Creating a CEV - Amazon Relational Database Service

Creating a CEV

You can create a CEV using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. Specify either the multitenant or non-multitenant architecture. For more information, see Multitenant architecture considerations.

Typically, creating a CEV takes about two hours. After the CEV is created, you can use it to create an RDS Custom DB instance. For more information, see Creating an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance.

Note the following requirements and limitations for creating a CEV:

  • The Amazon S3 bucket containing your installation files must be in the same AWS Region as your CEV. Otherwise, the creation process fails.

  • The CEV name must be in the format major-engine-version.customized_string, as in 19.cdb_cev1.

  • The CEV name must contain 1–50 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, or periods.

  • The CEV name can't contain consecutive periods, as in 19..cdb_cev1.

To create a CEV
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Custom engine versions.

    The Custom engine versions page shows all CEVs that currently exist. If you haven't created any CEVs, the page is empty.

  3. Choose Create custom engine version.

  4. In Engine options, do the following:

    1. For Engine type, choose Oracle.

    2. For Architecture settings, optionally choose Multitenant architecture to create an Oracle multitenant CEV, which uses the DB engine custom-oracle-ee-cdb or custom-oracle-se2-cdb. You can create an RDS Custom for Oracle CDB with a Multitenant CEV only. If you don't choose this option, your CEV is a non-CDB, which uses the engine custom-oracle-ee or custom-oracle-se2.


      The architecture that you choose is a permanent characteristic of your CEV. You can't modify your CEV to use a different architecture later.

    3. Choose either of the following options:

      • Create new CEV – Create a CEV from scratch. In this case, you must specify a JSON manifest specifying the database binaries.

      • Create CEV from source – In Specify the CEV that you want to copy, choose an existing CEV to use as the source CEV. In this case, you can specify a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI), but you can't specify different database binaries.

    4. For Engine version, choose the major engine version.

  5. In Version details, do the following:

    1. Enter a valid name in Custom engine version name. For example, you might enter the name 19.cdb_cev1.

    2. (Optional) Enter a description for your CEV.

  6. In Installation media, do the following:

    1. (Optional) For AMI ID, either leave the field blank to use the latest service-provided AMI, or enter an AMI that you previously used to create a CEV. To obtain valid AMI IDs, use either of the following techniques:

      • In the console, choose Custom engine versions in the left navigation pane, and choose the name of a CEV. The AMI ID used by the CEV appears in the Configuration tab.

      • In the AWS CLI, use the describe-db-engine-versions command. Search the output for ImageID.

    2. For S3 location of manifest files, enter the location of the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified in Step 3: Upload your installation files to Amazon S3. For example, enter s3://my-custom-installation-files/123456789012/cev1/.


      The AWS Region in which you create the CEV must be in the same Region as the S3 bucket.

    3. (Create new CEV only) For CEV manifest, enter the JSON manifest that you created in Creating the CEV manifest.

  7. In the KMS key section, select Enter a key ARN to list the available AWS KMS keys. Then select your KMS key from the list.

    An AWS KMS key is required for RDS Custom. For more information, see Step 1: Create or reuse a symmetric encryption AWS KMS key.

  8. (Optional) Choose Add new tag to create a key-value pair for your CEV.

  9. Choose Create custom engine version.

    If the JSON manifest is in an invalid format, the console displays Error validating the CEV manifest. Fix the problems, and try again.

The Custom engine versions page appears. Your CEV is shown with the status Creating. The process to create a CEV takes approximately two hours.

To create a CEV by using the AWS CLI, run the create-custom-db-engine-version command.

The following options are required:

  • --engine – Specify the engine type. For a CDB, specify either custom-oracle-ee-cdb or custom-oracle-se2-cdb. For a non-CDB, specify either custom-oracle-ee or custom-oracle-se2. You can create CDBs only from a CEV created with custom-oracle-ee-cdb or custom-oracle-se2-cdb. You can create non-CDBs only from a CEV created with custom-oracle-ee or custom-oracle-se2.

  • --engine-version – Specify the engine version. The format is major-engine-version.customized_string. The CEV name must contain 1–50 alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, or periods. The CEV name can't contain consecutive periods, as in 19..cdb_cev1.

  • --kms-key-id – Specify an AWS KMS key.

  • --manifest – Specify either manifest_json_string or --manifest file:file_name. Newline characters aren't permitted in manifest_json_string. Make sure to escape double quotes (") in the JSON code by prefixing them with a backslash (\).

    The following example shows the manifest_json_string for 19c from Step 5: Prepare the CEV manifest. The example sets new values for the Oracle base, Oracle home, and the ID and name of the UNIX/Linux user and group. If you copy this string, remove all newline characters before you paste it into your command.

    "{\"mediaImportTemplateVersion\": \"2020-08-14\",\"databaseInstallationFileNames\": [\"\"],\"opatchFileNames\": [\"\"],\"psuRuPatchFileNames\": [\"\"],\"otherPatchFileNames\": [\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]\"installationParameters\":{ \"unixGroupName\":\"dba\", \ \"unixUname\":\"oracle\", \ \"oracleHome\":\"/home/oracle/\", \ \"oracleBase\":\"/home/oracle/\"}}"

  • --database-installation-files-s3-bucket-name – Specify the same bucket name that you specified in Step 3: Upload your installation files to Amazon S3. The AWS Region in which you run create-custom-db-engine-version must be the same Region as your Amazon S3 bucket.

You can also specify the following options:

  • --description – Specify a description of your CEV.

  • --database-installation-files-s3-prefix – Specify the folder name that you specified in Step 3: Upload your installation files to Amazon S3.

  • --image-id – Specify an AMI ID that want to reuse. To find valid IDs, run the describe-db-engine-versions command, and then search the output for ImageID. By default, RDS Custom for Oracle uses the most recent available AMI.

The following example creates an Oracle multitenant CEV named 19.cdb_cev1. The example reuses an existing AMI rather than use the latest available AMI. Make sure that the name of your CEV starts with the major engine version number.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version \ --engine custom-oracle-se2-cdb \ --engine-version 19.cdb_cev1 \ --database-installation-files-s3-bucket-name us-east-1-123456789012-custom-installation-files \ --database-installation-files-s3-prefix 123456789012/cev1 \ --kms-key-id my-kms-key \ --description "test cev" \ --manifest manifest_string \ --image-id ami-012a345678901bcde

For Windows:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version ^ --engine custom-oracle-se2-cdb ^ --engine-version 19.cdb_cev1 ^ --database-installation-files-s3-bucket-name us-east-1-123456789012-custom-installation-files ^ --database-installation-files-s3-prefix 123456789012/cev1 ^ --kms-key-id my-kms-key ^ --description "test cev" ^ --manifest manifest_string ^ --image-id ami-012a345678901bcde

Get details about your CEV by using the describe-db-engine-versions command.

aws rds describe-db-engine-versions \ --engine custom-oracle-se2-cdb \ --include-all

The following partial sample output shows the engine, parameter groups, manifest, and other information.

{ "DBEngineVersions": [ { "Engine": "custom-oracle-se2-cdb", "EngineVersion": "19.cdb_cev1", "DBParameterGroupFamily": "custom-oracle-se2-cdb-19", "DBEngineDescription": "Containerized Database for Oracle Custom SE2", "DBEngineVersionDescription": "test cev", "Image": { "ImageId": "ami-012a345678901bcde", "Status": "active" }, "ValidUpgradeTarget": [], "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": false, "SupportsReadReplica": true, "SupportedFeatureNames": [], "Status": "available", "SupportsParallelQuery": false, "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false, "MajorEngineVersion": "19", "DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName": "us-east-1-123456789012-custom-installation-files", "DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix": "123456789012/cev1", "DBEngineVersionArn": "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:cev:custom-oracle-se2-cdb/19.cdb_cev1/abcd12e3-4f5g-67h8-i9j0-k1234l56m789", "KMSKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:732027699161:key/1ab2345c-6d78-9ef0-1gh2-3456i7j89k01", "CreateTime": "2023-03-07T19:47:58.131000+00:00", "TagList": [], "SupportsBabelfish": false, ...

Failure to create a CEV

If the process to create a CEV fails, RDS Custom issues RDS-EVENT-0198 with the message Creation failed for custom engine version major-engine-version.cev_name, and includes details about the failure. For example, the event prints missing files.

You can't modify a failed CEV. You can only delete it, then try again to create a CEV after fixing the causes of the failure. For information about troubleshooting the reasons for CEV creation failure, see Troubleshooting custom engine version creation for RDS Custom for Oracle.