Step 3: Read data from a table - Amazon DynamoDB

Step 3: Read data from a table

In this step, you'll read back one of the items that you created in Step 2: Write data to a table using the console or AWS CLI. You can use the DynamoDB console or the AWS CLI to read an item from the Music table by specifying Artist and SongTitle.

For more information about read operations in DynamoDB, see Reading an item.

Follow these steps to read data from the Music table using the DynamoDB console.

  1. Open the DynamoDB console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Tables.

  3. On the Tables page, choose the Music table.

  4. Choose Explore table items.

  5. On the Items returned section, view the list of items stored in the table, sorted by Artist and SongTitle. The first item in the list is the one with the Artist named Acme Band and the SongTitle PartiQL Rocks.

The following AWS CLI example reads an item from the Music. You can do this either through the DynamoDB API or PartiQL, a SQL-compatible query language for DynamoDB.

DynamoDB API

The default behavior for DynamoDB is eventually consistent reads. The consistent-read parameter is used below to demonstrate strongly consistent reads.


aws dynamodb get-item --consistent-read \ --table-name Music \ --key '{ "Artist": {"S": "Acme Band"}, "SongTitle": {"S": "Happy Day"}}'

Windows CMD

aws dynamodb get-item --consistent-read ^ --table-name Music ^ --key "{\"Artist\": {\"S\": \"Acme Band\"}, \"SongTitle\": {\"S\": \"Happy Day\"}}"

Using get-item returns the following sample result.

{ "Item": { "AlbumTitle": { "S": "Songs About Life" }, "Awards": { "S": "10" }, "Artist": { "S": "Acme Band" }, "SongTitle": { "S": "Happy Day" } } }
PartiQL for DynamoDB


aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "SELECT * FROM Music \ WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='Happy Day'"

Windows CMD

aws dynamodb execute-statement --statement "SELECT * FROM Music WHERE Artist='Acme Band' AND SongTitle='Happy Day'"

Using the PartiQL Select statement returns the following sample result.

{ "Items": [ { "AlbumTitle": { "S": "Songs About Life" }, "Awards": { "S": "10" }, "Artist": { "S": "Acme Band" }, "SongTitle": { "S": "Happy Day" } } ] }

For more information about reading data with PartiQL, see PartiQL select statements.

To update the data in your table, proceed to Step 4: Update data in a table.