Class | Description |
AccountAggregation |
Contains counts of vulnerability findings from image scans that run when you create new Image Builder images, or
build new versions of existing images.
AdditionalInstanceConfiguration |
In addition to your infrastructure configuration, these settings provide an extra layer of control over your build
Ami |
Details of an Amazon EC2 AMI.
AmiDistributionConfiguration |
Define and configure the output AMIs of the pipeline.
CancelImageCreationRequest | |
CancelImageCreationResult | |
CancelLifecycleExecutionRequest | |
CancelLifecycleExecutionResult | |
Component |
A detailed view of a component.
ComponentConfiguration |
Configuration details of the component.
ComponentParameter |
Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter.
ComponentParameterDetail |
Defines a parameter that is used to provide configuration details for the component.
ComponentState |
A group of fields that describe the current status of components.
ComponentSummary |
A high-level summary of a component.
ComponentVersion |
The defining characteristics of a specific version of an Amazon Web Services TOE component.
Container |
A container encapsulates the runtime environment for an application.
ContainerDistributionConfiguration |
Container distribution settings for encryption, licensing, and sharing in a specific Region.
ContainerRecipe |
A container recipe.
ContainerRecipeSummary |
A summary of a container recipe
CreateComponentRequest | |
CreateComponentResult | |
CreateContainerRecipeRequest | |
CreateContainerRecipeResult | |
CreateDistributionConfigurationRequest | |
CreateDistributionConfigurationResult | |
CreateImagePipelineRequest | |
CreateImagePipelineResult | |
CreateImageRecipeRequest | |
CreateImageRecipeResult | |
CreateImageRequest | |
CreateImageResult | |
CreateInfrastructureConfigurationRequest | |
CreateInfrastructureConfigurationResult | |
CreateLifecyclePolicyRequest | |
CreateLifecyclePolicyResult | |
CreateWorkflowRequest | |
CreateWorkflowResult | |
CvssScore |
Amazon Inspector generates a risk score for each finding.
CvssScoreAdjustment |
Details about an adjustment that Amazon Inspector made to the CVSS score for a finding.
CvssScoreDetails |
Details about the source of the score, and the factors that determined the adjustments to create the final score.
DeleteComponentRequest | |
DeleteComponentResult | |
DeleteContainerRecipeRequest | |
DeleteContainerRecipeResult | |
DeleteDistributionConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteDistributionConfigurationResult | |
DeleteImagePipelineRequest | |
DeleteImagePipelineResult | |
DeleteImageRecipeRequest | |
DeleteImageRecipeResult | |
DeleteImageRequest | |
DeleteImageResult | |
DeleteInfrastructureConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteInfrastructureConfigurationResult | |
DeleteLifecyclePolicyRequest | |
DeleteLifecyclePolicyResult | |
DeleteWorkflowRequest | |
DeleteWorkflowResult | |
Distribution |
Defines the settings for a specific Region.
DistributionConfiguration |
A distribution configuration.
DistributionConfigurationSummary |
A high-level overview of a distribution configuration.
EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecification |
Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications.
EcrConfiguration |
Settings that Image Builder uses to configure the ECR repository and the output container images that Amazon
Inspector scans.
FastLaunchConfiguration |
Define and configure faster launching for output Windows AMIs.
FastLaunchLaunchTemplateSpecification |
Identifies the launch template that the associated Windows AMI uses for launching an instance when faster launching
is enabled.
FastLaunchSnapshotConfiguration |
Configuration settings for creating and managing pre-provisioned snapshots for a fast-launch enabled Windows AMI.
Filter |
A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a list operation.
GetComponentPolicyRequest | |
GetComponentPolicyResult | |
GetComponentRequest | |
GetComponentResult | |
GetContainerRecipePolicyRequest | |
GetContainerRecipePolicyResult | |
GetContainerRecipeRequest | |
GetContainerRecipeResult | |
GetDistributionConfigurationRequest | |
GetDistributionConfigurationResult | |
GetImagePipelineRequest | |
GetImagePipelineResult | |
GetImagePolicyRequest | |
GetImagePolicyResult | |
GetImageRecipePolicyRequest | |
GetImageRecipePolicyResult | |
GetImageRecipeRequest | |
GetImageRecipeResult | |
GetImageRequest | |
GetImageResult | |
GetInfrastructureConfigurationRequest |
GetInfrastructureConfiguration request object.
GetInfrastructureConfigurationResult |
GetInfrastructureConfiguration response object.
GetLifecycleExecutionRequest | |
GetLifecycleExecutionResult | |
GetLifecyclePolicyRequest | |
GetLifecyclePolicyResult | |
GetWorkflowExecutionRequest | |
GetWorkflowExecutionResult | |
GetWorkflowRequest | |
GetWorkflowResult | |
GetWorkflowStepExecutionRequest | |
GetWorkflowStepExecutionResult | |
Image |
An Image Builder image.
ImageAggregation |
Contains vulnerability counts for a specific image.
ImagePackage |
Represents a package installed on an Image Builder image.
ImagePipeline |
Details of an image pipeline.
ImagePipelineAggregation |
Contains vulnerability counts for a specific image pipeline.
ImageRecipe |
An image recipe.
ImageRecipeSummary |
A summary of an image recipe.
ImageScanFinding |
Contains details about a vulnerability scan finding.
ImageScanFindingAggregation |
This returns exactly one type of aggregation, based on the filter that Image Builder applies in its API action.
ImageScanFindingsFilter |
A name value pair that Image Builder applies to streamline results from the vulnerability scan findings list action.
ImageScanningConfiguration |
Contains settings for Image Builder image resource and container image scans.
ImageScanState |
Shows the vulnerability scan status for a specific image, and the reason for that status.
ImageState |
Image status and the reason for that status.
ImageSummary |
An image summary.
ImageTestsConfiguration |
Configure image tests for your pipeline build.
ImageVersion |
The defining characteristics of a specific version of an Image Builder image.
ImportComponentRequest | |
ImportComponentResult | |
ImportVmImageRequest | |
ImportVmImageResult | |
InfrastructureConfiguration |
Details of the infrastructure configuration.
InfrastructureConfigurationSummary |
The infrastructure used when building Amazon EC2 AMIs.
InspectorScoreDetails |
Information about the factors that influenced the score that Amazon Inspector assigned for a finding.
InstanceBlockDeviceMapping |
Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image.
InstanceConfiguration |
Defines a custom base AMI and block device mapping configurations of an instance used for building and testing
container images.
InstanceMetadataOptions |
The instance metadata options that apply to the HTTP requests that pipeline builds use to launch EC2 build and test
LaunchPermissionConfiguration |
Describes the configuration for a launch permission.
LaunchTemplateConfiguration |
Identifies an Amazon EC2 launch template to use for a specific account.
LifecycleExecution |
Contains metadata from a runtime instance of a lifecycle policy.
LifecycleExecutionResource |
Contains details for a resource that the runtime instance of the lifecycle policy identified for action.
LifecycleExecutionResourceAction |
The lifecycle policy action that was identified for the impacted resource.
LifecycleExecutionResourcesImpactedSummary |
Contains details for an image resource that was identified for a lifecycle action.
LifecycleExecutionResourceState |
Contains the state of an impacted resource that the runtime instance of the lifecycle policy identified for action.
LifecycleExecutionSnapshotResource |
Contains the state of an impacted snapshot resource that the runtime instance of the lifecycle policy identified for
LifecycleExecutionState |
The current state of the runtime instance of the lifecycle policy.
LifecyclePolicy |
The configuration details for a lifecycle policy resource.
LifecyclePolicyDetail |
The configuration details for a lifecycle policy resource.
LifecyclePolicyDetailAction |
Contains selection criteria for the lifecycle policy.
LifecyclePolicyDetailActionIncludeResources |
Specifies how the lifecycle policy should apply actions to selected resources.
LifecyclePolicyDetailExclusionRules |
Specifies resources that lifecycle policy actions should not apply to.
LifecyclePolicyDetailExclusionRulesAmis |
Defines criteria for AMIs that are excluded from lifecycle actions.
LifecyclePolicyDetailExclusionRulesAmisLastLaunched |
Defines criteria to exclude AMIs from lifecycle actions based on the last time they were used to launch an instance.
LifecyclePolicyDetailFilter |
Defines filters that the lifecycle policy uses to determine impacted resource.
LifecyclePolicyResourceSelection |
Resource selection criteria for the lifecycle policy.
LifecyclePolicyResourceSelectionRecipe |
Specifies an Image Builder recipe that the lifecycle policy uses for resource selection.
LifecyclePolicySummary |
Contains a summary of lifecycle policy resources.
ListComponentBuildVersionsRequest | |
ListComponentBuildVersionsResult | |
ListComponentsRequest | |
ListComponentsResult | |
ListContainerRecipesRequest | |
ListContainerRecipesResult | |
ListDistributionConfigurationsRequest | |
ListDistributionConfigurationsResult | |
ListImageBuildVersionsRequest | |
ListImageBuildVersionsResult | |
ListImagePackagesRequest | |
ListImagePackagesResult | |
ListImagePipelineImagesRequest | |
ListImagePipelineImagesResult | |
ListImagePipelinesRequest | |
ListImagePipelinesResult | |
ListImageRecipesRequest | |
ListImageRecipesResult | |
ListImageScanFindingAggregationsRequest | |
ListImageScanFindingAggregationsResult | |
ListImageScanFindingsRequest | |
ListImageScanFindingsResult | |
ListImagesRequest | |
ListImagesResult | |
ListInfrastructureConfigurationsRequest | |
ListInfrastructureConfigurationsResult | |
ListLifecycleExecutionResourcesRequest | |
ListLifecycleExecutionResourcesResult | |
ListLifecycleExecutionsRequest | |
ListLifecycleExecutionsResult | |
ListLifecyclePoliciesRequest | |
ListLifecyclePoliciesResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListWaitingWorkflowStepsRequest | |
ListWaitingWorkflowStepsResult | |
ListWorkflowBuildVersionsRequest | |
ListWorkflowBuildVersionsResult | |
ListWorkflowExecutionsRequest | |
ListWorkflowExecutionsResult | |
ListWorkflowsRequest | |
ListWorkflowsResult | |
ListWorkflowStepExecutionsRequest | |
ListWorkflowStepExecutionsResult | |
Logging |
Logging configuration defines where Image Builder uploads your logs.
OutputResources |
The resources produced by this image.
PackageVulnerabilityDetails |
Information about package vulnerability findings.
PutComponentPolicyRequest | |
PutComponentPolicyResult | |
PutContainerRecipePolicyRequest | |
PutContainerRecipePolicyResult | |
PutImagePolicyRequest | |
PutImagePolicyResult | |
PutImageRecipePolicyRequest | |
PutImageRecipePolicyResult | |
Remediation |
Information about how to remediate a finding.
RemediationRecommendation |
Details about the recommended course of action to remediate the finding.
ResourceState |
The current state of an impacted resource.
ResourceStateUpdateExclusionRules |
Additional rules to specify resources that should be exempt from ad-hoc lifecycle actions.
ResourceStateUpdateIncludeResources |
Specifies if the lifecycle policy should apply actions to selected resources.
S3ExportConfiguration |
Properties that configure export from your build instance to a compatible file format for your VM.
S3Logs |
Amazon S3 logging configuration.
Schedule |
A schedule configures when and how often a pipeline will automatically create a new image.
SendWorkflowStepActionRequest | |
SendWorkflowStepActionResult | |
SeverityCounts |
Includes counts by severity level for medium severity and higher level findings, plus a total for all of the findings
for the specified filter.
StartImagePipelineExecutionRequest | |
StartImagePipelineExecutionResult | |
StartResourceStateUpdateRequest | |
StartResourceStateUpdateResult | |
SystemsManagerAgent |
Contains settings for the Systems Manager agent on your build instance.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TargetContainerRepository |
The container repository where the output container image is stored.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateDistributionConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateDistributionConfigurationResult | |
UpdateImagePipelineRequest | |
UpdateImagePipelineResult | |
UpdateInfrastructureConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateInfrastructureConfigurationResult | |
UpdateLifecyclePolicyRequest | |
UpdateLifecyclePolicyResult | |
VulnerabilityIdAggregation |
Includes counts of image and pipeline resource findings by vulnerability.
VulnerablePackage |
Information about a vulnerable package that Amazon Inspector identifies in a finding.
Workflow |
Defines a process that Image Builder uses to build and test images during the image creation process.
WorkflowConfiguration |
Contains control settings and configurable inputs for a workflow resource.
WorkflowExecutionMetadata |
Metadata that includes details and status from this runtime instance of the workflow.
WorkflowParameter |
Contains a key/value pair that sets the named workflow parameter.
WorkflowParameterDetail |
Defines a parameter that's used to provide configuration details for the workflow.
WorkflowState |
A group of fields that describe the current status of workflow.
WorkflowStepExecution |
Contains runtime details for an instance of a workflow that ran for the associated image build version.
WorkflowStepMetadata |
Runtime details and status for the workflow step.
WorkflowSummary |
Contains metadata about the workflow resource.
WorkflowVersion |
Contains details about this version of the workflow.
Exception | Description |
AWSimagebuilderException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by EC2 Image Builder
CallRateLimitExceededException |
You have exceeded the permitted request rate for the specific operation.
ClientException |
These errors are usually caused by a client action, such as using an action or resource on behalf of a user that
doesn't have permissions to use the action or resource, or specifying an invalid resource identifier.
ForbiddenException |
You are not authorized to perform the requested operation.
IdempotentParameterMismatchException |
You have specified a client token for an operation using parameter values that differ from a previous request that
used the same client token.
InvalidPaginationTokenException |
You have provided an invalid pagination token in your request.
InvalidParameterCombinationException |
You have specified two or more mutually exclusive parameters.
InvalidParameterException |
The specified parameter is invalid.
InvalidParameterValueException |
The value that you provided for the specified parameter is invalid.
InvalidRequestException |
You have requested an action that that the service doesn't support.
InvalidVersionNumberException |
Your version number is out of bounds or does not follow the required syntax.
ResourceAlreadyExistsException |
The resource that you are trying to create already exists.
ResourceDependencyException |
You have attempted to mutate or delete a resource with a dependency that prohibits this action.
ResourceInUseException |
The resource that you are trying to operate on is currently in use.
ResourceNotFoundException |
At least one of the resources referenced by your request does not exist.
ServiceException |
This exception is thrown when the service encounters an unrecoverable exception.
ServiceQuotaExceededException |
You have exceeded the number of permitted resources or operations for this service.
ServiceUnavailableException |
The service is unable to process your request at this time.