Connecting Google Drive to Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business

Connecting Google Drive to Amazon Q Business

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service. Amazon Q Business can connect to your Google Drive instances. You can connect Google Drive instance to Amazon Q—using either the AWS Management Console or the CreateDataSource API—and create an Amazon Q web experience.

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Known limitations for the Amazon Q Business Google Drive connector

The Amazon Q Google Drive connector has the following known limitations:

  • To make a document available to multiple users in Amazon Q Business, you need to explicitly add each user by their email address. Only documents with specific ACLs, including folder-level ACLs, will be available to your users for query responses within Amazon Q. The Anyone with the link feature is not supported.

  • Custom field mapping is not available for Google Drive connector as the Google Drive UI does not support creating custom fields.

  • Google Drive API does not support retrieving comments from a permamently deleted file. Comments are retrievable, however, for trashed files. When a file is trashed, the Amazon Q connector will delete comments from the Amazon Q index.

  • Google Drive API does not return comments present in a .docx file.