Accessing the available frameworks in AWS Audit Manager - AWS Audit Manager

Accessing the available frameworks in AWS Audit Manager

You can view all available frameworks on the Framework library page in the Audit Manager console. From here, you can also create an assessment from a framework, create a custom framework, or customize an existing framework.

You can also view all available frameworks using the Audit Manager API or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Audit Manager console
To view available frameworks (console)
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Framework library.

  3. Choose the Standard frameworks tab or the Custom frameworks tab to browse the available standard and custom frameworks.

  4. Choose any framework name to view the details of that framework.

To view available frameworks (AWS CLI)

To view frameworks in Audit Manager, use the list-assessment-frameworks command and specify a --framework-type. Either, you can retrieve a list of standard frameworks. Or, you can retrieve a list of custom frameworks.

aws auditmanager list-assessment-frameworks --framework-type Standard
aws auditmanager list-assessment-frameworks --framework-type Custom
Audit Manager API
To view available frameworks (API)

Use the ListAssessmentFrameworks operation and specify a frameworkType. Either, you can return a list of standard frameworks. Or, you can return a list of custom frameworks.

For more information, choose either of the previous links to read more in the AWS Audit Manager API Reference. This includes information about how to use the ListAssessmentFrameworks operation and parameters in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs.