Create response headers policies - Amazon CloudFront

Create response headers policies

You can use a response headers policy to specify the HTTP headers that Amazon CloudFront adds or removes in HTTP responses. For more information about response headers policies and reasons to use them, see Add or remove HTTP headers in CloudFront responses with a policy.

You can create a response headers policy in the CloudFront console. Or you can create one by using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the CloudFront API. After you create a response headers policy, you attach it to one or more cache behaviors in a CloudFront distribution.

Before you create a custom response headers policy, check if one of the managed response headers policies fits your use case. If one does, you can attach it to your cache behavior. That way, you don't need to create or manage your own response headers policy.

To create a response headers policy (console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, then go to the Response headers tab on the Policies page in the CloudFront console at

  2. Choose Create response headers policy.

  3. In the Create response headers policy form, do the following:

    1. In the Details panel, enter a Name for the response headers policy and (optionally) a Description that explains what the policy is for.

    2. In the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) panel, choose the Configure CORS toggle and configure any CORS headers that you want to add to the policy. If you want the configured headers to override the headers that CloudFront receives from the origin, select the Origin override check box.

      For more information about the CORS headers settings, see CORS headers.

    3. In the Security headers panel, choose the toggle and configure each of the security headers that you want to add to the policy.

      For more information about the security headers settings, see Security headers.

    4. In the Custom headers panel, add any custom headers that you want to include in the policy.

      For more information about the custom headers settings, see Custom headers.

    5. In the Remove headers panel, add the names of any headers that you want CloudFront to remove from the origin's response and not include in the response that CloudFront sends to viewers.

      For more information about the remove headers settings, see Remove headers.

    6. In the Server-Timing header panel, choose the Enable toggle and enter a sampling rate (a number between 0 and 100, inclusive).

      For more information about the Server-Timing header, see Server-Timing header.

  4. Choose Create to create the policy.

After you create a response headers policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior in a CloudFront distribution.

To attach a response headers policy to an existing distribution (console)
  1. Open the Distributions page in the CloudFront console at

  2. Choose the distribution to update, then choose the Behaviors tab.

  3. Select the cache behavior to update, then choose Edit.

    Or, to create a new cache behavior, choose Create behavior.

  4. For Response headers policy, choose the policy to add to the cache behavior.

  5. Choose Save changes to update the cache behavior. If you're creating a new cache behavior, choose Create behavior.

To attach a response headers policy to a new distribution (console)
  1. Open the CloudFront console at

  2. Choose Create distribution.

  3. For Response headers policy, choose the policy to add to the cache behavior.

  4. Choose the other settings for your distribution. For more information, see Distribution settings reference.

  5. Choose Create distribution to create the distribution.

AWS CloudFormation

To create a response headers policy with AWS CloudFormation, use the AWS::CloudFront::ResponseHeadersPolicy resource type. The following example shows the AWS CloudFormation template syntax, in YAML format, for creating a response headers policy.

Type: AWS::CloudFront::ResponseHeadersPolicy Properties: ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig: Name: EXAMPLE-Response-Headers-Policy Comment: Example response headers policy for the documentation CorsConfig: AccessControlAllowCredentials: false AccessControlAllowHeaders: Items: - '*' AccessControlAllowMethods: Items: - GET - OPTIONS AccessControlAllowOrigins: Items: - - AccessControlExposeHeaders: Items: - '*' AccessControlMaxAgeSec: 600 OriginOverride: false CustomHeadersConfig: Items: - Header: Example-Custom-Header-1 Value: value-1 Override: true - Header: Example-Custom-Header-2 Value: value-2 Override: true SecurityHeadersConfig: ContentSecurityPolicy: ContentSecurityPolicy: default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none' Override: false ContentTypeOptions: # You don't need to specify a value for 'X-Content-Type-Options'. # Simply including it in the template sets its value to 'nosniff'. Override: false FrameOptions: FrameOption: DENY Override: false ReferrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy: same-origin Override: false StrictTransportSecurity: AccessControlMaxAgeSec: 63072000 IncludeSubdomains: true Preload: true Override: false XSSProtection: ModeBlock: true # You can set ModeBlock to 'true' OR set a value for ReportUri, but not both Protection: true Override: false ServerTimingHeadersConfig: Enabled: true SamplingRate: 50 RemoveHeadersConfig: Items: - Header: Vary - Header: X-Powered-By

For more information, see AWS::CloudFront::ResponseHeadersPolicy in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.


To create a response headers policy with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use the aws cloudfront create-response-headers-policy command. You can use an input file to provide the input parameters for the command, rather than specifying each individual parameter as command line input.

To create a response headers policy (CLI with input file)
  1. Use the following command to create a file that's named response-headers-policy.yaml. This file contains all of the input parameters for the create-response-headers-policy command.

    aws cloudfront create-response-headers-policy --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > response-headers-policy.yaml
  2. Open the response-headers-policy.yaml file that you just created. Edit the file to specify a policy name and the desired response headers policy configuration, then save the file.

    For more information about the response headers policy settings, see Understand response headers policies.

  3. Use the following command to create the response headers policy. The policy that you create uses the input parameters from the response-headers-policy.yaml file.

    aws cloudfront create-response-headers-policy --cli-input-yaml file://response-headers-policy.yaml

    Make note of the Id value in the command output. This is the response headers policy ID. You need it to attach the policy to the cache behavior of a CloudFront distribution.

To attach a response headers policy to an existing distribution (CLI with input file)
  1. Use the following command to save the distribution configuration for the CloudFront distribution that you want to update. Replace distribution_ID with the distribution ID.

    aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id distribution_ID --output yaml > dist-config.yaml
  2. Open the file that's named dist-config.yaml that you just created. Edit the file, making the following changes to the cache behavior to make it use the response headers policy.

    • In the cache behavior, add a field that's named ResponseHeadersPolicyId. For the field's value, use the response headers policy ID that you noted after creating the policy.

    • Rename the ETag field to IfMatch, but don't change the field's value.

    Save the file when finished.

  3. Use the following command to update the distribution to use the response headers policy. Replace distribution_ID with the distribution ID.

    aws cloudfront update-distribution --id distribution_ID --cli-input-yaml file://dist-config.yaml
To attach a response headers policy to a new distribution (CLI with input file)
  1. Use the following command to create a file that's named distribution.yaml. This file contains all of the input parameters for the create-distribution command.

    aws cloudfront create-distribution --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input > distribution.yaml
  2. Open the distribution.yaml file that you just created. In the default cache behavior, in the ResponseHeadersPolicyId field, enter the response headers policy ID that you noted after creating the policy. Continue editing the file to specify the distribution settings that you want, then save the file when finished.

    For more information about the distribution settings, see Distribution settings reference.

  3. Use the following command to create the distribution using input parameters from the distribution.yaml file.

    aws cloudfront create-distribution --cli-input-yaml file://distribution.yaml

To create a response headers policy with the CloudFront API, use CreateResponseHeadersPolicy. For more information about the fields that you specify in this API call, see Understand response headers policies and the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.

After you create a response headers policy, you can attach it to a cache behavior, using one of the following API calls:

For both of these API calls, provide the response headers policy ID in the ResponseHeadersPolicyId field, inside a cache behavior. For more information about the other fields that you specify in these API calls, see Distribution settings reference and the API reference documentation for your AWS SDK or other API client.