To create a CEV, access the installation files and patches that are stored in your Amazon S3 bucket for any of the following releases:
Oracle Database 19c
Oracle Database 18c
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2)
Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)
For example, you can use the April 2021 RU/RUR for Oracle Database 19c, or any valid combination of installation files and patches. For more information on the versions and Regions supported by RDS Custom for Oracle, see RDS Custom with RDS for Oracle.
Step 1 (Optional): Download the
manifest templates
A CEV manifest is a JSON document that includes the list of database installation .zip files for your CEV. To create a CEV, do the following:
Identify the Oracle database installation files that you want to include in your CEV.
Download the installation files.
Create a JSON manifest that lists the installation files.
RDS Custom for Oracle provides JSON manifest templates with our recommended .zip files for each supported Oracle Database release. For example, the following template is for the RU.
"mediaImportTemplateVersion": "2020-08-14",
"databaseInstallationFileNames": [
"opatchFileNames": [
"psuRuPatchFileNames": [
"otherPatchFileNames": [
Each template has an associated readme that includes instructions for downloading the patches, URLs for the .zip files, and file checksums. You can use these templates as they are or modify them with your own patches. To review the templates, download to your local disk and then open it with a file archiving application. For more information, see Step 5: Prepare the CEV manifest.
Step 2: Download your database
installation files and patches from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
When you have identified the installation files that you want for your CEV, download them to your local system. The Oracle Database installation files and patches are hosted on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Each CEV requires a base release, such as Oracle Database 19c or Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), and an optional list of patches.
To download the database installation files for Oracle Database
Go to
and sign in. -
In the search box, enter
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
orOracle Database Standard Edition 2
and choose Search. -
Choose one of the following base releases:
Database version Enterprise Edition Standard Edition 2 Oracle Database 19c DLP: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition ( Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ) DLP: Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 ( Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ) Oracle Database 18c DLP: Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition ( Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ) DLP: Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ( Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ) Oracle Database 12c Release 2 ( DLP: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition ( Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ) DLP: Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ( Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ) Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( DLP: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition ( Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ) DLP: Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ( Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 ) -
Choose Continue.
Clear the Download Queue check box.
Choose the option that corresponds to your base release:
Oracle Database - Long Term Release.
Oracle Database
Oracle Database
Oracle Database
Choose Linux x86-64 in Platform/Languages.
Choose Continue, and then sign the Oracle License Agreement.
Choose the .zip file that corresponds to your database release:
Database release and edition Zip files SHA-256 hash 19c EE and SE2 BA8329C757133DA313ED3B6D7F86C5AC42CD9970A28BF2E6233F3235233AA8D8
18c EE and SE2 C96A4FD768787AF98272008833FE10B172691CF84E42816B138C12D4DE63AB96 EE and SE2 96ED97D21F15C1AC0CCE3749DA6C3DAC7059BB60672D76B008103FC754D22DDE EE 31FDC2AF41687B4E547A3A18F796424D8C1AF36406D2160F65B0AF6A9CD47355
for V46095-01_1of2.zip03DA14F5E875304B28F0F3BB02AF0EC33227885B99C9865DF70749D1E220ACCD
for V46095-01_2of2.zip12.1.0.2 SE2 73873369753230F5A0921F95ACEADB591388CB06ED72A7F3AEA7BCBCEA2403BC
for V77388-01_1of2.zip2492E1BE1E3E3531DA83D0843C09C08E435AC8CEFD9A00C0DF56BE4F15CEEBF3
for -
Download your desired Oracle patches from
to your local system. You can find the URLs for the patches in the following locations:-
The readme files in the .zip file that you downloaded in Step 1 (Optional): Download the manifest templates
The patches listed in each Release Update (RU) in Release notes for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle
Step 3: Upload your installation files to Amazon S3
Upload your Oracle installation and patch files to Amazon S3 using the AWS CLI. The S3 bucket that contains your installation files must be in the same AWS Region as your CEV.
Examples in this section use the following placeholders:
– Oracle installation media file. For example, is a
– Your Amazon S3 bucket designated for your uploaded installation files.amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket
– An optional prefix in your Amazon S3 bucket.123456789012/cev1
– An Amazon S3 bucket where you can optionally stage files.amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket
Step 3a: Verify that your S3 bucket is in the correct AWS Region
Verify that your S3 bucket is in the AWS Region where you plan to run the
aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket
Step 3b: Make sure that your S3 bucket policy has the correct permissions
You can create a CEV from scratch or from a source CEV. If you plan to create new CEV from source CEVs, make sure that your S3 bucket policy has the correct permissions:
Identify the S3 bucket reserved by RDS Custom. The bucket name has the format
. For example, the bucket might be namedaccount
Make sure that the following permission is appended to your S3 bucket policy. Replace
with the name of your bucket.123456789012
{ "Sid": "AWSRDSCustomForOracleCustomEngineVersionGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectTagging" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::do-not-delete-rds-custom-
/CustomEngineVersions/*" }, ...
Step 3c: Upload your files using the cp or sync commands
Choose either of the following options:
aws s3 cp
to upload a single .zip file.Upload each installation .zip file separately. Don't combine the .zip files into a single .zip file.
aws s3 sync
to upload a directory.
The following example uploads
to the
folder in the
RDS Custom Amazon S3 bucket. Run a separate 123456789012/cev1
aws s3
command for each .zip that
you want to upload.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws s3 cp
\ s3://amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket
For Windows:
aws s3 cp
^ s3://amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket
The following example uploads the files in your local
folder to the
folder in your Amazon S3 bucket.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws s3 sync cev1 \ s3://
For Windows:
aws s3 sync cev1 ^ s3://
The following example uploads all files in
to the
folder in your Amazon S3 bucket.123456789012/cev1
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws s3 sync s3://
/ \ s3://amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket
For Windows:
aws s3 sync s3://
/ ^ s3://amzn-s3-demo-destination-bucket
Step 3d: List the files in your S3 bucket
The following example uses the s3 ls
command to list the files in your
RDS Custom Amazon S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls \ s3://
Step 4 (Optional): Share your installation media in S3 across AWS accounts
For the purposes of this section, the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your uploaded Oracle installation files is your media bucket. Your organization might use multiple AWS accounts in an AWS Region. If so, you might want to use one AWS account to populate your media bucket and a different AWS account to create CEVs. If you don't intend to share your media bucket, skip to the next section.
This section assumes the following:
You can access the account that created your media bucket and a different account in which you intend to create CEVs.
You intend to create CEVs in only one AWS Region. If you intend to use multiple Regions, create a media bucket in each Region.
You're using the CLI. If you're using the Amazon S3 console, adapt the following steps.
To configure your media bucket for sharing across AWS accounts
Log in to the AWS account that contains the S3 bucket into which you uploaded your installation media.
Start with either a blank JSON policy template or an existing policy that you can adapt.
The following command retrieves an existing policy and saves it as
. In this example, the S3 bucket containing your installation files is namedamzn-s3-demo-bucket
.aws s3api get-bucket-policy \ --bucket
\ --query Policy \ --output text >my-policy.json
Edit the media bucket permissions as follows:
In the
element of your template, specify the S3 bucket into which you uploaded your Oracle Database installation files. -
In the
element, specify the ARNs for all AWS accounts that you intend to use to create CEVs. You can add the root, a user, or a role to the S3 bucket allow list. For more information, see IAM identifiers in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.
{ "Version": "2008-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "GrantAccountsAccess", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "arn:aws:iam::
:root", "arn:aws:iam::account-2
", "arn:aws:iam::account-3
", ... ] }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectAcl", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetBucketLocation" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket
", "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket
/*" ] } ] } -
Attach the policy to your media bucket.
In the following example,
is the name of the S3 bucket that contains your installation files, andmy-policy.json
is the name of your JSON s3api put-bucket-policy \ --bucket
\ --policy file://my-policy.json
Log in to an AWS account in which you intend to create CEVs.
Verify that this account can access the media bucket in the AWS account that created it.
aws s3 ls --query "Buckets[].Name"
For more information, see aws s3 ls in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Create a CEV by following the steps in Creating a CEV.
Step 5: Prepare the CEV
A CEV manifest is a JSON document that includes the following:
(Required) The list of installation .zip files that you uploaded to Amazon S3. RDS Custom applies the patches in the order in which they're listed in the manifest.
(Optional) Installation parameters that set nondefault values for the Oracle base, Oracle home, and the ID and name of the UNIX/Linux user and group. Be aware that you can’t modify the installation parameters for an existing CEV or an existing DB instance. You also can’t upgrade from one CEV to another CEV when the installation parameters have different settings.
For sample CEV manifests, see the JSON templates that you downloaded in Step 1 (Optional): Download the manifest templates. You can also review the samples in CEV manifest examples.
JSON fields in the CEV manifest
The following table describes the JSON fields in the manifest.
JSON field | Description |
Version of the CEV manifest. The date is in the format |
Ordered list of installation files for the database. |
Ordered list of OPatch installers used for the Oracle DB engine. Only one value is valid. Values for
The PSU and RU patches for this database. ImportantIf you include |
The patches that aren't in the list of PSU and RU patches. RDS Custom applies these patches after applying the PSU and RU patches. ImportantIf you include |
Nondefault settings for the Oracle base, Oracle home, and the ID and name of the UNIX/Linux user and group. You can set the following parameters:
Each Oracle Database release has a different list of supported installation files. When you create your CEV manifest, make sure to specify only files that are supported by RDS Custom for Oracle. Otherwise, CEV creation fails with an error. All patches listed in Release notes for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle are supported.
Creating the CEV manifest
To create a CEV manifest
List all installation files that you plan to apply, in the order that you want to apply them.
Correlate the installation files with the JSON fields described in JSON fields in the CEV manifest.
Do either of the following:
Create the CEV manifest as a JSON text file.
Edit the CEV manifest template when you create the CEV in the console. For more information, see Creating a CEV.
CEV manifest examples
The following examples show CEV manifest files for different Oracle Database releases. If you include a JSON field in your
manifest, make sure that it isn't empty. For example, the following CEV manifest isn't valid because
is empty.
"mediaImportTemplateVersion": "2020-08-14",
"databaseInstallationFileNames": [
"opatchFileNames": [
"psuRuPatchFileNames": [
"otherPatchFileNames": [
Example Sample CEV manifest for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)
In the following example for the July 2021 PSU for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), RDS Custom applies the patches in the order specified. Thus, RDS Custom applies p32768233, then p32876425, then p18759211, and so on. The example sets new values for the UNIX user and group, and the Oracle home and Oracle base.
"installationParameters": {
"unixGroupName": "dba",
"unixGroupId": 12345,
"unixUname": "oracle",
"unixUid": 12345,
"oracleHome": "/home/oracle/oracle.",
"oracleBase": "/home/oracle"
Example Sample CEV manifest for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2)
In following example for the October 2021 PSU for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), RDS Custom applies p33261817, then p33192662, then p29213893, and so on. The example sets new values for the UNIX user and group, and the Oracle home and Oracle base.
"installationParameters": {
"unixGroupName": "dba",
"unixGroupId": 12345,
"unixUname": "oracle",
"unixUid": 12345,
"oracleHome": "/home/oracle/oracle.",
"oracleBase": "/home/oracle"
Example Sample CEV manifest for Oracle Database 18c
In following example for the October 2021 PSU for Oracle Database 18c, RDS Custom applies p32126855, then p28730253, then p27539475, and so on. The example sets new values for the UNIX user and group, and the Oracle home and Oracle base.
"installationParameters": {
"unixGroupName": "dba",
"unixGroupId": 12345,
"unixUname": "oracle",
"unixUid": 12345,
"oracleHome": "/home/oracle/",
"oracleBase": "/home/oracle/"
Example Sample CEV manifest for Oracle Database 19c
In the following example for Oracle Database 19c, RDS Custom applies p32126828, then p29213893, then p29782284, and so on. The example sets new values for the UNIX user and group, and the Oracle home and Oracle base.
"mediaImportTemplateVersion": "2020-08-14",
"databaseInstallationFileNames": [
"opatchFileNames": [
"psuRuPatchFileNames": [
"otherPatchFileNames": [
"installationParameters": {
"unixGroupName": "dba",
"unixGroupId": 12345,
"unixUname": "oracle",
"unixUid": 12345,
"oracleHome": "/home/oracle/",
"oracleBase": "/home/oracle"
Step 6 (Optional): Validate the CEV manifest
Optionally, verify that manifest is a valid JSON file by running the
Python script. For example, if you change into the directory
containing a CEV manifest named manifest.json
, run the following
python -m json.tool < manifest.json
Step 7: Add necessary IAM
Make sure that the IAM principal that creates the CEV has the necessary policies described in Step 5: Grant required permissions to your IAM user or role.