Amazon SQS batch actions - Amazon Simple Queue Service

Amazon SQS batch actions

Amazon SQS provides batch actions to help you reduce costs and manipulate up to 10 messages with a single action. These batch actions include:

Using batch actions, you can perform multiple operations in a single API call, which helps optimize performance and reduce costs. You can take advantage of batch functionality using the query API or any AWS SDK that supports Amazon SQS batch actions.

Important Details
  • Message Size Limit: The total size of all messages sent in a single SendMessageBatch call cannot exceed 262,144 bytes (256 KiB).

  • Permissions: You cannot set permissions explicitly for SendMessageBatch, DeleteMessageBatch, or ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch. Instead, setting permissions for SendMessage, DeleteMessage, or ChangeMessageVisibility sets permissions for the corresponding batch versions of the actions.

  • Console Support: The Amazon SQS console does not support batch actions. You must use the query API or an AWS SDK to perform batch operations.

Batching message actions

To further optimize costs and efficiency, consider the following best practices for batching message actions:

  • Batch API Actions: Use the Amazon SQS batch API actions actions to send, receive, and delete messages, and to change the message visibility timeout for multiple messages with a single action. This reduces the number of API calls and associated costs.

  • Client-Side Buffering and Long Polling: Combine client-side buffering with request batching by using long polling together with the buffered asynchronous client included with the AWS SDK for Java. This approach helps to minimize the number of requests and optimizes the handling of large volumes of messages.


The Amazon SQS Buffered Asynchronous Client doesn't currently support FIFO queues.