Jira Cloud connector for Amazon AppFlow - Amazon AppFlow

Jira Cloud connector for Amazon AppFlow

Jira Cloud is a platform developed by Atlassian. The platform includes issue tracking products that help teams plan and track their agile projects. If you're a Jira Cloud user, your account contains data about your projects, such as issues, workflows, and events. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer your Jira Cloud data to certain AWS services or other supported applications.

Amazon AppFlow support for Jira Cloud

Amazon AppFlow supports Jira Cloud as follows.

Supported as a data source?

Yes. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Jira Cloud.

Supported as a data destination?

No. You can't use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to Jira Cloud.

Supported Jira Cloud products

Amazon AppFlow uses the Jira REST API to transfer data objects from the Jira Software product. It does not transfer objects that are unique to the other products in Jira Cloud: Jira Work Management and Jira Service Management.

Amazon AppFlow only connects to Jira Software on Jira Cloud. Amazon AppFlow doesn't connect to the on-premise Jira Software Data Center product.

Supported Jira API version

Version 2

Before you begin

To use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Jira Cloud to supported destinations, you must meet these requirements:

  • You have an Atlassian account where you use the Jira Software product in Jira Cloud.

  • In the developer console for your Atlassian account, you've created an OAuth 2.0 integration app for Amazon AppFlow. This app provides the client credentials that Amazon AppFlow uses to access your data securely when it makes authenticated calls to your account. For more information, see Enabling OAuth 2.0 (3LO) in the Atlassian Developer documentation.

    You must configure your app as follows:

    • In the authorization settings, you've specified a callback URL for Amazon AppFlow.

      Redirect URLs have the following format:


      In this URL, region is the code for the AWS Region where you use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Jira Cloud. For example, the code for the US East (N. Virginia) Region is us-east-1. For that Region, the URL is the following:


      For the AWS Regions that Amazon AppFlow supports, and their codes, see Amazon AppFlow endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.

    • In the distribution settings, you've set the distribution status to Sharing.

    • In the permissions settings, you've added the Jira API, and you've enabled the recommended scopes below.

In the settings for your app, note the client ID and client secret because you need them to create a connection in Amazon AppFlow.

Recommended scopes

Before Amazon AppFlow can securely access your data in Jira Cloud, the permissions settings for your OAuth 2.0 integration app must allow the necessary scopes for the Jira API. We recommend that you enable the scopes below so that Amazon AppFlow can access all supported data objects.

If you want to allow fewer scopes, you can omit any scopes that apply to objects that you don't want to transfer.

You can add scopes to your app by managing permissions in the Atlassian Developer console.

  • Under Jira platform REST API scopes, we recommend that you add all scopes.

  • Under Granular scopes, we recommend that you add the following scopes:

    • read:application-role:jira

    • read:audit-log:jira

    • read:avatar:jira

    • read:field:jira

    • read:group:jira

    • read:instance-configuration:jira

    • read:issue-details:jira

    • read:issue-event:jira

    • read:issue-link-type:jira

    • read:issue-meta:jira

    • read:issue-security-level:jira

    • read:issue-security-scheme:jira

    • read:issue-type-scheme:jira

    • read:issue-type-screen-scheme:jira

    • read:issue-type:jira

    • read:issue.time-tracking:jira

    • read:label:jira

    • read:notification-scheme:jira

    • read:permission:jira

    • read:priority:jira

    • read:project:jira

    • read:project-category:jira

    • read:project-role:jira

    • read:project-type:jira

    • read:project-version:jira

    • read:project.component:jir

    • read:project.property:jira

    • read:resolution:jira

    • read:screen:jira

    • read:status:jira

    • read:user:jira

    • read:workflow-scheme:jira

    • read:workflow:jira

    • read:field-configuration:jira

    • read:issue-type-hierarchy:jira

    • read:webhook:jira

Connecting Amazon AppFlow to your Jira Cloud account

To connect Amazon AppFlow to your Jira Cloud account, provide details from your OAuth 2.0 integration app so that Amazon AppFlow can access your data. If you haven't yet configured your Jira Cloud account for Amazon AppFlow integration, see Before you begin.

To connect to Jira Cloud
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon AppFlow console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/appflow/.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Connections.

  3. On the Manage connections page, for Connectors, choose Jira Cloud.

  4. Choose Create connection.

  5. In the Connect to Jira Cloud window, enter the following information:

    • Client ID – The client ID from the OAuth 2.0 integration app.

    • Client secret – The client secret from the OAuth 2.0 integration app.

    • Jira Cloud Domain URL – The URL where you sign in to your Jira Cloud account, for example, https://your-account.atlassian.net.

  6. Optionally, under Data encryption, choose Customize encryption settings (advanced) if you want to encrypt your data with a customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).

    By default, Amazon AppFlow encrypts your data with a KMS key that AWS creates, uses, and manages for you. Choose this option if you want to encrypt your data with your own KMS key instead.

    Amazon AppFlow always encrypts your data during transit and at rest. For more information, see Data protection in Amazon AppFlow.

    If you want to use a KMS key from the current AWS account, select this key under Choose an AWS KMS key. If you want to use a KMS key from a different AWS account, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that key.

  7. For Connection name, enter a name for your connection.

  8. Choose Continue. A window appears that asks if you want to allow Amazon AppFlow to access your Atlassian account.

  9. Choose Accept.

On the Manage connections page, your new connection appears in the Connections table. When you create a flow that uses Jira Cloud as the data source, you can select this connection.

Transferring data from Jira Cloud with a flow

To transfer data from Jira Cloud, create an Amazon AppFlow flow, and choose Jira Cloud as the data source. For the steps to create a flow, see Creating flows in Amazon AppFlow.

When you configure the flow, choose the data object that you want to transfer. For the objects that Amazon AppFlow supports for Jira Cloud, see Supported objects.

Also, choose the destination where you want to transfer the data object that you selected. For more information about how to configure your destination, see Supported destinations.

Supported objects

When you create a flow that uses Jira Cloud as the data source, you can transfer any of the following data objects to supported destinations:

Object Jira API endpoint

To retrieve your data, Amazon AppFlow queries the following endpoints in the Jira REST API. The following paths are appended to the base URI https://your-account.atlassian.net/rest/api/2

Audit Record






Issue Events


Issue Fields


Issue Field Configurations


Issue Link Type


Issue Notification Schemes


Issue Priority


Issue Resolution


Issue Security Scheme


Issue Type


Issue Type Scheme


Issue Type Screen Scheme


Jira Settings


Jira Settings Advanced


Jira Settings Global










Project Category


Project Type


Server Info






Workflow Scheme


Workflow Scheme Project Association


Workflow Status


Workflow Status Category


For more information about these objects, see the Jira REST API v2 documentation.

Supported destinations

When you create a flow that uses Jira Cloud as the data source, you can set the destination to any of the following connectors: