
UpdateRegistryResult | |
UpdateSchemaRequest | |
UpdateSchemaResult | |
UpdateSourceControlFromJobRequest | |
UpdateSourceControlFromJobResult | |
UpdateTableOptimizerRequest | |
UpdateTableOptimizerResult | |
UpdateTableRequest | |
UpdateTableResult | |
UpdateTriggerRequest | |
UpdateTriggerResult | |
UpdateUsageProfileRequest | |
UpdateUsageProfileResult | |
UpdateUserDefinedFunctionRequest | |
UpdateUserDefinedFunctionResult | |
UpdateWorkflowRequest | |
UpdateWorkflowResult | |
UpdateXMLClassifierRequest |
Specifies an XML classifier to be updated.
UpsertRedshiftTargetOptions |
The options to configure an upsert operation when writing to a Redshift target .
UsageProfileDefinition |
Describes an Glue usage profile.
UserDefinedFunction |
Represents the equivalent of a Hive user-defined function (
UDF ) definition. |
UserDefinedFunctionInput |
A structure used to create or update a user-defined function.
ViewDefinition |
A structure containing details for representations.
ViewDefinitionInput |
A structure containing details for creating or updating an Glue view.
ViewRepresentation |
A structure that contains the dialect of the view, and the query that defines the view.
ViewRepresentationInput |
A structure containing details of a representation to update or create a Lake Formation view.
Workflow |
A workflow is a collection of multiple dependent Glue jobs and crawlers that are run to complete a complex ETL task.
WorkflowGraph |
A workflow graph represents the complete workflow containing all the Glue components present in the workflow and all
the directed connections between them.
WorkflowRun |
A workflow run is an execution of a workflow providing all the runtime information.
WorkflowRunStatistics |
Workflow run statistics provides statistics about the workflow run.
XMLClassifier |
A classifier for
XML content. |
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
Access to a resource was denied.
AlreadyExistsException |
A resource to be created or added already exists.
AWSGlueException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Glue
ColumnStatisticsTaskNotRunningException |
An exception thrown when you try to stop a task run when there is no task running.
ColumnStatisticsTaskRunningException |
An exception thrown when you try to start another job while running a column stats generation job.
ColumnStatisticsTaskStoppingException |
An exception thrown when you try to stop a task run.
ConcurrentModificationException |
Two processes are trying to modify a resource simultaneously.
ConcurrentRunsExceededException |
Too many jobs are being run concurrently.
ConditionCheckFailureException |
A specified condition was not satisfied.
ConflictException |
CreatePartitions API was called on a table that has indexes enabled. |
CrawlerNotRunningException |
The specified crawler is not running.
CrawlerRunningException |
The operation cannot be performed because the crawler is already running.
CrawlerStoppingException |
The specified crawler is stopping.
EntityNotFoundException |
A specified entity does not exist
FederatedResourceAlreadyExistsException |
A federated resource already exists.
FederationSourceException |
A federation source failed.
FederationSourceRetryableException |
A federation source failed, but the operation may be retried.
GlueEncryptionException |
An encryption operation failed.
IdempotentParameterMismatchException |
The same unique identifier was associated with two different records.
IllegalBlueprintStateException |
The blueprint is in an invalid state to perform a requested operation.
IllegalSessionStateException |
The session is in an invalid state to perform a requested operation.
IllegalWorkflowStateException |
The workflow is in an invalid state to perform a requested operation.
InternalServiceException |
An internal service error occurred.
InvalidInputException |
The input provided was not valid.
InvalidStateException |
An error that indicates your data is in an invalid state.
MLTransformNotReadyException |
The machine learning transform is not ready to run.
NoScheduleException |
There is no applicable schedule.
OperationNotSupportedException |
The operation is not available in the region.
OperationTimeoutException |
The operation timed out.
PermissionTypeMismatchException |
The operation timed out.
ResourceNotReadyException |
A resource was not ready for a transaction.
ResourceNumberLimitExceededException |
A resource numerical limit was exceeded.
SchedulerNotRunningException |
The specified scheduler is not running.
SchedulerRunningException |
The specified scheduler is already running.
SchedulerTransitioningException |
The specified scheduler is transitioning.
ValidationException |
A value could not be validated.
VersionMismatchException |
There was a version conflict.