AWS Private CA CloudWatch metrics - AWS Private Certificate Authority

AWS Private CA CloudWatch metrics

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS resources. You can use CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, set alarms, and automatically react to changes in your AWS resources. CloudWatch metrics are published at least once.

AWS Private CA supports the following CloudWatch metrics.

Metric Description
CRLGenerated A certificate revocation list (CRL) was generated. This metric applies only to a private CA.
MisconfiguredCRLBucket The S3 bucket specified for the CRL is not correctly configured. Check the bucket policy. This metric applies only to a private CA.
Time The time in milliseconds between an issuance request and the completion (or failure) of issuance. This metric applies only to the IssueCertificate operation.
Success A certificate was successfully issued. This metric applies only to the IssueCertificate operation.
Failure An operation failed. This metric applies only to the IssueCertificate operation.

For more information about CloudWatch metrics, see the following topics: