Zendesk Chat connector for Amazon AppFlow - Amazon AppFlow

Zendesk Chat connector for Amazon AppFlow

Zendesk Chat is a live chat service that Zendesk offers as part of its platform. Zendesk Chat helps businesses automate and enhance customer support interactions across web, mobile, and social channels. In a Zendesk Chat account, you store data related to customer conversations. If you use Zendesk Chat, you can also use Amazon AppFlow to transfer this data to certain AWS services or other supported applications.

Amazon AppFlow support for Zendesk Chat

Amazon AppFlow supports Zendesk Chat as follows.

Supported as a data source?

Yes. You can use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Zendesk Chat.

Supported as a data destination?

No. You can't use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to Zendesk Chat.

Before you begin

To use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Zendesk Chat to supported destinations, you must meet these requirements:

  • You have a Zendesk Chat account.

  • In the Zendesk Chat account settings, you've registered Amazon AppFlow with an API client. The API client provides the client credentials that Amazon AppFlow uses to access your data securely with authenticated calls to your account.

  • You've configured your API client with one or more redirect URLs for Amazon AppFlow.

    Redirect URLs have the following format:


    In this URL, region is the code for the AWS Region where you use Amazon AppFlow to transfer data from Zendesk Chat. For example, the code for the US East (N. Virginia) Region is us-east-1. For that Region, the URL is the following:


    For the AWS Regions that Amazon AppFlow supports, and their codes, see Amazon AppFlow endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.

In the settings for your API client, note the client ID and client secret because you will need them to create a connection in Amazon AppFlow.

Connecting Amazon AppFlow to your Zendesk Chat account

To connect Amazon AppFlow to your Zendesk Chat account, provide your Zendesk subdomain and the client credentials that authorize Amazon AppFlow to access your data. If you haven't yet configured your Zendesk Chat account to integrate with Amazon AppFlow, see Before you begin.

To connect to Zendesk Chat
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon AppFlow console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/appflow/.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Connections.

  3. On the Manage connections page, for Connectors, choose Zendesk Chat.

  4. Choose Create connection.

  5. In the Connect to Zendesk Chat window, enter the following information:

    • Custom authorization code URL – Your Zendesk subdomain. You can find this value in the URL that you visit when you sign in to Zendesk Chat. For example, in the account URL https://my-account.zendesk.com, the subdomain is my-account.

    • Client ID and Client secret – The client credentials that Zendesk assigned to your API client.

  6. Optionally, under Data encryption, choose Customize encryption settings (advanced) if you want to encrypt your data with a customer managed key in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).

    By default, Amazon AppFlow encrypts your data with a KMS key that AWS creates, uses, and manages for you. Choose this option if you want to encrypt your data with your own KMS key instead.

    Amazon AppFlow always encrypts your data during transit and at rest. For more information, see Data protection in Amazon AppFlow.

    If you want to use a KMS key from the current AWS account, select this key under Choose an AWS KMS key. If you want to use a KMS key from a different AWS account, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that key.

  7. For Connection name, enter a name for your connection.

  8. Choose Continue. A window appears that asks if you want to allow Amazon AppFlow to access your Zendesk Chat account.

  9. Choose Allow.

On the Manage connections page, your new connection appears in the Connections table. When you create a flow that uses Zendesk Chat as the data source, you can select this connection.

Transferring data from Zendesk Chat with a flow

To transfer data from Zendesk Chat, create an Amazon AppFlow flow, and choose Zendesk Chat as the data source. For the steps to create a flow, see Creating flows in Amazon AppFlow.

When you configure the flow, choose the data object that you want to transfer. For the objects that Amazon AppFlow supports for Zendesk Chat, see Supported objects.

Also, choose the destination where you want to transfer the data object that you selected. For more information about how to configure your destination, see Supported destinations.

Supported objects

When you create a flow that uses Zendesk Chat as the data source, you can transfer any of the following data objects to supported destinations:

  • Chat Offline Message

  • Chat Support Chat

  • Agent

  • Agent Event

  • Account

  • Department

  • Trigger

  • Shortcut

  • Ban

  • Goal

  • Skill

  • Role

  • Route Setting Account

  • Route Setting Agent

Supported destinations

When you create a flow that uses Zendesk Chat as the data source, you can set the destination to any of the following connectors: