Use the Default VPC, Public Subnet, and Security Group - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Use the Default VPC, Public Subnet, and Security Group

Your Amazon Web Services account, if it was created after 2013-12-04, has a default VPC in each AWS Region. The default VPC includes a default public subnet in each Availability Zone and an internet gateway that is attached to your VPC. The VPC also includes a default security group. If you are new to AppStream 2.0 and want to get started using the service, you can keep the default VPC and security group selected when you create a fleet, create an app block builder, or launch an image builder. Then, you can select at least one default subnet.


If your Amazon Web Services account was created before 2013-12-04, you must create a new VPC or configure an existing one to use with AppStream 2.0. We recommend that you manually configure a VPC with two private subnets for your fleets, app block builders, and image builders and a NAT gateway in a public subnet. For more information, see Configure a VPC with Private Subnets and a NAT Gateway. Alternatively, you can configure a non-default VPC with a public subnet. For more information, see Configure a New or Existing VPC with a Public Subnet.

To use the default VPC, subnet, and security group for a fleet
  1. Complete the steps in Create a Fleet up to Step 4: Configure Network.

  2. In Step 4: Configure Network, do the following:

    • To enable your fleet instances to access the internet, select the Default Internet Access check box.


      For fleet instances that have the Default Internet Access option enabled, the limit is 100.

    • For VPC, choose the default VPC for your AWS Region.

      The default VPC name uses the following format: vpc-vpc-id (No_default_value_Name).

    • For Subnet 1, choose a default public subnet and make a note of the Availability Zone.

      The default subnet names use the following format: subnet-subnet-id | (IPv4 CIDR block) | Default in availability-zone.

    • Optionally, for Subnet 2, choose a default subnet in a different Availability Zone.

    • For Security groups, select the default security group.

      The default security group name uses the following format: sg-security-group-id-default

  3. Continue with the steps in Create a Fleet.

Complete the following steps to use the default VPC, subnet, and security group for an image builder.

To use the default VPC, subnet, and security group for an image builder
  1. Follow the steps in Launch an Image Builder to Install and Configure Streaming Applications up to Step 3: Configure Network.

  2. In Step 4: Configure Network, do the following:

    • To enable your image builder to access the internet, select the Default Internet Access check box.

    • For VPC, choose the default VPC for your AWS Region.

      The default VPC name uses the following format: vpc-vpc-id (No_default_value_Name).

    • For Subnet 1, choose a default public subnet.

      The default subnet names use the following format: subnet-subnet-id | (IPv4 CIDR block) | Default in availability-zone.

    • For Security groups, select the default security group.

      The default security group name uses the following format: sg-security-group-id-default

  3. Continue with the steps in Launch an Image Builder to Install and Configure Streaming Applications.

Complete the following steps to use the default VPC, subnet, and security group for an app block builder.

To use the default VPC, subnet, and security group for an app block builder
  1. Follow the steps in Create an App Block Builder, up to Step 2: Configure Network.

  2. In Step 2: Configure Network, do the following:

    • To enable your image builder to access the internet, select the Default Internet Access check box.

    • For VPC, choose the default VPC for your AWS Region.

      The default VPC name uses the following format: vpc-vpc-id (No_default_value_Name).

    • For Subnet 1, choose a default public subnet.

      The default subnet names use the following format: subnet-subnet-id | (IPv4 CIDR block) | Default in availability-zone.

    • For Security groups, select the default security group.

      The default security group name uses the following format: sg-security-group-id-default

  3. Continue with the steps in Create an App Block Builder.