How Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights works - Amazon CloudWatch

How Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights works

How Application Insights monitors applications

Application Insights monitors applications as follows.

Application discovery and configuration

The first time an application is added to CloudWatch Application Insights it scans the application components to recommend key metrics, logs, and other data sources to monitor for your application. You can then configure your application based on these recommendations.

Data preprocessing

CloudWatch Application Insights continuously analyzes the data sources being monitored across the application resources to discover metric anomalies and log errors (observations).

Intelligent problem detection

The CloudWatch Application Insights engine detects problems in your application by correlating observations using classification algorithms and built-in rules. To assist in troubleshooting, it creates automated CloudWatch dashboards, which include contextual information about the problems.

Alert and action

When CloudWatch Application Insights detects a problem with your application, it generates CloudWatch Events to notify you of the problem. See Application Insights CloudWatch Events and notifications for detected problems for more information about how to set up these Events.

Example scenario

You have an ASP .NET application that is backed by a SQL Server database. Suddenly, your database begins to malfunction because of high memory pressure. This leads to application performance degradation and possibly HTTP 500 errors in your web servers and load balancer.

With CloudWatch Application Insights and its intelligent analytics, you can identify the application layer that is causing the problem by checking the dynamically created dashboard that shows the related metrics and log file snippets. In this case, the problem might be at the SQL database layer.

Data retention

CloudWatch Application Insights retains problems for 55 days and observations for 60 days.


For default quotas for CloudWatch Application Insights, see Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights endpoints and quotas. Unless otherwise noted, each quota is per AWS Region. Contact AWS Support to request an increase in your service quota. Many services contain quotas that cannot be changed. For more information about the quotas for a specific service, see the documentation for that service.

AWS Systems Manager (SSM) packages used by CloudWatch Application Insights

The packages listed in this section are used by Application Insights, and can be independently managed and deployed with AWS Systems Manager Distributor. For more information about SSM Distributor, see AWS Systems Manager Distributor in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.


You can retrieve workload-specific Java metrics from Prometheus JMX exporter for Application Insights to configure and monitor alarms. In the Application Insights console, on the Manage monitoring page, select JAVA application from the Application tier dropdown. Then under JAVA Prometheus exporter configuration, select your Collection method and JMX port number.

To use AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package, install, and configure the AWS-provided Prometheus JMX exporter package independently of Application Insights, complete the following steps.

Prerequisites for using the Prometheus JMX exporter SSM package
  • SSM agent version 2.3.1550.0 or later installed

  • The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set

Install and configure the AWSObservabilityExporter-JMXExporterInstallAndConfigure package

The AWSObservabilityExporter-JMXExporterInstallAndConfigure package is an SSM Distributor package that you can use to install and configure Prometheus JMX Exporter. When Java metrics are sent by the Prometheus JMX exporter, the CloudWatch agent can be configured to retrieve the metrics for the CloudWatch service.

  1. Based on your preferences, prepare the Prometheus JMX exporter YAML configuration file located in the Prometheus GitHub repository. Use the example configuration and option descriptions to guide you.

  2. Copy the Prometheus JMX exporter YAML configuration file encoded as Base64 to a new SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store.

  3. Navigate to the SSM Distributor console and open the Owned by Amazon tab. Select AWSObservabilityExporter-JMXExporterInstallAndConfigure and choose Install one time.

  4. Update the SSM parameter you created in the first step by replacing "Additional Arguments" with the following:


    Port 9404 is the default port used to send Prometheus JMX metrics. You can update this port.

Example: Configure CloudWatch agent to retrieve Java metrics
  1. Install the Prometheus JMX exporter, as described in the previous procedure. Then verify that it is correctly installed on your instance by checking the port status.

    Successful installation on Windows instance example

    PS C:\> curl http://localhost:9404 (http://localhost:9404/) StatusCode : 200 StatusDescription : OK Content : # HELP jvm_info JVM version info

    Successful installation on Linux instance example

    $ curl localhost:9404 # HELP jmx_config_reload_failure_total Number of times configuration have failed to be reloaded. # TYPE jmx_config_reload_failure_total counter jmx_config_reload_failure_total 0.0
  2. Create the Prometheus service discovery YAML file. The following example service discovery file performs the following:

    • Specifies the Prometheus JMX exporter host port as localhost: 9404.

    • Attaches labels (Application, ComponentName, and InstanceId) to the metrics, which can be set as CloudWatch metric dimensions.

    $ cat prometheus_sd_jmx.yaml - targets: - labels: Application: myApp ComponentName: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/sampl-Appli-MMZW8E3GH4H2/aac36d7fea2a6e5b InstanceId: i-12345678901234567
  3. Create the Prometheus JMX exporter configuration YAML file. The following example configuration file specifies the following:

    • The metrics retrieval job interval and timeout period.

    • The metrics retrieval jobs (jmx and sap), also known as scraping, which include the job name, maximum time series returned at a time, and service discovery file path.

    $ cat prometheus.yaml global: scrape_interval: 1m scrape_timeout: 10s scrape_configs: - job_name: jmx sample_limit: 10000 file_sd_configs: - files: ["/tmp/prometheus_sd_jmx.yaml"] - job_name: sap sample_limit: 10000 file_sd_configs: - files: ["/tmp/prometheus_sd_sap.yaml"]
  4. Verify that the CloudWatch agent is installed on your Amazon EC2 instance and that the version is 1.247346.1b249759 or later. To install the CloudWatch agent on your EC2 instance, see Installing the CloudWatch Agent. To verify the version, see Finding information about CloudWatch agent versions.

  5. Configure the CloudWatch agent. For more information about how to configure the CloudWatch agent configuration file, see Manually create or edit the CloudWatch agent configuration file. The following example CloudWatch agent configuration file performs the following:

    • Specifies the Prometheus JMX exporter configuration file path.

    • Specifies the target log group to which to publish EMF metric logs.

    • Specifies two sets of dimensions for each metric name.

    • Sends 8 (4 metric names * 2 sets of dimensions per metric name) CloudWatch metrics.

    { "logs":{ "logs_collected":{ .... }, "metrics_collected":{ "prometheus":{ "cluster_name":"prometheus-test-cluster", "log_group_name":"prometheus-test", "prometheus_config_path":"/tmp/prometheus.yaml", "emf_processor":{ "metric_declaration_dedup":true, "metric_namespace":"CWAgent", "metric_unit":{ "jvm_threads_current":"Count", "jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum":"Second", "jvm_memory_bytes_used":"Bytes" }, "metric_declaration":[ { "source_labels":[ "job" ], "label_matcher":"^jmx$", "dimensions":[ [ "InstanceId", "ComponentName" ], [ "ComponentName" ] ], "metric_selectors":[ "^java_lang_threading_threadcount$", "^java_lang_memory_heapmemoryusage_used$", "^java_lang_memory_heapmemoryusage_committed$" ] } ] } } } }, "metrics":{ .... } }


You can retrieve workload-specific SAP HANA metrics from Prometheus HANA database exporter for Application Insights to configure and monitor alarms. For more information, see Set up your SAP HANA database for monitoring in this guide.

To use AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package, install, and configure the AWS-provided Prometheus HANA database exporter package independently of Application Insights, complete the following steps.

Prerequisites for using the Prometheus HANA database exporter SSM package
  • SSM agent version 2.3.1550.0 or later installed

  • SAP HANA database

  • Linux operating system (SUSE Linux, RedHat Linux)

  • A secret with SAP HANA database monitoring credentials, using AWS Secrets Manager. Create a secret using the key/value pairs format, specify the key username, and enter the database user for the value. Add a second key password, and then enter the password for the value. For more information about how to create secrets, see Create a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide. The secret must be formatted as follows:

    { "username": "<database_user>", "password": "<database_password>" }
Install and configure the AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-HANADBExporterInstallAndConfigure package

The AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-HANADBExporterInstallAndConfigure package is an SSM Distributor package that you can use to install and configure Prometheus HANA database Exporter. When HANA database metrics are sent by the Prometheus HANA database exporter, the CloudWatch agent can be configured to retrieve the metrics for the CloudWatch service.

  1. Create an SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store to store the Exporter configurations. The following is an example parameter value.


    In this example, the export runs only on the Amazon EC2 instance with the active SYSTEM database, and it will remain idle on the other EC2 instances in order to avoid duplicate metrics. The exporter can retrieve all of the database tenant information from the SYSTEM database.

  2. Create an SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store to store the Exporter metrics queries. The package can accept more than one metrics parameter. Each parameter must have a valid JSON object format. The following is an example parameter value:

    {\"SELECT MAX(TIMESTAMP) TIMESTAMP, HOST, MEASURED_ELEMENT_NAME CORE, SUM(MAP(CAPTION, 'User Time', TO_NUMBER(VALUE), 0)) USER_PCT, SUM(MAP(CAPTION, 'System Time', TO_NUMBER(VALUE), 0)) SYSTEM_PCT, SUM(MAP(CAPTION, 'Wait Time', TO_NUMBER(VALUE), 0)) WAITIO_PCT, SUM(MAP(CAPTION, 'Idle Time', 0, TO_NUMBER(VALUE))) BUSY_PCT, SUM(MAP(CAPTION, 'Idle Time', TO_NUMBER(VALUE), 0)) IDLE_PCT FROM sys.M_HOST_AGENT_METRICS WHERE MEASURED_ELEMENT_TYPE = 'Processor' GROUP BY HOST, MEASURED_ELEMENT_NAME;\":{\"enabled\":true,\"metrics\":[{\"name\":\"hanadb_cpu_user\",\"description\":\"Percentage of CPU time spent by HANA DB in user space, over the last minute (in seconds)\",\"labels\":[\"HOST\",\"CORE\"],\"value\":\"USER_PCT\",\"unit\":\"percent\",\"type\":\"gauge\"},{\"name\":\"hanadb_cpu_system\",\"description\":\"Percentage of CPU time spent by HANA DB in Kernel space, over the last minute (in seconds)\",\"labels\":[\"HOST\",\"CORE\"],\"value\":\"SYSTEM_PCT\",\"unit\":\"percent\",\"type\":\"gauge\"},{\"name\":\"hanadb_cpu_waitio\",\"description\":\"Percentage of CPU time spent by HANA DB in IO mode, over the last minute (in seconds)\",\"labels\":[\"HOST\",\"CORE\"],\"value\":\"WAITIO_PCT\",\"unit\":\"percent\",\"type\":\"gauge\"},{\"name\":\"hanadb_cpu_busy\",\"description\":\"Percentage of CPU time spent by HANA DB, over the last minute (in seconds)\",\"labels\":[\"HOST\",\"CORE\"],\"value\":\"BUSY_PCT\",\"unit\":\"percent\",\"type\":\"gauge\"},{\"name\":\"hanadb_cpu_idle\",\"description\":\"Percentage of CPU time not spent by HANA DB, over the last minute (in seconds)\",\"labels\":[\"HOST\",\"CORE\"],\"value\":\"IDLE_PCT\",\"unit\":\"percent\",\"type\":\"gauge\"}]}}

    For more information about metrics queries, see the SUSE / hanadb_exporter repo on GitHub.

  3. Navigate to the SSM Distributor console and open the Owned by Amazon tab. Select AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-HANADBExporterInstallAndConfigure* and choose Install one time.

  4. Update the SSM parameter you created in the first step by replacing "Additional Arguments" with the following:

  5. Select the Amazon EC2 instances with SAP HANA database, and choose Run.


You can retrieve workload-specific High Availability (HA) cluster metrics from Prometheus HANA cluster exporter for Application Insights to configure and monitor alarms for an SAP HANA database High Availability setup. For more information, see Set up your SAP HANA database for monitoring in this guide.

To use AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package, install, and configure the AWS-provided Prometheus HA cluster exporter package independently of Application Insights, complete the following steps.

Prerequisites for using the Prometheus HA cluster exporter SSM package
  • SSM agent version 2.3.1550.0 or later installed

  • HA cluster for Pacemaker, Corosync, SBD, and DRBD

  • Linux operating system (SUSE Linux, RedHat Linux)

Install and configure the AWSObservabilityExporter-HAClusterExporterInstallAndConfigure package

The AWSObservabilityExporter-HAClusterExporterInstallAndConfigure package is an SSM Distributor package that you can use to install and configure Prometheus HA Cluster Exporter. When cluster metrics are sent by the Prometheus HANA database exporter, the CloudWatch agent can be configured to retrieve the metrics for the CloudWatch service.

  1. Create an SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store to store the Exporter configurations in JSON format. The following is an example parameter value.


    For more information about the exporter configurations, see the ClusterLabs / ha_cluster_exporter repo on GitHub.

  2. Navigate to the SSM Distributor console and open the Owned by Amazon tab. Select AWSObservabilityExporter-HAClusterExporterInstallAndConfigure* and choose Install one time.

  3. Update the SSM parameter you created in the first step by replacing "Additional Arguments" with the following:

  4. Select the Amazon EC2 instances with SAP HANA database, and choose Run.


You can retrieve workload-specific SAP NetWeaver metrics from Prometheus SAP host exporter for Application Insights to configure and monitor alarms for SAP NetWeaver Distributed and High Availability deployments. For more information, see Get started with Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights.

To use AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package, install, and configure the SAP host exporter package independently of Application Insights, complete the following steps.

Prerequisites for using the Prometheus SAP host exporter SSM package
  • SSM agent version 2.3.1550.0 or later installed

  • SAP NetWeaver application servers

  • Linux operating system (SUSE Linux, RedHat Linux)

Install and configure the AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-SAPHostExporterInstallAndConfigure package

The AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-SAPHostExporterInstallAndConfigure package is an SSM Distributor package that you can use to install and configure SAP NetWeaver Prometheus metrics exporter. When SAP NetWeaver metrics are sent by the Prometheus exporter, the CloudWatch agent can be configured to retrieve the metrics for the CloudWatch service.

  1. Create an SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store to store the Exporter configurations in JSON format. The following is an example parameter value.

    • address

      The target address to which to send the Prometheus metrics. The default value is localhost.

    • port

      The target port to which to send the Prometheus metrics. The default value is 9680.

    • is-HA

      true for SAP NetWeaver High Availability deployments. For all other deployments the value is false.

  2. Navigate to the SSM Distributor console and open the Owned by Amazon tab. Select AWSObservabilityExporter-SAP-SAPHostExporterInstallAndConfigure and choose Install one time.

  3. Update the SSM parameter you created in the first step by replacing "Additional Arguments" with the following:

    { "SSM_EXPORTER_CONFIG": "{{ssm:<SSM_CONFIGURATIONS_PARAMETER_STORE_NAME>}}", "SSM_SID": "<SAP_DATABASE_SID>", "SSM_INSTANCES_NUM": "<instances_number seperated by comma>" }


    { "SSM_EXPORTER_CONFIG": "{{ssm:exporter_config_paramter}}", "SSM_INSTANCES_NUM": "11,12,10", "SSM_SID": "PR1" }
  4. Select the Amazon EC2 instances with SAP NetWeaver applications, and choose Run.


The Prometheus exporter services the SAP NetWeaver metrics on a local endpoint. The local endpoint can be accessed by only the operating system users on the Amazon EC2 instance. Therefore, after the exporter package is installed, the metrics are available to all of the operating system users. The default local endpoint is localhost:9680/metrics.


You can retrieve workload-specific SQL Server metrics from Prometheus SQL exporter for Application Insights to monitor key metrics.

To use AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package, install, and configure the SQL exporter package independently of Application Insights, complete the following steps.

Prerequisites for using the Prometheus SQL exporter SSM package
  • SSM agent version 2.3.1550.0 or later installed

  • Amazon EC2 instance running SQL Server on Windows with SQL Server user authentication enabled.

  • A SQL Server user with the following permissions:

  • A secret containing the database connection string using AWS Secrets Manager. For more information about how to create secrets, see Create a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide. The secret must be formatted as follows:

    { "data_source_name":"sqlserver://<username>:<password>@localhost:1433" }

    If the password or username contains special characters, you must percent encode the special characters to ensure a successful connection to the database.

Install and configure the AWSObservabilityExporter-SQLExporterInstallAndConfigure package

The AWSObservabilityExporter-SQLExporterInstallAndConfigure package is an SSM Distributor package that you can use to install and configure SQL Prometheus metrics exporter. When metrics are sent by the Prometheus exporter, the CloudWatch agent can be configured to retrieve the metrics for the CloudWatch service.

  1. Based on your preferences, prepare the SQL Exporter YAML configuration. The following sample configuration has a single metric configured. Use the example configuration to update the configuration with additional metrics or create your own configuration.

    --- global: scrape_timeout_offset: 500ms min_interval: 0s max_connections: 3 max_idle_connections: 3 target: aws_secret_name: <SECRET_NAME> collectors: - mssql_standard collectors: - collector_name: mssql_standard metrics: - metric_name: mssql_batch_requests type: counter help: 'Number of command batches received.' values: [cntr_value] query: | SELECT cntr_value FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE counter_name = 'Batch Requests/sec'
  2. Copy the Prometheus SQL exporter YAML configuration file encoded as Base64 to a new SSM parameter in SSM Parameter Store.

  3. Navigate to the SSM Distributor console and open the Owned by Amazon tab. Select AWSObservabilityExporter-SQLExporterInstallAndConfigure and choose Install one time.

  4. Replace the "Additional Arguments" with the following information. The SSM_PARAMETER_NAME is the name of the parameter you created in Step 2.

  5. Select the Amazon EC2 instance with the SQL Server database, then choose run.

AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Documents used by CloudWatch Application Insights

Application Insights uses the SSM Documents listed in this section to define the actions that AWS Systems Manager performs on your managed instances. These documents use the Run Command capability of Systems Manager to automate the tasks necessary for carrying out Application Insights monitoring capabilities. The run schedules for these documents are maintained by Application Insights and can't be altered.

For more information about SSM Documents, see AWS Systems Manager Documents in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Documents managed by CloudWatch Application Insights

The following table lists the SSM documents that are managed by Application Insights.

Document name Description Run schedule


Auto detects applications running in your application environment that can be set up to be monitored by Application Insights.

This document runs hourly in your application environment to get up-to-date application details.


Checks whether Performance Counter namespaces are enabled on your Amazon EC2 Windows instances.

This document runs hourly in your application environment and only monitors Performance Counter metrics if the corresponding namespaces are enabled.


Installs and configures CloudWatch Agent based on the monitoring configuration of your application components.

This document runs every 30 minutes to ensure that the CloudWatch Agent configuration is always accurate and up-to-date. The document also runs immediately after a change is made to your application monitoring setup such as adding or removing metrics or updating log configurations.

Documents managed by AWS Systems Manager

The following documents are used by CloudWatch Application Insights and managed by Systems Manager.


Application Insights uses this document to install and uninstall Prometheus exporter distributor packages, to collect workload specific metrics, and to enable comprehensive monitoring of workloads on customer Amazon EC2 instances. CloudWatch Application Insights installs the Prometheus exporter distributor packages only if the correlated target workload is running on your instance.

The following table lists the Prometheus exporter distributor packages and the correlated target workloads.

Prometheus exporter distributor package name Target workload










SQL Server (Windows) and SAP ASE (Linux)


Application Insights uses this document to manage the status and configuration of CloudWatch Agent on your instances and to collect internal system level metrics and logs from Amazon EC2 instances across operating systems.