Using App Runner with VPC endpoints - AWS App Runner

Using App Runner with VPC endpoints

Your AWS application might integrate AWS App Runner services with other AWS services that run in a VPC from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Parts of your application might make requests to App Runner from within the VPC. For example, you might use AWS CodePipeline to continuously deploy to your App Runner service. One way to improve the security of your application is to send these App Runner requests (and requests to other AWS services) over a VPC endpoint.

Using a VPC endpoint, you can privately connect your VPC to supported AWS services and VPC endpoint services that are powered by AWS PrivateLink. You don't need an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.

Resources in your VPC don't use public IP addresses to interact with App Runner resources. Traffic between your VPC and App Runner doesn't leave the Amazon network. For more information about VPC endpoints, see VPC endpoints in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.


By default, the web application in your App Runner service runs in a VPC that App Runner provides and configures. This VPC is public. It means that it's connected to the internet. You can optionally associate your application with a custom VPC. For more information, see Enabling VPC access for outgoing traffic .

You can configure your services to access the internet, including AWS APIs, even when your service is connected to a VPC. For instructions on how to enable public internet access for VPC outbound traffic, see Considerations when selecting a subnet .

App Runner doesn't support creating a VPC endpoint for your application.

Setting up a VPC endpoint for App Runner

To create the interface VPC endpoint for the App Runner service in your VPC, follow the Create an interface endpoint procedure in the AWS PrivateLink Guide. For Service Name, choose com.amazonaws.region.apprunner.

VPC network privacy considerations


Using a VPC endpoint for App Runner doesn't ensure that all traffic from your VPC stays off of the internet. The VPC might be public. Moreover, some parts of your solution might not use VPC endpoints to make AWS API calls. For example, AWS services might call other services using their public endpoints. If traffic privacy is required for the solution in your VPC, read this section.

To ensure privacy of network traffic in your VPC, consider the following:

  • Enable DNS name – Parts of your application might still send requests to App Runner over the internet using the public endpoint. If your VPC is configured with internet access, these requests succeed with no indication to you. You can prevent this by ensuring that Enable DNS name is enabled when you create the endpoint. By default, it's set to true. This adds a DNS entry in your VPC that maps the public service endpoint to the interface VPC endpoint.

  • Configure VPC endpoints for additional services – Your solution might send requests to other AWS services. For example, AWS CodePipeline might send requests to AWS CodeBuild. Configure VPC endpoints for these services, and enable DNS names on these endpoints.

  • Configure a private VPC – If possible (if your solution doesn't need internet access at all), set up your VPC as private, which means that it has no internet connection. This ensures that a missing VPC endpoint causes a visible error, so that you can add the missing endpoint.

Using endpoint policies to control access with VPC endpoints

VPC endpoint policies are not supported for App Runner. By default, full access to App Runner is allowed through the interface endpoint. Alternatively, you can associate a security group with the endpoint network interfaces to control traffic to App Runner through the interface endpoint.

Integrating with interface endpoint

App Runner supports AWS PrivateLink, which provides private connectivity to App Runner and eliminates exposure of traffic to the internet. To enable your application to send requests to App Runner using AWS PrivateLink, configure a type of VPC endpoint known as an interface endpoint. For more information, see Interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.