Create AWS service integrations for HTTP APIs in API Gateway - Amazon API Gateway

Create AWS service integrations for HTTP APIs in API Gateway

You can integrate your HTTP API with AWS services by using first-class integrations. A first-class integration connects an HTTP API route to an AWS service API. When a client invokes a route that's backed by a first-class integration, API Gateway invokes an AWS service API for you. For example, you can use first-class integrations to send a message to an Amazon Simple Queue Service queue, or to start an AWS Step Functions state machine. For supported service actions, see Integration subtype reference.

Mapping request parameters

First-class integrations have required and optional parameters. You must configure all required parameters to create an integration. You can use static values or map parameters that are dynamically evaluated at runtime. For a full list of supported integrations and parameters, see Integration subtype reference.

The following table describes the supported mapping request parameters.

Type Example Notes
Header value $ Header names are case-insensitive. API Gateway combines multiple header values with commas, for example "header1": "value1,value2".
Query string value $ Query string names are case-sensitive. API Gateway combines multiple values with commas, for example "querystring1": "Value1,Value2".
Path parameter $ The value of a path parameter in the request. For example if the route is /pets/{petId}, you can map the petId parameter from the request with $request.path.petId.
Request body passthrough $request.body API Gateway passes the entire request body through.
Request body $ A JSON path expression. Recursive descent ($ and filter expressions (?(expression)) aren't supported.

When you specify a JSON path, API Gateway truncates the request body at 100 KB and then applies the selection expression. To send payloads larger than 100 KB, specify $request.body.

Context variable $context.variableName The value of a supported context variable.
Stage variable $stageVariables.variableName The value of a stage variable.
Static value string A constant value.

Create a first-class integration

Before you create a first-class integration, you must create an IAM role that grants API Gateway permissions to invoke the AWS service action that you're integrating with. To learn more, see Creating a role for an AWS service.

To create a first-class integration, choose a supported AWS service action, such as SQS-SendMessage, configure the request parameters, and provide a role that grants API Gateway permissions to invoke the integrated AWS service API. Depending on the integration subtype, different request parameters are required. To learn more, see Integration subtype reference.

The following create-integration command creates an integration that sends an Amazon SQS message:

aws apigatewayv2 create-integration \ --api-id abcdef123 \ --integration-subtype SQS-SendMessage \ --integration-type AWS_PROXY \ --payload-format-version 1.0 \ --credentials-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigateway-sqs \ --request-parameters '{"QueueUrl": "$request.header.queueUrl", "MessageBody": "$request.body.message"}'

Create a first-class integration using AWS CloudFormation

The following example shows an AWS CloudFormation snippet that creates a /{source}/{detailType} route with a first-class integration with Amazon EventBridge.

The Source parameter is mapped to the {source} path parameter, the DetailType is mapped to the {DetailType} path parameter, and the Detail parameter is mapped to the request body.

The snippet does not show the event bus or the IAM role that grants API Gateway permissions to invoke the PutEvents action.

Route: Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route Properties: ApiId: !Ref HttpApi AuthorizationType: None RouteKey: 'POST /{source}/{detailType}' Target: !Join - / - - integrations - !Ref Integration Integration: Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration Properties: ApiId: !Ref HttpApi IntegrationType: AWS_PROXY IntegrationSubtype: EventBridge-PutEvents CredentialsArn: !GetAtt EventBridgeRole.Arn RequestParameters: Source: $request.path.source DetailType: $request.path.detailType Detail: $request.body EventBusName: !GetAtt EventBus.Arn PayloadFormatVersion: "1.0"