Class | Description |
Alias |
An alias for an edge.
AnnotationValue |
Value of a segment annotation.
AnomalousService |
The service within the service graph that has anomalously high fault rates.
AvailabilityZoneDetail |
A list of Availability Zones corresponding to the segments in a trace.
BackendConnectionErrors |
BatchGetTracesRequest | |
BatchGetTracesResult | |
CreateGroupRequest | |
CreateGroupResult | |
CreateSamplingRuleRequest | |
CreateSamplingRuleResult | |
DeleteGroupRequest | |
DeleteGroupResult | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyResult | |
DeleteSamplingRuleRequest | |
DeleteSamplingRuleResult | |
Edge |
Information about a connection between two services.
EdgeStatistics |
Response statistics for an edge.
EncryptionConfig |
A configuration document that specifies encryption configuration settings.
ErrorRootCause |
The root cause of a trace summary error.
ErrorRootCauseEntity |
A collection of segments and corresponding subsegments associated to a trace summary error.
ErrorRootCauseService |
A collection of fields identifying the services in a trace summary error.
ErrorStatistics |
Information about requests that failed with a 4xx Client Error status code.
FaultRootCause |
The root cause information for a trace summary fault.
FaultRootCauseEntity |
A collection of segments and corresponding subsegments associated to a trace summary fault error.
FaultRootCauseService |
A collection of fields identifying the services in a trace summary fault.
FaultStatistics |
Information about requests that failed with a 5xx Server Error status code.
ForecastStatistics |
The predicted high and low fault count.
GetEncryptionConfigRequest | |
GetEncryptionConfigResult | |
GetGroupRequest | |
GetGroupResult | |
GetGroupsRequest | |
GetGroupsResult | |
GetInsightEventsRequest | |
GetInsightEventsResult | |
GetInsightImpactGraphRequest | |
GetInsightImpactGraphResult | |
GetInsightRequest | |
GetInsightResult | |
GetInsightSummariesRequest | |
GetInsightSummariesResult | |
GetSamplingRulesRequest | |
GetSamplingRulesResult | |
GetSamplingStatisticSummariesRequest | |
GetSamplingStatisticSummariesResult | |
GetSamplingTargetsRequest | |
GetSamplingTargetsResult | |
GetServiceGraphRequest | |
GetServiceGraphResult | |
GetTimeSeriesServiceStatisticsRequest | |
GetTimeSeriesServiceStatisticsResult | |
GetTraceGraphRequest | |
GetTraceGraphResult | |
GetTraceSummariesRequest | |
GetTraceSummariesResult | |
Group |
Details and metadata for a group.
GroupSummary |
Details for a group without metadata.
HistogramEntry |
An entry in a histogram for a statistic.
Http |
Information about an HTTP request.
Insight |
When fault rates go outside of the expected range, X-Ray creates an insight.
InsightEvent |
X-Ray reevaluates insights periodically until they are resolved, and records each intermediate state in an event.
InsightImpactGraphEdge |
The connection between two service in an insight impact graph.
InsightImpactGraphService |
Information about an application that processed requests, users that made requests, or downstream services,
resources, and applications that an application used.
InsightsConfiguration |
The structure containing configurations related to insights.
InsightSummary |
Information that describes an insight.
InstanceIdDetail |
A list of EC2 instance IDs corresponding to the segments in a trace.
ListResourcePoliciesRequest | |
ListResourcePoliciesResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
PutEncryptionConfigRequest | |
PutEncryptionConfigResult | |
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResult | |
PutTelemetryRecordsRequest | |
PutTelemetryRecordsResult | |
PutTraceSegmentsRequest | |
PutTraceSegmentsResult | |
RequestImpactStatistics |
Statistics that describe how the incident has impacted a service.
ResourceARNDetail |
A list of resources ARNs corresponding to the segments in a trace.
ResourcePolicy |
A resource policy grants one or more Amazon Web Services services and accounts permissions to access X-Ray.
ResponseTimeRootCause |
The root cause information for a response time warning.
ResponseTimeRootCauseEntity |
A collection of segments and corresponding subsegments associated to a response time warning.
ResponseTimeRootCauseService |
A collection of fields identifying the service in a response time warning.
RootCauseException |
The exception associated with a root cause.
SamplingRule |
A sampling rule that services use to decide whether to instrument a request.
SamplingRuleRecord |
A SamplingRule and its metadata.
SamplingRuleUpdate |
A document specifying changes to a sampling rule's configuration.
SamplingStatisticsDocument |
Request sampling results for a single rule from a service.
SamplingStatisticSummary |
Aggregated request sampling data for a sampling rule across all services for a 10-second window.
SamplingStrategy |
The name and value of a sampling rule to apply to a trace summary.
SamplingTargetDocument |
Temporary changes to a sampling rule configuration.
Segment |
A segment from a trace that has been ingested by the X-Ray service.
Service |
Information about an application that processed requests, users that made requests, or downstream services,
resources, and applications that an application used.
ServiceId |
ServiceStatistics |
Response statistics for a service.
Tag |
A map that contains tag keys and tag values to attach to an Amazon Web Services X-Ray group or sampling rule.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
TelemetryRecord |
TimeSeriesServiceStatistics |
A list of TimeSeriesStatistic structures.
Trace |
A collection of segment documents with matching trace IDs.
TraceSummary |
Metadata generated from the segment documents in a trace.
TraceUser |
Information about a user recorded in segment documents.
UnprocessedStatistics |
Sampling statistics from a call to GetSamplingTargets that X-Ray
could not process.
UnprocessedTraceSegment |
Information about a segment that failed processing.
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateGroupRequest | |
UpdateGroupResult | |
UpdateSamplingRuleRequest | |
UpdateSamplingRuleResult | |
ValueWithServiceIds |
Information about a segment annotation.
Enum | Description |
EncryptionStatus | |
EncryptionType | |
InsightCategory | |
InsightState | |
SamplingStrategyName | |
TimeRangeType |
Exception | Description |
AWSXRayException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS X-Ray
InvalidPolicyRevisionIdException |
A policy revision id was provided which does not match the latest policy revision.
InvalidRequestException |
The request is missing required parameters or has invalid parameters.
LockoutPreventionException |
The provided resource policy would prevent the caller of this request from calling PutResourcePolicy in the future.
MalformedPolicyDocumentException |
Invalid policy document provided in request.
PolicyCountLimitExceededException |
Exceeded the maximum number of resource policies for a target Amazon Web Services account.
PolicySizeLimitExceededException |
Exceeded the maximum size for a resource policy.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource was not found.
RuleLimitExceededException |
You have reached the maximum number of sampling rules.
ThrottledException |
The request exceeds the maximum number of requests per second.
TooManyTagsException |
You have exceeded the maximum number of tags you can apply to this resource.