A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W 


abort(AbortMultipartUploadRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Abort action.
abort(AbortMultipartUploadRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Abort action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
abort() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Abort action.
abort(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Abort action.
accept(AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Accept action.
accept(AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionRequest, ResultCapture<AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Accept action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
AccessKey - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The AccessKey resource.
AccessKeyCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of AccessKey resources.
Account - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Account resource.
AccountAlias - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The AccountAlias resource.
AccountAliasCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of AccountAlias resources.
AccountPasswordPolicy - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The AccountPasswordPolicy resource.
AccountSummary - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The AccountSummary resource.
activate(UpdateAccessKeyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Activate action.
activate(UpdateAccessKeyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Activate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
activate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Activate action.
activate(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Activate action.
activate(UpdateSigningCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Activate action.
activate(UpdateSigningCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Activate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
activate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Activate action.
activate(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Activate action.
addGroup(AddUserToGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the AddGroup action.
addGroup(AddUserToGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the AddGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
addGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the AddGroup action.
addGroup(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the AddGroup action.
addPermission(AddPermissionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the AddPermission action.
addPermission(AddPermissionRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the AddPermission action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
addPermission(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the AddPermission action.
addPermission(String, List<String>, List<String>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the AddPermission action.
addPermission(AddPermissionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the AddPermission action.
addPermission(AddPermissionRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the AddPermission action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
addPermission(List<String>, String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the AddPermission action.
addPermission(List<String>, String, List<String>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the AddPermission action.
addRole(AddRoleToInstanceProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the AddRole action.
addRole(AddRoleToInstanceProfileRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the AddRole action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
addUser(AddUserToGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the AddUser action.
addUser(AddUserToGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the AddUser action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
addUser(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the AddUser action.
addUser(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the AddUser action.
Archive - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Archive resource.
assignPrivateIpAddresses(AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the AssignPrivateIpAddresses action.
assignPrivateIpAddresses(AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the AssignPrivateIpAddresses action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
associateDhcpOptions(AssociateDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the AssociateDhcpOptions action.
associateDhcpOptions(AssociateDhcpOptionsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the AssociateDhcpOptions action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
associateDhcpOptions() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the AssociateDhcpOptions action.
associateDhcpOptions(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the AssociateDhcpOptions action.
associateWithSubnet(AssociateRouteTableRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the AssociateWithSubnet action.
associateWithSubnet(AssociateRouteTableRequest, ResultCapture<AssociateRouteTableResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the AssociateWithSubnet action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
associateWithVpc(AssociateDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the AssociateWithVpc action.
associateWithVpc(AssociateDhcpOptionsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the AssociateWithVpc action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attach(AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Attach action.
attach(AttachNetworkInterfaceRequest, ResultCapture<AttachNetworkInterfaceResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Attach action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attachInternetGateway(AttachInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the AttachInternetGateway action.
attachInternetGateway(AttachInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the AttachInternetGateway action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attachToInstance(AttachVolumeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the AttachToInstance action.
attachToInstance(AttachVolumeRequest, ResultCapture<AttachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the AttachToInstance action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attachToInstance(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the AttachToInstance action.
attachToInstance(String, String, ResultCapture<AttachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the AttachToInstance action.
attachToVpc(AttachInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the AttachToVpc action.
attachToVpc(AttachInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the AttachToVpc action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attachVolume(AttachVolumeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the AttachVolume action.
attachVolume(AttachVolumeRequest, ResultCapture<AttachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the AttachVolume action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
attachVolume(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the AttachVolume action.
attachVolume(String, String, ResultCapture<AttachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the AttachVolume action.
authorizeEgress(AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the AuthorizeEgress action.
authorizeEgress(AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the AuthorizeEgress action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
authorizeIngress(AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the AuthorizeIngress action.
authorizeIngress(AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the AuthorizeIngress action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.


build() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
Builds a new service object with the given parameters.


changeMessageVisibilityBatch(ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch action.
changeMessageVisibilityBatch(ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest, ResultCapture<ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
changeMessageVisibilityBatch(List<ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntry>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch action.
changeMessageVisibilityBatch(List<ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntry>, ResultCapture<ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch action.
changePassword(ChangePasswordRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the ChangePassword action.
changePassword(ChangePasswordRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the ChangePassword action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
changeVisibility(ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Performs the ChangeVisibility action.
changeVisibility(ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Performs the ChangeVisibility action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
changeVisibility(Integer) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
The convenient method form for the ChangeVisibility action.
changeVisibility(Integer, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
The convenient method form for the ChangeVisibility action.
client() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.Service
Returns the low-level SDK client this service uses.
com.amazonaws.resources - package com.amazonaws.resources
An object-oriented resource abstraction on top of the service clients from the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java.
com.amazonaws.resources.ec2 - package com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
com.amazonaws.resources.glacier - package com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement - package com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
com.amazonaws.resources.sns - package com.amazonaws.resources.sns
com.amazonaws.resources.sqs - package com.amazonaws.resources.sqs
complete(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Complete action.
complete(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest, ResultCapture<CompleteMultipartUploadResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Complete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
complete(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Complete action.
complete(String, String, ResultCapture<CompleteMultipartUploadResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Complete action.
confirmSubscription(ConfirmSubscriptionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the ConfirmSubscription action.
confirmSubscription(ConfirmSubscriptionRequest, ResultCapture<ConfirmSubscriptionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the ConfirmSubscription action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
confirmSubscription(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the ConfirmSubscription action.
confirmSubscription(String, ResultCapture<ConfirmSubscriptionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the ConfirmSubscription action.
confirmSubscription(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the ConfirmSubscription action.
confirmSubscription(String, String, ResultCapture<ConfirmSubscriptionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the ConfirmSubscription action.
consoleOutput(GetConsoleOutputRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ConsoleOutput action.
consoleOutput(GetConsoleOutputRequest, ResultCapture<GetConsoleOutputResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ConsoleOutput action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
consoleOutput() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ConsoleOutput action.
consoleOutput(ResultCapture<GetConsoleOutputResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ConsoleOutput action.
copy(CopySnapshotRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the Copy action.
copy(CopySnapshotRequest, ResultCapture<CopySnapshotResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the Copy action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
create(CreateVaultRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the Create action.
create(CreateVaultRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the Create action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
create() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the Create action.
create(ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the Create action.
create(CreateGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Create action.
create(CreateGroupRequest, ResultCapture<CreateGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Create action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
create() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Create action.
create(ResultCapture<CreateGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Create action.
create(CreateLoginProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Create action.
create(CreateLoginProfileRequest, ResultCapture<CreateLoginProfileResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Create action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
create(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Create action.
create(String, ResultCapture<CreateLoginProfileResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Create action.
createAccessKey(CreateAccessKeyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the CreateAccessKey action.
createAccessKey(CreateAccessKeyRequest, ResultCapture<CreateAccessKeyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the CreateAccessKey action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createAccessKey() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the CreateAccessKey action.
createAccessKey(ResultCapture<CreateAccessKeyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the CreateAccessKey action.
createAccountAlias(CreateAccountAliasRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateAccountAlias action.
createAccountAlias(CreateAccountAliasRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateAccountAlias action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createAccountAlias(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateAccountAlias action.
createAccountAlias(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateAccountAlias action.
createAccountPasswordPolicy(UpdateAccountPasswordPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateAccountPasswordPolicy action.
createAccountPasswordPolicy(UpdateAccountPasswordPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateAccountPasswordPolicy action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createDhcpOptions(CreateDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateDhcpOptions action.
createDhcpOptions(CreateDhcpOptionsRequest, ResultCapture<CreateDhcpOptionsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateDhcpOptions action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createDhcpOptions(List<DhcpConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateDhcpOptions action.
createDhcpOptions(List<DhcpConfiguration>, ResultCapture<CreateDhcpOptionsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateDhcpOptions action.
createEntry(CreateNetworkAclEntryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the CreateEntry action.
createEntry(CreateNetworkAclEntryRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the CreateEntry action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createGroup(CreateGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateGroup action.
createGroup(CreateGroupRequest, ResultCapture<CreateGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateGroup action.
createGroup(String, ResultCapture<CreateGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateGroup action.
createImage(CreateImageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the CreateImage action.
createImage(CreateImageRequest, ResultCapture<CreateImageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the CreateImage action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createImage(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the CreateImage action.
createImage(String, ResultCapture<CreateImageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the CreateImage action.
createInstanceProfile(CreateInstanceProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateInstanceProfile action.
createInstanceProfile(CreateInstanceProfileRequest, ResultCapture<CreateInstanceProfileResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateInstanceProfile action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createInstances(RunInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateInstances action.
createInstances(RunInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<RunInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateInstances action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createInstances(String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateInstances action.
createInstances(String, Integer, Integer, ResultCapture<RunInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateInstances action.
createInstances(RunInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateInstances action.
createInstances(RunInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<RunInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateInstances action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createInternetGateway(CreateInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateInternetGateway action.
createInternetGateway(CreateInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<CreateInternetGatewayResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateInternetGateway action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createKeyPair(CreateKeyPairRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateKeyPair action.
createKeyPair(CreateKeyPairRequest, ResultCapture<CreateKeyPairResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateKeyPair action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createKeyPair(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateKeyPair action.
createKeyPair(String, ResultCapture<CreateKeyPairResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateKeyPair action.
createNetworkAcl(CreateNetworkAclRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateNetworkAcl action.
createNetworkAcl(CreateNetworkAclRequest, ResultCapture<CreateNetworkAclResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateNetworkAcl action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createNetworkAcl(CreateNetworkAclRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateNetworkAcl action.
createNetworkAcl(CreateNetworkAclRequest, ResultCapture<CreateNetworkAclResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateNetworkAcl action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createNetworkInterface(CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateNetworkInterface action.
createNetworkInterface(CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest, ResultCapture<CreateNetworkInterfaceResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateNetworkInterface action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createNetworkInterface(CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateNetworkInterface action.
createNetworkInterface(CreateNetworkInterfaceRequest, ResultCapture<CreateNetworkInterfaceResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateNetworkInterface action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPlacementGroup(CreatePlacementGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreatePlacementGroup action.
createPlacementGroup(CreatePlacementGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreatePlacementGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPlacementGroup(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreatePlacementGroup action.
createPlacementGroup(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreatePlacementGroup action.
createPlatformApplication(CreatePlatformApplicationRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Performs the CreatePlatformApplication action.
createPlatformApplication(CreatePlatformApplicationRequest, ResultCapture<CreatePlatformApplicationResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Performs the CreatePlatformApplication action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPlatformEndpoint(CreatePlatformEndpointRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.
createPlatformEndpoint(CreatePlatformEndpointRequest, ResultCapture<CreatePlatformEndpointResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the CreatePlatformEndpoint action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPolicy(PutGroupPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the CreatePolicy action.
createPolicy(PutGroupPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the CreatePolicy action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPolicy(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the CreatePolicy action.
createPolicy(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the CreatePolicy action.
createPolicy(PutUserPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the CreatePolicy action.
createPolicy(PutUserPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the CreatePolicy action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createPolicy(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the CreatePolicy action.
createPolicy(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the CreatePolicy action.
createQueue(CreateQueueRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Performs the CreateQueue action.
createQueue(CreateQueueRequest, ResultCapture<CreateQueueResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Performs the CreateQueue action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createQueue(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
The convenient method form for the CreateQueue action.
createQueue(String, ResultCapture<CreateQueueResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
The convenient method form for the CreateQueue action.
createRole(CreateRoleRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateRole action.
createRole(CreateRoleRequest, ResultCapture<CreateRoleResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateRole action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createRoute(CreateRouteRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the CreateRoute action.
createRoute(CreateRouteRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the CreateRoute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createRouteTable(CreateRouteTableRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateRouteTable action.
createRouteTable(CreateRouteTableRequest, ResultCapture<CreateRouteTableResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateRouteTable action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createRouteTable(CreateRouteTableRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateRouteTable action.
createRouteTable(CreateRouteTableRequest, ResultCapture<CreateRouteTableResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateRouteTable action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSamlProvider(CreateSAMLProviderRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateSamlProvider action.
createSamlProvider(CreateSAMLProviderRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSAMLProviderResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateSamlProvider action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSecurityGroup(CreateSecurityGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSecurityGroup action.
createSecurityGroup(CreateSecurityGroupRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSecurityGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSecurityGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSecurityGroup(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSecurityGroup action.
createSecurityGroup(String, String, ResultCapture<CreateSecurityGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSecurityGroup action.
createSecurityGroup(CreateSecurityGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateSecurityGroup action.
createSecurityGroup(CreateSecurityGroupRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSecurityGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateSecurityGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createServerCertificate(UploadServerCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateServerCertificate action.
createServerCertificate(UploadServerCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<UploadServerCertificateResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateServerCertificate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createServerCertificate(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateServerCertificate action.
createServerCertificate(String, String, String, ResultCapture<UploadServerCertificateResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateServerCertificate action.
createSigningCertificate(UploadSigningCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateSigningCertificate action.
createSigningCertificate(UploadSigningCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<UploadSigningCertificateResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateSigningCertificate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSigningCertificate(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateSigningCertificate action.
createSigningCertificate(String, ResultCapture<UploadSigningCertificateResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateSigningCertificate action.
createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSnapshot action.
createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSnapshotResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSnapshot action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSnapshot(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSnapshot action.
createSnapshot(String, String, ResultCapture<CreateSnapshotResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSnapshot action.
createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the CreateSnapshot action.
createSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSnapshotResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the CreateSnapshot action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSnapshot(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the CreateSnapshot action.
createSnapshot(String, ResultCapture<CreateSnapshotResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the CreateSnapshot action.
createSubnet(CreateSubnetRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSubnet action.
createSubnet(CreateSubnetRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSubnetResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateSubnet action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSubnet(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSubnet action.
createSubnet(String, String, ResultCapture<CreateSubnetResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateSubnet action.
createSubnet(CreateSubnetRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateSubnet action.
createSubnet(CreateSubnetRequest, ResultCapture<CreateSubnetResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateSubnet action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createSubnet(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the CreateSubnet action.
createSubnet(String, ResultCapture<CreateSubnetResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the CreateSubnet action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, List<String>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateTags action.
createTags(CreateTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the CreateTags action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTags(List<Tag>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTags(List<Tag>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the CreateTags action.
createTopic(CreateTopicRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Performs the CreateTopic action.
createTopic(CreateTopicRequest, ResultCapture<CreateTopicResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Performs the CreateTopic action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createTopic(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
The convenient method form for the CreateTopic action.
createTopic(String, ResultCapture<CreateTopicResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
The convenient method form for the CreateTopic action.
createUser(CreateUserRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateUser action.
createUser(CreateUserRequest, ResultCapture<CreateUserResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateUser action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createUser(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateUser action.
createUser(String, ResultCapture<CreateUserResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
The convenient method form for the CreateUser action.
createVault(CreateVaultRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Performs the CreateVault action.
createVault(CreateVaultRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Performs the CreateVault action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createVault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(String, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(String, String, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(CreateVaultRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
Performs the CreateVault action.
createVault(CreateVaultRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
Performs the CreateVault action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createVault(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVault(String, ResultCapture<CreateVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
The convenient method form for the CreateVault action.
createVirtualMfaDevice(CreateVirtualMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateVirtualMfaDevice action.
createVirtualMfaDevice(CreateVirtualMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVirtualMFADeviceResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Performs the CreateVirtualMfaDevice action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createVolume(CreateVolumeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVolume action.
createVolume(CreateVolumeRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVolume action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createVolume(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVolume action.
createVolume(String, Integer, ResultCapture<CreateVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVolume action.
createVolume(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVolume action.
createVolume(String, String, ResultCapture<CreateVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVolume action.
createVpc(CreateVpcRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVpc action.
createVpc(CreateVpcRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVpcResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVpc action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
createVpc(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVpc action.
createVpc(String, ResultCapture<CreateVpcResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the CreateVpc action.
createVpcPeeringConnection(CreateVpcPeeringConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVpcPeeringConnection action.
createVpcPeeringConnection(CreateVpcPeeringConnectionRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVpcPeeringConnectionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the CreateVpcPeeringConnection action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.


deactivate(UpdateAccessKeyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Deactivate action.
deactivate(UpdateAccessKeyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Deactivate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deactivate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
deactivate(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
deactivate(DeactivateMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Deactivate action.
deactivate(DeactivateMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Deactivate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deactivate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
deactivate(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
deactivate(UpdateSigningCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Deactivate action.
deactivate(UpdateSigningCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Deactivate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deactivate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
deactivate(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Deactivate action.
delete(DeleteDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteDhcpOptionsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteKeyPairRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteKeyPairRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteNetworkAclRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteNetworkAclRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteNetworkInterfaceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeletePlacementGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeletePlacementGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DisassociateRouteTableRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DisassociateRouteTableRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteSecurityGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSecurityGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteSnapshotRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSnapshotRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSubnetRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSubnetRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteTagsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteVpcRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVpcRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionRequest, ResultCapture<DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteArchiveRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteArchiveRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVaultNotificationsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVaultNotificationsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVaultRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVaultRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccessKeyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccessKeyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccountAliasRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccountAliasRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteAccountPasswordPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteGroupPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteGroupPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteInstanceProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteInstanceProfileRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteLoginProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteLoginProfileRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteRoleRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteRoleRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteRolePolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteRolePolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteSAMLProviderRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSAMLProviderRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteServerCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteServerCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSigningCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteSigningCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteUserRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteUserRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteUserPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteUserPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVirtualMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteVirtualMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeletePlatformApplicationRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeletePlatformApplicationRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(DeleteEndpointRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteEndpointRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete(UnsubscribeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Performs the Delete action.
delete(UnsubscribeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteTopicRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteTopicRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteMessageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteMessageRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(DeleteQueueRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the Delete action.
delete(DeleteQueueRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the Delete action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
delete() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
delete(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the Delete action.
deleteEntry(DeleteNetworkAclEntryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the DeleteEntry action.
deleteEntry(DeleteNetworkAclEntryRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the DeleteEntry action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the DeleteMessages action.
deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest, ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the DeleteMessages action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deleteMessages() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the DeleteMessages action.
deleteMessages(ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the DeleteMessages action.
deleteMessages(List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the DeleteMessages action.
deleteMessages(List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry>, ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the DeleteMessages action.
deregister(DeregisterImageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the Deregister action.
deregister(DeregisterImageRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the Deregister action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
deregister() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the Deregister action.
deregister(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the Deregister action.
describeAttribute(DescribeImageAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeImageAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeImageAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(String, ResultCapture<DescribeImageAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeInstanceAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(String, ResultCapture<DescribeInstanceAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeAttribute(DescribeSnapshotAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeSnapshotAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(String, ResultCapture<DescribeSnapshotAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeVolumeAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeVolumeAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVolumeAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeAttribute(DescribeVpcAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the DescribeAttribute action.
describeAttribute(DescribeVpcAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVpcAttributeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the DescribeAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
describeStatus(DescribeVolumeStatusRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DescribeStatus action.
describeStatus(DescribeVolumeStatusRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVolumeStatusResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DescribeStatus action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
detach(DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Detach action.
detach(DetachNetworkInterfaceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the Detach action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
detachFromInstance(DetachVolumeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DetachFromInstance action.
detachFromInstance(DetachVolumeRequest, ResultCapture<DetachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the DetachFromInstance action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
detachFromInstance() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the DetachFromInstance action.
detachFromInstance(ResultCapture<DetachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
The convenient method form for the DetachFromInstance action.
detachFromVpc(DetachInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the DetachFromVpc action.
detachFromVpc(DetachInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Performs the DetachFromVpc action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
detachInternetGateway(DetachInternetGatewayRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the DetachInternetGateway action.
detachInternetGateway(DetachInternetGatewayRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the DetachInternetGateway action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
detachVolume(DetachVolumeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the DetachVolume action.
detachVolume(DetachVolumeRequest, ResultCapture<DetachVolumeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the DetachVolume action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
DhcpOptions - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The DhcpOptions resource.
DhcpOptionsCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of DhcpOptions resources.
disassociateRouteTable(DisassociateRouteTableRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the DisassociateRouteTable action.
disassociateRouteTable(DisassociateRouteTableRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the DisassociateRouteTable action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.


EC2 - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The EC2 service.
enable(EnableMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Enable action.
enable(EnableMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Enable action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
enable(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Enable action.
enable(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Enable action.
enableIo(EnableVolumeIORequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the EnableIo action.
enableIo(EnableVolumeIORequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the EnableIo action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
enableMfa(EnableMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the EnableMfa action.
enableMfa(EnableMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the EnableMfa action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
enableMfa(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the EnableMfa action.
enableMfa(String, String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the EnableMfa action.


firstPage() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourceCollection
Makes exactly one service call to retrieve the first page of results from this collection.
firstPage(ResultCapture<Object>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourceCollection
Makes exactly one service call to retrieve the first page of results from this collection.
forService(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
Creates a new ServiceBuilder for the given service interface type.


getAcceptedVpcPeeringConnections() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the AcceptedVpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getAcceptedVpcPeeringConnections(DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the AcceptedVpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getAccepterVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Retrieves the AccepterVpc resource referenced by this resource.
getAccepterVpcInfo() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the AccepterVpcInfo attribute.
getAccessKey(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets a subresource.
getAccessKeys() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the AccessKeys collection referenced by this resource.
getAccessKeys(ListAccessKeysRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the AccessKeys collection referenced by this resource.
getAccount(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
Gets an instance of Account resource by its identifier(s).
getAccount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the Account resource referenced by this resource.
getAccountAlias(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of AccountAlias resource by its identifier(s).
getAccountAliases() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the AccountAliases collection referenced by this resource.
getAccountAliases(ListAccountAliasesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the AccountAliases collection referenced by this resource.
getAccountId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Gets the value of the AccountId identifier.
getAccountId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the AccountId identifier.
getAccountId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the AccountId identifier.
getAccountId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Gets the value of the AccountId identifier.
getAccountId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the AccountId identifier.
getAccountPasswordPolicy() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of AccountPasswordPolicy resource by its identifier(s).
getAccountSummary() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of AccountSummary resource by its identifier(s).
getAction() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the Action attribute.
getAllowUsersToChangePassword() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the AllowUsersToChangePassword attribute.
getAmiLaunchIndex() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the AmiLaunchIndex attribute.
getArchitecture() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Architecture attribute.
getArchitecture() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Architecture attribute.
getArchive(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets a subresource.
getArchiveDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the ArchiveDescription attribute.
getArchiveId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the ArchiveId attribute.
getArchiveSHA256TreeHash() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the ArchiveSHA256TreeHash attribute.
getArchiveSizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the ArchiveSizeInBytes attribute.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets the value of the Arn attribute.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Gets the value of the Arn attribute.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the Arn attribute.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Gets the value of the Arn identifier.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the Arn attribute.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Gets the value of the Arn identifier.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Gets the value of the Arn identifier.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Gets the value of the Arn identifier.
getArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Gets the value of the Arn identifier.
getAssociation() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Association attribute.
getAssociations() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the Associations attribute.
getAssociations() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Retrieves the Associations collection referenced by this resource.
getAssociations(DescribeRouteTablesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Retrieves the Associations collection referenced by this resource.
getAssumeRolePolicyDocument() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the AssumeRolePolicyDocument attribute.
getAttachment() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Attachment attribute.
getAttachments() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Gets the value of the Attachments attribute.
getAttachments() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Attachments attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Gets the value of the Attributes attribute.
getAvailabilityZone() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the AvailabilityZone attribute.
getAvailabilityZone() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the AvailabilityZone attribute.
getAvailabilityZone() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the AvailabilityZone attribute.
getAvailableIpAddressCount() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the AvailableIpAddressCount attribute.
getBase32StringSeed() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Gets the value of the Base32StringSeed attribute.
getBlockDeviceMappings() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the BlockDeviceMappings attribute.
getBlockDeviceMappings() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the BlockDeviceMappings attribute.
getBody() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the Body attribute.
getCertificateBody() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Gets the value of the CertificateBody attribute.
getCertificateBody() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Gets the value of the CertificateBody attribute.
getCertificateChain() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Gets the value of the CertificateChain attribute.
getCidrBlock() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the CidrBlock attribute.
getCidrBlock() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the CidrBlock attribute.
getClient() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
getClientResult() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
getClientToken() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the ClientToken attribute.
getCompleted() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the Completed attribute.
getCompletedJobs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the CompletedJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getCompletedJobs(ListJobsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the CompletedJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getCompletionDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the CompletionDate attribute.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the CreateDate attribute.
getCreateTime() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the CreateTime attribute.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the CreationDate attribute.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the CreationDate attribute.
getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the CreationDate attribute.
getCredentials() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
getDeadLetterSourceQueues() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Retrieves the DeadLetterSourceQueues collection referenced by this resource.
getDeadLetterSourceQueues(ListDeadLetterSourceQueuesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Retrieves the DeadLetterSourceQueues collection referenced by this resource.
getDefaultForAz() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the DefaultForAz attribute.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Description attribute.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Description attribute.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the Description attribute.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the Description attribute.
getDhcpConfigurations() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Gets the value of the DhcpConfigurations attribute.
getDhcpOptions(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of DhcpOptions resource by its identifier(s).
getDhcpOptions() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the DhcpOptions resource referenced by this resource.
getDhcpOptionsId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the DhcpOptionsId attribute.
getDhcpOptionsSets() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the DhcpOptionsSets collection referenced by this resource.
getDhcpOptionsSets(DescribeDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the DhcpOptionsSets collection referenced by this resource.
getEbsOptimized() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the EbsOptimized attribute.
getEnableDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Gets the value of the EnableDate attribute.
getEnableDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Gets the value of the EnableDate attribute.
getEncrypted() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the Encrypted attribute.
getEncrypted() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Encrypted attribute.
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
getEndpoints() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Retrieves the Endpoints collection referenced by this resource.
getEndpoints(ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Retrieves the Endpoints collection referenced by this resource.
getEntries() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the Entries attribute.
getEvents() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Gets the value of the Events attribute.
getExpirationTime() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the ExpirationTime attribute.
getExpirePasswords() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the ExpirePasswords attribute.
getFailedJobs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the FailedJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getFailedJobs(ListJobsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the FailedJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getGroup() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Retrieves the Group resource referenced by this resource.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of Group resource by its identifier(s).
getGroupId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets the value of the GroupId attribute.
getGroupName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the GroupName attribute.
getGroupName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Gets the value of the GroupName identifier.
getGroupPolicy(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets a subresource.
getGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Groups attribute.
getGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Groups collection referenced by this resource.
getGroups(ListGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Groups collection referenced by this resource.
getGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the Groups collection referenced by this resource.
getGroups(ListGroupsForUserRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the Groups collection referenced by this resource.
getHardExpiry() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the HardExpiry attribute.
getHypervisor() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Hypervisor attribute.
getHypervisor() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Hypervisor attribute.
getIamInstanceProfile() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the IamInstanceProfile attribute.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Gets the value of the Id identifier.
getImage(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Image resource by its identifier(s).
getImage() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the Image resource referenced by this resource.
getImageId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the ImageId attribute.
getImageLocation() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the ImageLocation attribute.
getImageOwnerAlias() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the ImageOwnerAlias attribute.
getImages() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Images collection referenced by this resource.
getImages(DescribeImagesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Images collection referenced by this resource.
getImageType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the ImageType attribute.
getInstance(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Instance resource by its identifier(s).
getInstanceLifecycle() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the InstanceLifecycle attribute.
getInstanceProfile(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of InstanceProfile resource by its identifier(s).
getInstanceProfileId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Gets the value of the InstanceProfileId attribute.
getInstanceProfiles() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the InstanceProfiles collection referenced by this resource.
getInstanceProfiles(ListInstanceProfilesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the InstanceProfiles collection referenced by this resource.
getInstanceProfiles() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Retrieves the InstanceProfiles collection referenced by this resource.
getInstanceProfiles(ListInstanceProfilesForRoleRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Retrieves the InstanceProfiles collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the Instances collection referenced by this resource.
getInstanceTenancy() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the InstanceTenancy attribute.
getInstanceType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the InstanceType attribute.
getInternetGateway(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of InternetGateway resource by its identifier(s).
getInternetGateways() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the InternetGateways collection referenced by this resource.
getInternetGateways(DescribeInternetGatewaysRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the InternetGateways collection referenced by this resource.
getInternetGateways() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the InternetGateways collection referenced by this resource.
getInternetGateways(DescribeInternetGatewaysRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the InternetGateways collection referenced by this resource.
getInventoryRetrievalParameters() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the InventoryRetrievalParameters attribute.
getInventorySizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the InventorySizeInBytes attribute.
getIops() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Iops attribute.
getIpPermissions() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the IpPermissions attribute.
getIpPermissionsEgress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the IpPermissionsEgress attribute.
getIsDefault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the IsDefault attribute.
getIsDefault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the IsDefault attribute.
getJob(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets a subresource.
getJobDescription() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the JobDescription attribute.
getJobs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the Jobs collection referenced by this resource.
getJobs(ListJobsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the Jobs collection referenced by this resource.
getJobsInProgress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the JobsInProgress collection referenced by this resource.
getJobsInProgress(ListJobsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the JobsInProgress collection referenced by this resource.
getKernelId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the KernelId attribute.
getKernelId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the KernelId attribute.
getKey() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Gets the value of the Key identifier.
getKeyFingerprint() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Gets the value of the KeyFingerprint attribute.
getKeyName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the KeyName attribute.
getKeyPair(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of KeyPair resource by its identifier(s).
getKeyPair() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the KeyPair resource referenced by this resource.
getKeyPairs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the KeyPairs collection referenced by this resource.
getKeyPairs(DescribeKeyPairsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the KeyPairs collection referenced by this resource.
getKmsKeyId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the KmsKeyId attribute.
getKmsKeyId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the KmsKeyId attribute.
getLastInventoryDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the LastInventoryDate attribute.
getLaunchTime() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the LaunchTime attribute.
getLoginProfile() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets a subresource.
getMacAddress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the MacAddress attribute.
getMain() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Gets the value of the Main attribute.
getMapPublicIpOnLaunch() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the MapPublicIpOnLaunch attribute.
getMaxPasswordAge() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the MaxPasswordAge attribute.
getMD5OfBody() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the MD5OfBody attribute.
getMD5OfMessageAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the MD5OfMessageAttributes attribute.
getMessage(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Gets a subresource.
getMessageAttributes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the MessageAttributes attribute.
getMessageId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the MessageId attribute.
getMfaDevice(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets a subresource.
getMfaDevices() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the MfaDevices collection referenced by this resource.
getMfaDevices(ListMFADevicesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the MfaDevices collection referenced by this resource.
getMinimumPasswordLength() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the MinimumPasswordLength attribute.
getMonitoring() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Monitoring attribute.
getMultipartUplaods() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the MultipartUplaods collection referenced by this resource.
getMultipartUplaods(ListMultipartUploadsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the MultipartUplaods collection referenced by this resource.
getMultipartUpload(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets a subresource.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Name attribute.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Gets the value of the Name identifier.
getNetworkAcl(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of NetworkAcl resource by its identifier(s).
getNetworkAcls() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the NetworkAcls collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkAcls(DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the NetworkAcls collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkAcls() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the NetworkAcls collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkAcls(DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the NetworkAcls collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterface(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of NetworkInterface resource by its identifier(s).
getNetworkInterfaces() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterfaces(DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterfaces() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the NetworkInterfaces attribute.
getNetworkInterfaces() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterfaces(DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterfaces() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNetworkInterfaces(DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the NetworkInterfaces collection referenced by this resource.
getNotification() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets a subresource.
getNumberOfArchives() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the NumberOfArchives attribute.
getOutput(GetJobOutputRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Performs the GetOutput action.
getOutput(GetJobOutputRequest, ResultCapture<GetJobOutputResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Performs the GetOutput action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
getOutput(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
The convenient method form for the GetOutput action.
getOutput(String, ResultCapture<GetJobOutputResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
The convenient method form for the GetOutput action.
getOwnerAlias() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the OwnerAlias attribute.
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the OwnerId attribute.
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the OwnerId attribute.
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the OwnerId attribute.
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the OwnerId attribute.
getPartSizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the PartSizeInBytes attribute.
getPasswordLastUsed() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the PasswordLastUsed attribute.
getPasswordResetRequired() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Gets the value of the PasswordResetRequired attribute.
getPasswordReusePrevention() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the PasswordReusePrevention attribute.
getPath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Gets the value of the Path attribute.
getPath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Gets the value of the Path attribute.
getPath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the Path attribute.
getPath() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the Path attribute.
getPlacement() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Placement attribute.
getPlacementGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of PlacementGroup resource by its identifier(s).
getPlacementGroup() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the PlacementGroup resource referenced by this resource.
getPlacementGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the PlacementGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getPlacementGroups(DescribePlacementGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the PlacementGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getPlatform() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Platform attribute.
getPlatform() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Platform attribute.
getPlatformApplication(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Gets an instance of PlatformApplication resource by its identifier(s).
getPlatformApplications() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the PlatformApplications collection referenced by this resource.
getPlatformApplications(ListPlatformApplicationsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the PlatformApplications collection referenced by this resource.
getPlatformEndpoint(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Gets an instance of PlatformEndpoint resource by its identifier(s).
getPolicies() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicies(ListGroupPoliciesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicies() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicies(ListRolePoliciesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicies() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicies(ListUserPoliciesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Retrieves the Policies collection referenced by this resource.
getPolicyDocument() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Gets the value of the PolicyDocument attribute.
getPolicyDocument() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Gets the value of the PolicyDocument attribute.
getPolicyDocument() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Gets the value of the PolicyDocument attribute.
getPrivateDnsName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the PrivateDnsName attribute.
getPrivateDnsName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the PrivateDnsName attribute.
getPrivateIpAddress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the PrivateIpAddress attribute.
getPrivateIpAddress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the PrivateIpAddress attribute.
getPrivateIpAddresses() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the PrivateIpAddresses attribute.
getProductCodes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the ProductCodes attribute.
getProductCodes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the ProductCodes attribute.
getProgress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the Progress attribute.
getPropagatingVgws() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Gets the value of the PropagatingVgws attribute.
getPublic() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Public attribute.
getPublicDnsName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the PublicDnsName attribute.
getPublicIpAddress() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the PublicIpAddress attribute.
getQRCodePNG() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Gets the value of the QRCodePNG attribute.
getQueue() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Retrieves the Queue resource referenced by this resource.
getQueue(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Gets an instance of Queue resource by its identifier(s).
getQueueByName(GetQueueUrlRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Performs the GetQueueByName action.
getQueueByName(GetQueueUrlRequest, ResultCapture<GetQueueUrlResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Performs the GetQueueByName action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
getQueueByName(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
The convenient method form for the GetQueueByName action.
getQueueByName(String, ResultCapture<GetQueueUrlResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
The convenient method form for the GetQueueByName action.
getQueues(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Retrieves the Queues collection referenced by this resource.
getQueues() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Retrieves the Queues collection referenced by this resource.
getQueues(ListQueuesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.SQS
Retrieves the Queues collection referenced by this resource.
getQueueUrl() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the QueueUrl identifier.
getRamdiskId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the RamdiskId attribute.
getRamdiskId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the RamdiskId attribute.
getReceiptHandle() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Gets the value of the ReceiptHandle identifier.
getRegion() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
getRequestedVpcPeeringConnections() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the RequestedVpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getRequestedVpcPeeringConnections(DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the RequestedVpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getRequesterId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the RequesterId attribute.
getRequesterManaged() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the RequesterManaged attribute.
getRequesterVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Retrieves the RequesterVpc resource referenced by this resource.
getRequesterVpcInfo() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the RequesterVpcInfo attribute.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
getRequireLowercaseCharacters() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the RequireLowercaseCharacters attribute.
getRequireNumbers() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the RequireNumbers attribute.
getRequireSymbols() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the RequireSymbols attribute.
getRequireUppercaseCharacters() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Gets the value of the RequireUppercaseCharacters attribute.
getResourceId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Gets the value of the ResourceId identifier.
getResourceType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Gets the value of the ResourceType attribute.
getResponseMetadata() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
getRetrievalByteRange() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the RetrievalByteRange attribute.
getRole(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of Role resource by its identifier(s).
getRole() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Retrieves the Role resource referenced by this resource.
getRoleId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets the value of the RoleId attribute.
getRoleName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Gets the value of the RoleName identifier.
getRolePolicy(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Gets a subresource.
getRoles() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Roles collection referenced by this resource.
getRoles(ListRolesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Roles collection referenced by this resource.
getRoles() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Retrieves the list of Roles resources referenced by this resource.
getRootDeviceName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the RootDeviceName attribute.
getRootDeviceName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the RootDeviceName attribute.
getRootDeviceType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the RootDeviceType attribute.
getRootDeviceType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the RootDeviceType attribute.
getRoutes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Gets the value of the Routes attribute.
getRouteTable(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of RouteTable resource by its identifier(s).
getRouteTable() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Retrieves the RouteTable resource referenced by this resource.
getRouteTableAssociation(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of RouteTableAssociation resource by its identifier(s).
getRouteTableId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Gets the value of the RouteTableId attribute.
getRouteTables() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the RouteTables collection referenced by this resource.
getRouteTables(DescribeRouteTablesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the RouteTables collection referenced by this resource.
getRouteTables() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the RouteTables collection referenced by this resource.
getRouteTables(DescribeRouteTablesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the RouteTables collection referenced by this resource.
getSAMLMetadataDocument() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Gets the value of the SAMLMetadataDocument attribute.
getSamlProvider(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of SamlProvider resource by its identifier(s).
getSamlProviders() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the SamlProviders collection referenced by this resource.
getSamlProviders(ListSAMLProvidersRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the SamlProviders collection referenced by this resource.
getSecretAccessKey() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Gets the value of the SecretAccessKey attribute.
getSecurityGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of SecurityGroup resource by its identifier(s).
getSecurityGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the SecurityGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getSecurityGroups(DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the SecurityGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getSecurityGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the SecurityGroups attribute.
getSecurityGroups() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the SecurityGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getSecurityGroups(DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the SecurityGroups collection referenced by this resource.
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Gets the value of the SerialNumber identifier.
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Gets the value of the SerialNumber identifier.
getServerCertificate(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of ServerCertificate resource by its identifier(s).
getServerCertificateMetadata() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Gets the value of the ServerCertificateMetadata attribute.
getServerCertificates() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the ServerCertificates collection referenced by this resource.
getServerCertificates(ListServerCertificatesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the ServerCertificates collection referenced by this resource.
getSHA256TreeHash() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the SHA256TreeHash attribute.
getSigningCertificate(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of SigningCertificate resource by its identifier(s).
getSigningCertificates() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the SigningCertificates collection referenced by this resource.
getSigningCertificates(ListSigningCertificatesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the SigningCertificates collection referenced by this resource.
getSize() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Size attribute.
getSizeInBytes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the SizeInBytes attribute.
getSnapshot(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Snapshot resource by its identifier(s).
getSnapshotId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the SnapshotId attribute.
getSnapshots() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Snapshots collection referenced by this resource.
getSnapshots(DescribeSnapshotsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Snapshots collection referenced by this resource.
getSnapshots() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Retrieves the Snapshots collection referenced by this resource.
getSnapshots(DescribeSnapshotsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Retrieves the Snapshots collection referenced by this resource.
getSNSTopic() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the SNSTopic attribute.
getSNSTopic() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Gets the value of the SNSTopic attribute.
getSourceDestCheck() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the SourceDestCheck attribute.
getSourceDestCheck() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the SourceDestCheck attribute.
getSpotInstanceRequestId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the SpotInstanceRequestId attribute.
getSriovNetSupport() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the SriovNetSupport attribute.
getSriovNetSupport() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the SriovNetSupport attribute.
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the StartTime attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getState() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the State attribute.
getStateReason() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the StateReason attribute.
getStateReason() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the StateReason attribute.
getStateTransitionReason() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the StateTransitionReason attribute.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the Status attribute.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the Status attribute.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Gets the value of the Status attribute.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Gets the value of the Status attribute.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the StatusCode attribute.
getStatusMessage() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the StatusMessage attribute.
getStrategy() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Gets the value of the Strategy attribute.
getSubnet(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Subnet resource by its identifier(s).
getSubnet() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the Subnet resource referenced by this resource.
getSubnet() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Retrieves the Subnet resource referenced by this resource.
getSubnet() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Retrieves the Subnet resource referenced by this resource.
getSubnetId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the SubnetId attribute.
getSubnetId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the SubnetId attribute.
getSubnetId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Gets the value of the SubnetId attribute.
getSubnets() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Subnets collection referenced by this resource.
getSubnets(DescribeSubnetsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Subnets collection referenced by this resource.
getSubnets() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the Subnets collection referenced by this resource.
getSubnets(DescribeSubnetsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Retrieves the Subnets collection referenced by this resource.
getSubscription(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Gets a subresource.
getSubscriptions() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the Subscriptions collection referenced by this resource.
getSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the Subscriptions collection referenced by this resource.
getSubscriptions() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Retrieves the Subscriptions collection referenced by this resource.
getSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Retrieves the Subscriptions collection referenced by this resource.
getSucceededJobs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the SucceededJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getSucceededJobs(ListJobsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Retrieves the SucceededJobs collection referenced by this resource.
getSummaryMap() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountSummary
Gets the value of the SummaryMap attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTags() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Gets the value of the Tags attribute.
getTagSet() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the TagSet attribute.
getTopic(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Gets an instance of Topic resource by its identifier(s).
getTopic() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Retrieves the Topic resource referenced by this resource.
getTopicArn() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Gets the value of the TopicArn identifier.
getTopics() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the Topics collection referenced by this resource.
getTopics(ListTopicsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.SNS
Retrieves the Topics collection referenced by this resource.
getUploadDate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Gets the value of the UploadDate attribute.
getUrl() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Gets the value of the Url identifier.
getUser() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Retrieves the User resource referenced by this resource.
getUser(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of User resource by its identifier(s).
getUser() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Retrieves the User resource referenced by this resource.
getUser() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Retrieves the User resource referenced by this resource.
getUser() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Retrieves the User resource referenced by this resource.
getUser() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Retrieves the User resource referenced by this resource.
getUserId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets the value of the UserId attribute.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Gets the value of the UserName identifier.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Gets the value of the UserName identifier.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Gets the value of the UserName identifier.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Gets the value of the UserName attribute.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Gets the value of the UserName identifier.
getUserPolicy(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Gets a subresource.
getUsers() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Retrieves the Users collection referenced by this resource.
getUsers(GetGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Retrieves the Users collection referenced by this resource.
getUsers() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Users collection referenced by this resource.
getUsers(ListUsersRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the Users collection referenced by this resource.
getValidUntil() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Gets the value of the ValidUntil attribute.
getValue() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Gets the value of the Value identifier.
getVault(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Gets a subresource.
getVault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Retrieves the Vault resource referenced by this resource.
getVault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Retrieves the Vault resource referenced by this resource.
getVault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Retrieves the Vault resource referenced by this resource.
getVault() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Retrieves the Vault resource referenced by this resource.
getVaultARN() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the VaultARN attribute.
getVaultARN() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the VaultARN attribute.
getVaultARN() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Gets the value of the VaultARN attribute.
getVaultName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Gets the value of the VaultName identifier.
getVaultName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Gets the value of the VaultName identifier.
getVaultName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Gets the value of the VaultName identifier.
getVaultName() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Gets the value of the VaultName identifier.
getVaults() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Retrieves the Vaults collection referenced by this resource.
getVaults(ListVaultsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Retrieves the Vaults collection referenced by this resource.
getVaults() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
Retrieves the Vaults collection referenced by this resource.
getVaults(ListVaultsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Glacier
Retrieves the Vaults collection referenced by this resource.
getVirtualizationType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Gets the value of the VirtualizationType attribute.
getVirtualizationType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the VirtualizationType attribute.
getVirtualMfaDevice(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Gets an instance of VirtualMfaDevice resource by its identifier(s).
getVirtualMfaDevices() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the VirtualMfaDevices collection referenced by this resource.
getVirtualMfaDevices(ListVirtualMFADevicesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.IdentityManagement
Retrieves the VirtualMfaDevices collection referenced by this resource.
getVolume(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Volume resource by its identifier(s).
getVolume() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Retrieves the Volume resource referenced by this resource.
getVolumeId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the VolumeId attribute.
getVolumes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Volumes collection referenced by this resource.
getVolumes(DescribeVolumesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Volumes collection referenced by this resource.
getVolumes() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the Volumes collection referenced by this resource.
getVolumes(DescribeVolumesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the Volumes collection referenced by this resource.
getVolumeSize() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Gets the value of the VolumeSize attribute.
getVolumeType() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Gets the value of the VolumeType attribute.
getVpc(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of Vpc resource by its identifier(s).
getVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Retrieves the Vpc resource referenced by this resource.
getVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Retrieves the Vpc resource referenced by this resource.
getVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Retrieves the Vpc resource referenced by this resource.
getVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Retrieves the Vpc resource referenced by this resource.
getVpc() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Retrieves the Vpc resource referenced by this resource.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcId() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Gets the value of the VpcId attribute.
getVpcPeeringConnection(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Gets an instance of VpcPeeringConnection resource by its identifier(s).
getVpcPeeringConnections() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the VpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getVpcPeeringConnections(DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the VpcPeeringConnections collection referenced by this resource.
getVpcs() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Vpcs collection referenced by this resource.
getVpcs(DescribeVpcsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Retrieves the Vpcs collection referenced by this resource.
Glacier - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Glacier service.
Group - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The Group resource.
GroupCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of Group resources.
GroupPolicy - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The GroupPolicy resource.
GroupPolicyCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of GroupPolicy resources.


hasNextPage() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourcePage
Checks whether this page has a "next page." If this method returns true, the next page can be retrieved by calling next.


IdentityManagement - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The IdentityManagement service.
Image - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Image resource.
ImageCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Image resources.
importKeyPair(ImportKeyPairRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the ImportKeyPair action.
importKeyPair(ImportKeyPairRequest, ResultCapture<ImportKeyPairResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the ImportKeyPair action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
importKeyPair(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the ImportKeyPair action.
importKeyPair(String, String, ResultCapture<ImportKeyPairResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the ImportKeyPair action.
initiateArchiveRetreival(InitiateJobRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Performs the InitiateArchiveRetreival action.
initiateArchiveRetreival(InitiateJobRequest, ResultCapture<InitiateJobResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Performs the InitiateArchiveRetreival action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
initiateArchiveRetreival() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
The convenient method form for the InitiateArchiveRetreival action.
initiateArchiveRetreival(ResultCapture<InitiateJobResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
The convenient method form for the InitiateArchiveRetreival action.
initiateInventoryRetrieval(InitiateJobRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the InitiateInventoryRetrieval action.
initiateInventoryRetrieval(InitiateJobRequest, ResultCapture<InitiateJobResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the InitiateInventoryRetrieval action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
initiateInventoryRetrieval() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the InitiateInventoryRetrieval action.
initiateInventoryRetrieval(ResultCapture<InitiateJobResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the InitiateInventoryRetrieval action.
initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the InitiateMultipartUpload action.
initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest, ResultCapture<InitiateMultipartUploadResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the InitiateMultipartUpload action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
initiateMultipartUpload(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the InitiateMultipartUpload action.
initiateMultipartUpload(String, String, ResultCapture<InitiateMultipartUploadResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the InitiateMultipartUpload action.
Instance - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Instance resource.
InstanceCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Instance resources.
InstanceProfile - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The InstanceProfile resource.
InstanceProfileCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of InstanceProfile resources.
InternetGateway - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The InternetGateway resource.
InternetGatewayCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of InternetGateway resources.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Account
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Archive
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccessKey
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountAlias
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountSummary
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SigningCertificate
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.VirtualMfaDevice
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Message
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Returns true if this resource's attributes have been loaded.
iterator() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourceCollection
Returns an Iterator which will lazily paginate through the entire collection, potentially making multiple service calls as the iterator is used.


Job - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Job resource.
JobCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
A collection of Job resources.


KeyPair - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The KeyPair resource.
KeyPairCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of KeyPair resources.


load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeDhcpOptionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeDhcpOptionsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeDhcpOptionsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.DhcpOptions
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this DhcpOptions resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: DhcpOptionsIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeImagesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeImagesRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeImagesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Image resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: ImageIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Instance resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: InstanceIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeInternetGatewaysRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeInternetGatewaysRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeInternetGatewaysResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.InternetGateway
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this InternetGateway resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: InternetGatewayIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeKeyPairsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeKeyPairsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeKeyPairsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.KeyPair
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this KeyPair resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: KeyNames.0 - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeNetworkAclsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeNetworkAclsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeNetworkAclsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this NetworkAcl resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: NetworkAclIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this NetworkInterface resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: NetworkInterfaceIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribePlacementGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribePlacementGroupsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribePlacementGroupsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.PlacementGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this PlacementGroup resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: GroupNames.0 - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeRouteTablesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeRouteTablesRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeRouteTablesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTable
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this RouteTable resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: RouteTableIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeSecurityGroupsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this SecurityGroup resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: GroupIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSnapshotsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSnapshotsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeSnapshotsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Snapshot resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: SnapshotIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSubnetsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeSubnetsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeSubnetsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Subnet
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Subnet resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: SubnetIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeTagsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeTagsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeTagsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Tag
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Tag resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: Filters[0].Values.0 - mapped from the Key identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVolumesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVolumesRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVolumesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Volume resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: VolumeIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVpcsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVpcsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVpcsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Vpc resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: VpcIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this VpcPeeringConnection resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: VpcPeeringConnectionIds.0 - mapped from the Id identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeJobRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeJobRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeJobResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Job
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Job resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: AccountId - mapped from the AccountId identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetVaultNotificationsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetVaultNotificationsRequest, ResultCapture<GetVaultNotificationsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Notification resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: AccountId - mapped from the AccountId identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVaultRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(DescribeVaultRequest, ResultCapture<DescribeVaultResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Vault resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: VaultName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetAccountPasswordPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetAccountPasswordPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<GetAccountPasswordPolicyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountSummary
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetAccountSummaryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountSummary
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetAccountSummaryRequest, ResultCapture<GetAccountSummaryResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountSummary
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetGroupRequest, ResultCapture<GetGroupResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Group resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: GroupName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetGroupPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetGroupPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<GetGroupPolicyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this GroupPolicy resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: GroupName - mapped from the GroupName identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetInstanceProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetInstanceProfileRequest, ResultCapture<GetInstanceProfileResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this InstanceProfile resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: InstanceProfileName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetLoginProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetLoginProfileRequest, ResultCapture<GetLoginProfileResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this LoginProfile resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: UserName - mapped from the UserName identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetRoleRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetRoleRequest, ResultCapture<GetRoleResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Role resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: RoleName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetRolePolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetRolePolicyRequest, ResultCapture<GetRolePolicyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this RolePolicy resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: RoleName - mapped from the RoleName identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetSAMLProviderRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetSAMLProviderRequest, ResultCapture<GetSAMLProviderResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this SamlProvider resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: SAMLProviderArn - mapped from the Arn identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetServerCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetServerCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<GetServerCertificateResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this ServerCertificate resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: ServerCertificateName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetUserRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetUserRequest, ResultCapture<GetUserResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this User resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: UserName - mapped from the Name identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetUserPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetUserPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<GetUserPolicyResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this UserPolicy resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: UserName - mapped from the UserName identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this PlatformApplication resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: PlatformApplicationArn - mapped from the Arn identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetEndpointAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetEndpointAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<GetEndpointAttributesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this PlatformEndpoint resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: EndpointArn - mapped from the Arn identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<GetSubscriptionAttributesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Subscription resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: SubscriptionArn - mapped from the Arn identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetTopicAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetTopicAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<GetTopicAttributesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Topic resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: TopicArn - mapped from the Arn identifier.
load() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetQueueAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet.
load(GetQueueAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<GetQueueAttributesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Makes a call to the service to load this resource's attributes if they are not loaded yet, and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this Queue resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in the request will be overridden: QueueUrl - mapped from the Url identifier.
LoginProfile - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The LoginProfile resource.


Message - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sqs
The Message resource.
MfaDevice - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The MfaDevice resource.
MfaDeviceCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of MfaDevice resources.
modifyAttribute(ModifyImageAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyImageAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
modifyAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
modifyAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
modifyAttribute(ModifySnapshotAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifySnapshotAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
modifyAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyVolumeAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyVolumeAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Volume
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
modifyAttribute(ModifyVpcAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the ModifyAttribute action.
modifyAttribute(ModifyVpcAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the ModifyAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
monitor(MonitorInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Monitor action.
monitor(MonitorInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<MonitorInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Monitor action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
monitor() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Monitor action.
monitor(ResultCapture<MonitorInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Monitor action.
MultipartUpload - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The MultipartUpload resource.
MultipartUploadCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
A collection of MultipartUpload resources.


NetworkAcl - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The NetworkAcl resource.
NetworkAclCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of NetworkAcl resources.
NetworkInterface - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The NetworkInterface resource.
NetworkInterfaceCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of NetworkInterface resources.
nextPage() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourcePage
Retrieves the next page of results.
nextPage(ResultCapture<Object>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourcePage
Retrieves the next page of results, extracting the request id and raw result object into the given context object.
Notification - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Notification resource.


pages() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ResourceCollection
Returns a view of this collection as a set of pages rather than a set of resources.
parts(ListPartsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Parts action.
parts(ListPartsRequest, ResultCapture<ListPartsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the Parts action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
parts() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Parts action.
parts(ResultCapture<ListPartsResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the Parts action.
passwordData(GetPasswordDataRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the PasswordData action.
passwordData(GetPasswordDataRequest, ResultCapture<GetPasswordDataResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the PasswordData action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
passwordData() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the PasswordData action.
passwordData(ResultCapture<GetPasswordDataResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the PasswordData action.
PlacementGroup - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The PlacementGroup resource.
PlacementGroupCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of PlacementGroup resources.
PlatformApplication - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
The PlatformApplication resource.
PlatformApplicationCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
A collection of PlatformApplication resources.
PlatformEndpoint - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
The PlatformEndpoint resource.
PlatformEndpointCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
A collection of PlatformEndpoint resources.
publish(PublishRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the Publish action.
publish(PublishRequest, ResultCapture<PublishResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the Publish action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
publish(PublishRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Publish action.
publish(PublishRequest, ResultCapture<PublishResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Publish action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
publish(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Publish action.
publish(String, ResultCapture<PublishResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Publish action.
publish(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Publish action.
publish(String, String, ResultCapture<PublishResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Publish action.
put(PutGroupPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Performs the Put action.
put(PutGroupPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
Performs the Put action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
put(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
The convenient method form for the Put action.
put(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.GroupPolicy
The convenient method form for the Put action.
put(PutRolePolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Performs the Put action.
put(PutRolePolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.RolePolicy
Performs the Put action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
put(PutUserPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Performs the Put action.
put(PutUserPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
Performs the Put action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
put(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
The convenient method form for the Put action.
put(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.UserPolicy
The convenient method form for the Put action.


Queue - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sqs
The Queue resource.
QueueCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sqs
A collection of Queue resources.


reboot(RebootInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Reboot action.
reboot(RebootInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Reboot action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
reboot() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Reboot action.
reboot(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Reboot action.
receiveMessages(ReceiveMessageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the ReceiveMessages action.
receiveMessages(ReceiveMessageRequest, ResultCapture<ReceiveMessageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the ReceiveMessages action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
receiveMessages() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the ReceiveMessages action.
receiveMessages(ResultCapture<ReceiveMessageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the ReceiveMessages action.
registerImage(RegisterImageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the RegisterImage action.
registerImage(RegisterImageRequest, ResultCapture<RegisterImageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
Performs the RegisterImage action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
registerImage(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the RegisterImage action.
registerImage(String, ResultCapture<RegisterImageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.EC2
The convenient method form for the RegisterImage action.
reject(RejectVpcPeeringConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Reject action.
reject(RejectVpcPeeringConnectionRequest, ResultCapture<RejectVpcPeeringConnectionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.VpcPeeringConnection
Performs the Reject action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removeGroup(RemoveUserFromGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the RemoveGroup action.
removeGroup(RemoveUserFromGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the RemoveGroup action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the RemoveGroup action.
removeGroup(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the RemoveGroup action.
removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the RemovePermission action.
removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the RemovePermission action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removePermission(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the RemovePermission action.
removePermission(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the RemovePermission action.
removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the RemovePermission action.
removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the RemovePermission action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removePermission(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the RemovePermission action.
removePermission(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the RemovePermission action.
removeRole(RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the RemoveRole action.
removeRole(RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfileRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.InstanceProfile
Performs the RemoveRole action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removeUser(RemoveUserFromGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the RemoveUser action.
removeUser(RemoveUserFromGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the RemoveUser action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
removeUser(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the RemoveUser action.
removeUser(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the RemoveUser action.
replaceAssociation(ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the ReplaceAssociation action.
replaceAssociation(ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationRequest, ResultCapture<ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the ReplaceAssociation action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
replaceEntry(ReplaceNetworkAclEntryRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the ReplaceEntry action.
replaceEntry(ReplaceNetworkAclEntryRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkAcl
Performs the ReplaceEntry action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
replaceSubnet(ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Performs the ReplaceSubnet action.
replaceSubnet(ReplaceRouteTableAssociationRequest, ResultCapture<ReplaceRouteTableAssociationResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.RouteTableAssociation
Performs the ReplaceSubnet action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
reportStatus(ReportInstanceStatusRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ReportStatus action.
reportStatus(ReportInstanceStatusRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ReportStatus action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
requestVpcPeeringConnection(CreateVpcPeeringConnectionRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the RequestVpcPeeringConnection action.
requestVpcPeeringConnection(CreateVpcPeeringConnectionRequest, ResultCapture<CreateVpcPeeringConnectionResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Vpc
Performs the RequestVpcPeeringConnection action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetAttribute(ResetImageAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetImageAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
Performs the ResetAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Image
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the ResetAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetAttribute(ResetSnapshotAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(ResetSnapshotAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
Performs the ResetAttribute action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetAttribute(String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Snapshot
The convenient method form for the ResetAttribute action.
resetKernel(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetKernel action.
resetKernel(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetKernel action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetKernel() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetKernel action.
resetKernel(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetKernel action.
resetRamdisk(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetRamdisk action.
resetRamdisk(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetRamdisk action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetRamdisk() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetRamdisk action.
resetRamdisk(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetRamdisk action.
resetSourceDestCheck(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetSourceDestCheck action.
resetSourceDestCheck(ResetInstanceAttributeRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the ResetSourceDestCheck action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resetSourceDestCheck() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetSourceDestCheck action.
resetSourceDestCheck(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the ResetSourceDestCheck action.
ResourceCollection<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources
A collection of resources.
ResourcePage<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources
A page is-a (immutable) List of resources; accessing methods on the list are guaranteed to be purely in-memory operations that will not block or throw exceptions because of transient network issues.
ResultCapture<T> - Class in com.amazonaws.resources
An extractor object that can optionally be passed to action methods on a resource to collect the request id and raw client-level result received from the service.
ResultCapture() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
resync(ResyncMFADeviceRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Resync action.
resync(ResyncMFADeviceRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
Performs the Resync action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
resync(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Resync action.
resync(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.MfaDevice
The convenient method form for the Resync action.
revokeEgress(RevokeSecurityGroupEgressRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the RevokeEgress action.
revokeEgress(RevokeSecurityGroupEgressRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the RevokeEgress action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
revokeIngress(RevokeSecurityGroupIngressRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the RevokeIngress action.
revokeIngress(RevokeSecurityGroupIngressRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.SecurityGroup
Performs the RevokeIngress action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
Role - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The Role resource.
RoleCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of Role resources.
RolePolicy - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The RolePolicy resource.
RolePolicyCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of RolePolicy resources.
RouteTable - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The RouteTable resource.
RouteTableAssociation - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The RouteTableAssociation resource.
RouteTableAssociationCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of RouteTableAssociation resources.
RouteTableCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of RouteTable resources.


SamlProvider - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The SamlProvider resource.
SamlProviderCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of SamlProvider resources.
SecurityGroup - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The SecurityGroup resource.
SecurityGroupCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of SecurityGroup resources.
sendMessage(SendMessageRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SendMessage action.
sendMessage(SendMessageRequest, ResultCapture<SendMessageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SendMessage action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessage action.
sendMessage(String, ResultCapture<SendMessageResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessage action.
sendMessages(SendMessageBatchRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SendMessages action.
sendMessages(SendMessageBatchRequest, ResultCapture<SendMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SendMessages action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
sendMessages() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessages action.
sendMessages(ResultCapture<SendMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessages action.
sendMessages(List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessages action.
sendMessages(List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>, ResultCapture<SendMessageBatchResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SendMessages action.
ServerCertificate - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The ServerCertificate resource.
ServerCertificateCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of ServerCertificate resources.
Service<C> - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources
Base interface for all Service types, compile-time binding them to the appropriate client interface.
ServiceBuilder<C,T extends Service<C>> - Class in com.amazonaws.resources
A fluent builder for Service objects.
set(SetVaultNotificationsRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Performs the Set action.
set(SetVaultNotificationsRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
Performs the Set action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
set(VaultNotificationConfig) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
The convenient method form for the Set action.
set(VaultNotificationConfig, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Notification
The convenient method form for the Set action.
setAttributes(SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformApplication
Performs the SetAttributes action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
setAttributes(SetEndpointAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetEndpointAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.PlatformEndpoint
Performs the SetAttributes action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
setAttributes(SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Performs the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
Performs the SetAttributes action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
setAttributes(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Subscription
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetTopicAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetTopicAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the SetAttributes action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
setAttributes(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(String, String, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
Performs the SetAttributes action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setAttributes(Map<String, String>, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sqs.Queue
The convenient method form for the SetAttributes action.
setClient(C) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
setClientResult(T) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
setConfiguration(ClientConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
setCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
setRegion(Region) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
setResponseMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture
SigningCertificate - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The SigningCertificate resource.
SigningCertificateCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of SigningCertificate resources.
Snapshot - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Snapshot resource.
SnapshotCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Snapshot resources.
SNS - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
The SNS service.
SQS - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sqs
The SQS service.
start(StartInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Start action.
start(StartInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<StartInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Start action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
start() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Start action.
start(ResultCapture<StartInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Start action.
stop(StopInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Stop action.
stop(StopInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<StopInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Stop action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
stop() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Stop action.
stop(ResultCapture<StopInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Stop action.
Subnet - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Subnet resource.
SubnetCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Subnet resources.
subscribe(SubscribeRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Subscribe action.
subscribe(SubscribeRequest, ResultCapture<SubscribeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
Performs the Subscribe action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
subscribe(String, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Subscribe action.
subscribe(String, String, ResultCapture<SubscribeResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.sns.Topic
The convenient method form for the Subscribe action.
Subscription - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
The Subscription resource.
SubscriptionCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
A collection of Subscription resources.


Tag - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Tag resource.
terminate(TerminateInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Terminate action.
terminate(TerminateInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<TerminateInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Terminate action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
terminate() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Terminate action.
terminate(ResultCapture<TerminateInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Terminate action.
Topic - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
The Topic resource.
TopicCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.sns
A collection of Topic resources.
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ResultCapture


unassignPrivateIpAddresses(UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the UnassignPrivateIpAddresses action.
unassignPrivateIpAddresses(UnassignPrivateIpAddressesRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.NetworkInterface
Performs the UnassignPrivateIpAddresses action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
unmonitor(UnmonitorInstancesRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Unmonitor action.
unmonitor(UnmonitorInstancesRequest, ResultCapture<UnmonitorInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
Performs the Unmonitor action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
unmonitor() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Unmonitor action.
unmonitor(ResultCapture<UnmonitorInstancesResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.ec2.Instance
The convenient method form for the Unmonitor action.
update(UpdateAccountPasswordPolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateAccountPasswordPolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.AccountPasswordPolicy
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update(UpdateGroupRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateGroupRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Group
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(UpdateLoginProfileRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateLoginProfileRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.LoginProfile
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(UpdateSAMLProviderRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateSAMLProviderRequest, ResultCapture<UpdateSAMLProviderResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.SamlProvider
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update(UpdateServerCertificateRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateServerCertificateRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.ServerCertificate
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(UpdateUserRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the Update action.
update(UpdateUserRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
Performs the Update action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
update() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the Update action.
update(ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.User
The convenient method form for the Update action.
updateAssumeRolePolicy(UpdateAssumeRolePolicyRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Performs the UpdateAssumeRolePolicy action.
updateAssumeRolePolicy(UpdateAssumeRolePolicyRequest, ResultCapture<Void>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement.Role
Performs the UpdateAssumeRolePolicy action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
uploadArchive(UploadArchiveRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the UploadArchive action.
uploadArchive(UploadArchiveRequest, ResultCapture<UploadArchiveResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
Performs the UploadArchive action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
uploadArchive(String, InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the UploadArchive action.
uploadArchive(String, InputStream, String, ResultCapture<UploadArchiveResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.Vault
The convenient method form for the UploadArchive action.
uploadPart(UploadMultipartPartRequest) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the UploadPart action.
uploadPart(UploadMultipartPartRequest, ResultCapture<UploadMultipartPartResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
Performs the UploadPart action and use a ResultCapture to retrieve the low-level client response.
uploadPart(String, InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the UploadPart action.
uploadPart(String, InputStream, String, ResultCapture<UploadMultipartPartResult>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.resources.glacier.MultipartUpload
The convenient method form for the UploadPart action.
User - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The User resource.
UserCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of User resources.
UserPolicy - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The UserPolicy resource.
UserPolicyCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of UserPolicy resources.


Vault - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
The Vault resource.
VaultCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.glacier
A collection of Vault resources.
VirtualMfaDevice - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
The VirtualMfaDevice resource.
VirtualMfaDeviceCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.identitymanagement
A collection of VirtualMfaDevice resources.
Volume - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Volume resource.
VolumeCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Volume resources.
Vpc - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The Vpc resource.
VpcCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of Vpc resources.
VpcPeeringConnection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
The VpcPeeringConnection resource.
VpcPeeringConnectionCollection - Interface in com.amazonaws.resources.ec2
A collection of VpcPeeringConnection resources.


withClient(C) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
withConfiguration(ClientConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
withRegion(Region) - Method in class com.amazonaws.resources.ServiceBuilder
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