Creating TLE extensions for RDS for PostgreSQL - Amazon Relational Database Service

Creating TLE extensions for RDS for PostgreSQL

You can install any extensions that you create with TLE in any RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance that has the pg_tle extension installed. The pg_tle extension is scoped to the PostgreSQL database in which it's installed. The extensions that you create using TLE are scoped to the same database.

Use the various pgtle functions to install the code that makes up your TLE extension. The following Trusted Language Extensions functions all require the pgtle_admin role.

Example: Creating a trusted language extension using SQL

The following example shows you how to create a TLE extension named pg_distance that contains a few SQL functions for calculating distances using different formulas. In the listing, you can find the function for calculating the Manhattan distance and the function for calculating the Euclidean distance. For more information about the difference between these formulas, see Taxicab geometry and Euclidean geometry in Wikipedia.

You can use this example in your own RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance if you have the pg_tle extension set up as detailed in Setting up Trusted Language Extensions in your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.


You need to have the privileges of the pgtle_admin role to follow this procedure.

To create the example TLE extension

The following steps use an example database named labdb. This database is owned by the postgres primary user. The postgres role also has the permissions of the pgtle_admin role.

  1. Use psql to connect to RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.

    psql --port=5432 --username=postgres --password --dbname=labdb
  2. Create a TLE extension named pg_distance by copying the following code and pasting it into your psql session console.

    SELECT pgtle.install_extension ( 'pg_distance', '0.1', 'Distance functions for two points', $_pg_tle_$ CREATE FUNCTION dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8, norm int) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT (abs(x2 - x1) ^ norm + abs(y2 - y1) ^ norm) ^ (1::float8 / norm); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE FUNCTION manhattan_dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT dist(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE FUNCTION euclidean_dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT dist(x1, y1, x2, y2, 2); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; $_pg_tle_$ );

    You see the output, such as the following.

    install_extension --------------- t (1 row)

    The artifacts that make up the pg_distance extension are now installed in your database. These artifacts include the control file and the code for the extension, which are items that need to be present so that the extension can be created using the CREATE EXTENSION command. In other words, you still need to create the extension to make its functions available to database users.

  3. To create the extension, use the CREATE EXTENSION command as you do for any other extension. As with other extensions, the database user needs to have the CREATE permissions in the database.

    CREATE EXTENSION pg_distance;
  4. To test the pg_distance TLE extension, you can use it to calculate the Manhattan distance between four points.

    labdb=> SELECT manhattan_dist(1, 1, 5, 5); 8

    To calculate the Euclidean distance between the same set of points, you can use the following.

    labdb=> SELECT euclidean_dist(1, 1, 5, 5); 5.656854249492381

The pg_distance extension loads the functions in the database and makes them available to any users with permissions on the database.

Modifying your TLE extension

To improve query performance for the functions packaged in this TLE extension, add the following two PostgreSQL attributes to their specifications.

  • IMMUTABLE – The IMMUTABLE attribute ensures that the query optimizer can use optimizations to improve query response times. For more information, see Function Volatility Categories in the PostgreSQL documentation.

  • PARALLEL SAFE – The PARALLEL SAFE attribute is another attribute that allows PostgreSQL to run the function in parallel mode. For more information, see CREATE FUNCTION in the PostgreSQL documentation.

In the following example, you can see how the pgtle.install_update_path function is used to add these attributes to each function to create a version 0.2 of the pg_distance TLE extension. For more information about this function, see pgtle.install_update_path. You need to have the pgtle_admin role to perform this task.

To update an existing TLE extension and specify the default version
  1. Connect to RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance using psql or another client tool, such as pgAdmin.

    psql --port=5432 --username=postgres --password --dbname=labdb
  2. Modify the existing TLE extension by copying the following code and pasting it into your psql session console.

    SELECT pgtle.install_update_path ( 'pg_distance', '0.1', '0.2', $_pg_tle_$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8, norm int) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT (abs(x2 - x1) ^ norm + abs(y2 - y1) ^ norm) ^ (1::float8 / norm); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION manhattan_dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT dist(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION euclidean_dist(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8) RETURNS float8 AS $$ SELECT dist(x1, y1, x2, y2, 2); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; $_pg_tle_$ );

    You see a response similar to the following.

    install_update_path --------------------- t (1 row)

    You can make this version of the extension the default version, so that database users don't have to specify a version when they create or update the extension in their database.

  3. To specify that the modified version (version 0.2) of your TLE extension is the default version, use the pgtle.set_default_version function as shown in the following example.

    SELECT pgtle.set_default_version('pg_distance', '0.2');

    For more information about this function, see pgtle.set_default_version.

  4. With the code in place, you can update the installed TLE extension in the usual way, by using ALTER EXTENSION ... UPDATE command, as shown here: