Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication and the AWS SDK for .NET - Amazon Relational Database Service

Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication and the AWS SDK for .NET

You can connect to an RDS for MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL DB instance with the AWS SDK for .NET as described following.


The following are prerequisites for connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication:


The following code examples show how to generate an authentication token, and then use it to connect to a DB instance.

To run this code example, you need the AWS SDK for .NET, found on the AWS site. The AWSSDK.CORE and the AWSSDK.RDS packages are required. To connect to a DB instance, use the .NET database connector for the DB engine, such as MySqlConnector for MariaDB or MySQL, or Npgsql for PostgreSQL.

This code connects to a MariaDB or MySQL DB instance. Modify the values of the following variables as needed:

  • server – The endpoint of the DB instance that you want to access

  • user – The database account that you want to access

  • database – The database that you want to access

  • port – The port number used for connecting to your DB instance

  • SslMode – The SSL mode to use

    When you use SslMode=Required, the SSL connection verifies the DB instance endpoint against the endpoint in the SSL certificate.

  • SslCa – The full path to the SSL certificate for Amazon RDS

    To download a certificate, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance or cluster.


You cannot use a custom Route 53 DNS record instead of the DB instance endpoint to generate the authentication token.

using System; using System.Data; using MySql.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using Amazon; namespace ubuntu { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var pwd = Amazon.RDS.Util.RDSAuthTokenGenerator.GenerateAuthToken(RegionEndpoint.USEast1, "", 3306, "jane_doe"); // for debug only Console.Write("{0}\n", pwd); //this verifies the token is generated MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection($";user=jane_doe;database=mydB;port=3306;password={pwd};SslMode=Required;SslCa=full_path_to_ssl_certificate"); conn.Open(); // Define a query MySqlCommand sampleCommand = new MySqlCommand("SHOW DATABASES;", conn); // Execute a query MySqlDataReader mysqlDataRdr = sampleCommand.ExecuteReader(); // Read all rows and output the first column in each row while (mysqlDataRdr.Read()) Console.WriteLine(mysqlDataRdr[0]); mysqlDataRdr.Close(); // Close connection conn.Close(); } } }

This code connects to a PostgreSQL DB instance.

Modify the values of the following variables as needed:

  • Server – The endpoint of the DB instance that you want to access

  • User ID – The database account that you want to access

  • Database – The database that you want to access

  • Port – The port number used for connecting to your DB instance

  • SSL Mode – The SSL mode to use

    When you use SSL Mode=Required, the SSL connection verifies the DB instance endpoint against the endpoint in the SSL certificate.

  • Root Certificate – The full path to the SSL certificate for Amazon RDS

    To download a certificate, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance or cluster.


You cannot use a custom Route 53 DNS record instead of the DB instance endpoint to generate the authentication token.

using System; using Npgsql; using Amazon.RDS.Util; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var pwd = RDSAuthTokenGenerator.GenerateAuthToken("", 5432, "jane_doe"); // for debug only Console.Write("{0}\n", pwd); //this verifies the token is generated NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection($";User Id=jane_doe;Password={pwd};Database=mydb;SSL Mode=Require;Root Certificate=full_path_to_ssl_certificate"); conn.Open(); // Define a query NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("select count(*) FROM pg_user", conn); // Execute a query NpgsqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Read all rows and output the first column in each row while (dr.Read()) Console.Write("{0}\n", dr[0]); // Close connection conn.Close(); } } }

If you want to connect to a DB instance through a proxy, see Connecting to a proxy using IAM authentication.