Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppSync
AWS AppSync Construct Library
---AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.
The @aws-cdk/aws-appsync
package contains constructs for building flexible
APIs that use GraphQL.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppSync;
Example of a GraphQL API with AWS_IAM
authorization resolving into a DynamoDb
backend data source.
GraphQL schema file schema.graphql
type demo {
id: String!
version: String!
type Query {
getDemos: [ demo! ]
input DemoInput {
version: String!
type Mutation {
addDemo(input: DemoInput!): demo
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "Api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "demo",
Schema = Schema.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "schema.graphql")),
AuthorizationConfig = new AuthorizationConfig {
DefaultAuthorization = new AuthorizationMode {
AuthorizationType = AuthorizationType.IAM
XrayEnabled = true
var demoTable = new Table(this, "DemoTable", new TableProps {
PartitionKey = new Attribute {
Name = "id",
Type = AttributeType.STRING
var demoDS = api.AddDynamoDbDataSource("demoDataSource", demoTable);
// Resolver for the Query "getDemos" that scans the DynamoDb table and returns the entire list.
demoDS.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Query",
FieldName = "getDemos",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.DynamoDbScanTable(),
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.DynamoDbResultList()
// Resolver for the Mutation "addDemo" that puts the item into the DynamoDb table.
demoDS.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Mutation",
FieldName = "addDemo",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.DynamoDbPutItem(PrimaryKey.Partition("id").Auto(), Values.Projecting("input")),
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.DynamoDbResultItem()
Aurora Serverless
AppSync provides a data source for executing SQL commands against Amazon Aurora Serverless clusters. You can use AppSync resolvers to execute SQL statements against the Data API with GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
// Build a data source for AppSync to access the database.
GraphqlApi api;
// Create username and password secret for DB Cluster
var secret = new DatabaseSecret(this, "AuroraSecret", new DatabaseSecretProps {
Username = "clusteradmin"
// The VPC to place the cluster in
var vpc = new Vpc(this, "AuroraVpc");
// Create the serverless cluster, provide all values needed to customise the database.
var cluster = new ServerlessCluster(this, "AuroraCluster", new ServerlessClusterProps {
Engine = DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL,
Vpc = vpc,
Credentials = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "username", "clusteradmin" } },
ClusterIdentifier = "db-endpoint-test",
DefaultDatabaseName = "demos"
var rdsDS = api.AddRdsDataSource("rds", cluster, secret, "demos");
// Set up a resolver for an RDS query.
rdsDS.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Query",
FieldName = "getDemosRds",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(@"
""version"": ""2018-05-29"",
""statements"": [
""SELECT * FROM demos""
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(@"
// Set up a resolver for an RDS mutation.
rdsDS.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Mutation",
FieldName = "addDemoRds",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(@"
""version"": ""2018-05-29"",
""statements"": [
""INSERT INTO demos VALUES (:id, :version)"",
""SELECT * WHERE id = :id""
""variableMap"": {
"":id"": $util.toJson($util.autoId()),
"":version"": $util.toJson($ctx.args.version)
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(@"
HTTP Endpoints
GraphQL schema file schema.graphql
type job {
id: String!
version: String!
input DemoInput {
version: String!
type Mutation {
callStepFunction(input: DemoInput!): job
GraphQL request mapping template request.vtl
"version": "2018-05-29",
"method": "POST",
"resourcePath": "/",
"params": {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.0",
"body": {
"stateMachineArn": "<your step functions arn>",
"input": "{ \"id\": \"$\" }"
GraphQL response mapping template response.vtl
"id": "${}"
CDK stack file app-stack.ts
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "api",
Schema = Schema.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "schema.graphql"))
var httpDs = api.AddHttpDataSource("ds", "", new HttpDataSourceOptions {
Name = "httpDsWithStepF",
Description = "from appsync to StepFunctions Workflow",
AuthorizationConfig = new AwsIamConfig {
SigningRegion = "us-east-1",
SigningServiceName = "states"
httpDs.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Mutation",
FieldName = "callStepFunction",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("request.vtl"),
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("response.vtl")
Amazon OpenSearch Service
AppSync has builtin support for Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) from domains that are provisioned through your AWS account. You can use AppSync resolvers to perform GraphQL operations such as queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.OpenSearchService;
GraphqlApi api;
var user = new User(this, "User");
var domain = new Domain(this, "Domain", new DomainProps {
Version = EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_2,
RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
FineGrainedAccessControl = new AdvancedSecurityOptions { MasterUserArn = user.UserArn },
EncryptionAtRest = new EncryptionAtRestOptions { Enabled = true },
NodeToNodeEncryption = true,
EnforceHttps = true
var ds = api.AddOpenSearchDataSource("ds", domain);
ds.CreateResolver(new BaseResolverProps {
TypeName = "Query",
FieldName = "getTests",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(JSON.Stringify(new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "version", "2017-02-28" },
{ "operation", "GET" },
{ "path", "/id/post/_search" },
{ "params", new Struct {
Headers = new Struct { },
QueryString = new Struct { },
Body = new Struct { From = 0, Size = 50 }
} }
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromString(@"[
#foreach($entry in $context.result.hits.hits)
#if( $velocityCount > 1 ) , #end
Custom Domain Names
For many use cases you may want to associate a custom domain name with your GraphQL API. This can be done during the API creation.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CertificateManager;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Route53;
// hosted zone and route53 features
string hostedZoneId;
var zoneName = "";
var myDomainName = "";
var certificate = new Certificate(this, "cert", new CertificateProps { DomainName = myDomainName });
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "myApi",
DomainName = new DomainOptions {
Certificate = certificate,
DomainName = myDomainName
// hosted zone for adding appsync domain
var zone = HostedZone.FromHostedZoneAttributes(this, "HostedZone", new HostedZoneAttributes {
HostedZoneId = hostedZoneId,
ZoneName = zoneName
// create a cname to the appsync domain. will map to something like
// create a cname to the appsync domain. will map to something like
new CnameRecord(this, "CnameApiRecord", new CnameRecordProps {
RecordName = "api",
Zone = zone,
DomainName = myDomainName
Every GraphQL Api needs a schema to define the Api. CDK offers appsync.Schema
for static convenience methods for various types of schema declaration: code-first
or schema-first.
When declaring your GraphQL Api, CDK defaults to a code-first approach if the
property is not configured.
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps { Name = "myApi" });
CDK will declare a Schema
class that will give your Api access functions to
define your schema code-first: addType
, addToSchema
, etc.
You can also declare your Schema
class outside of your CDK stack, to define
your schema externally.
var schema = new Schema();
schema.AddType(new ObjectType("demo", new ObjectTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "id", GraphqlType.Id() } }
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "myApi",
Schema = schema
See the code-first schema section for more details.
You can define your GraphQL Schema from a file on disk. For convenience, use
the appsync.Schema.fromAsset
to specify the file representing your schema.
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "myApi",
Schema = Schema.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "schema.graphl"))
Any GraphQL Api that has been created outside the stack can be imported from
another stack into your CDK app. Utilizing the fromXxx
function, you have
the ability to add data sources and resolvers through a IGraphqlApi
GraphqlApi api;
Table table;
var importedApi = GraphqlApi.FromGraphqlApiAttributes(this, "IApi", new GraphqlApiAttributes {
GraphqlApiId = api.ApiId,
GraphqlApiArn = api.Arn
importedApi.AddDynamoDbDataSource("TableDataSource", table);
If you don't specify graphqlArn
in fromXxxAttributes
, CDK will autogenerate
the expected arn
for the imported api, given the apiId
. For creating data
sources and resolvers, an apiId
is sufficient.
There are multiple authorization types available for GraphQL API to cater to different access use cases. They are:
These types can be used simultaneously in a single API, allowing different types of clients to access data. When you specify an authorization type, you can also specify the corresponding authorization mode to finish defining your authorization. For example, this is a GraphQL API with AWS Lambda Authorization.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;
Function authFunction;
new GraphqlApi(this, "api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "api",
Schema = Schema.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, "appsync.test.graphql")),
AuthorizationConfig = new AuthorizationConfig {
DefaultAuthorization = new AuthorizationMode {
AuthorizationType = AuthorizationType.LAMBDA,
LambdaAuthorizerConfig = new LambdaAuthorizerConfig {
Handler = authFunction
When using AWS_IAM
as the authorization type for GraphQL API, an IAM Role
with correct permissions must be used for access to API.
When configuring permissions, you can specify specific resources to only be
accessible by IAM
authorization. For example, if you want to only allow mutability
for IAM
authorized access you would configure the following.
In schema.graphql
type Mutation {
updateExample(...): ...
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
See documentation for more details.
To make this easier, CDK provides grant
Use the grant
function for more granular authorization.
GraphqlApi api;
var role = new Role(this, "Role", new RoleProps {
AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal("")
api.Grant(role, IamResource.Custom("types/Mutation/fields/updateExample"), "appsync:GraphQL");
In order to use the grant
functions, you need to use the class IamResource
Generic Permissions
Alternatively, you can use more generic grant
functions to accomplish the same usage.
These include:
GraphqlApi api;
Role role;
// For generic types
api.GrantMutation(role, "updateExample");
// For custom types and granular design
api.Grant(role, IamResource.OfType("Mutation", "updateExample"), "appsync:GraphQL");
Pipeline Resolvers and AppSync Functions
AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source. Developers can compose operations (Functions) and execute them in sequence with Pipeline Resolvers.
GraphqlApi api;
var appsyncFunction = new AppsyncFunction(this, "function", new AppsyncFunctionProps {
Name = "appsync_function",
Api = api,
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("request.vtl"),
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("response.vtl")
AppSync Functions are used in tandem with pipeline resolvers to compose multiple operations.
GraphqlApi api;
AppsyncFunction appsyncFunction;
var pipelineResolver = new Resolver(this, "pipeline", new ResolverProps {
Api = api,
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
TypeName = "typeName",
FieldName = "fieldName",
RequestMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("beforeRequest.vtl"),
PipelineConfig = new [] { appsyncFunction },
ResponseMappingTemplate = MappingTemplate.FromFile("afterResponse.vtl")
Learn more about Pipeline Resolvers and AppSync Functions here.
Code-First Schema
CDK offers the ability to generate your schema in a code-first approach. A code-first approach offers a developer workflow with:
The code-first approach allows for dynamic schema generation. You can generate your schema based on variables and templates to reduce code duplication.
Code-First Example
To showcase the code-first approach. Let's try to model the following schema segment.
interface Node {
id: String
type Query {
allFilms(after: String, first: Int, before: String, last: Int): FilmConnection
type FilmNode implements Node {
filmName: String
type FilmConnection {
edges: [FilmEdge]
films: [Film]
totalCount: Int
type FilmEdge {
node: Film
cursor: String
Above we see a schema that allows for generating paginated responses. For example,
we can query allFilms(first: 100)
since FilmConnection
acts as an intermediary
for holding FilmEdges
we can write a resolver to return the first 100 films.
In a separate file, we can declare our object types and related functions.
We will call this file object-types.ts
and we will have created it in a way that
allows us to generate other XxxConnection
and XxxEdges
in the future.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppSync;
var pluralize = Require("pluralize");
IDictionary<string, GraphqlType> args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> {
{ "after", GraphqlType.String() },
{ "first", GraphqlType.Int() },
{ "before", GraphqlType.String() },
{ "last", GraphqlType.Int() }
var Node = new InterfaceType("Node", new IntermediateTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "id", GraphqlType.String() } }
var FilmNode = new ObjectType("FilmNode", new ObjectTypeOptions {
InterfaceTypes = new [] { Node },
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "filmName", GraphqlType.String() } }
public IDictionary<string, ObjectType> GenerateEdgeAndConnection(ObjectType base)
var edge = new ObjectType($"{}Edge", new ObjectTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "node", base.Attribute() }, { "cursor", GraphqlType.String() } }
var connection = new ObjectType($"{}Connection", new ObjectTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> {
{ "edges", edge.Attribute(new BaseTypeOptions { IsList = true }) },
{ Pluralize(base.Name), base.Attribute(new BaseTypeOptions { IsList = true }) },
{ "totalCount", GraphqlType.Int() }
return new Struct { Edge = edge, Connection = connection };
Finally, we will go to our cdk-stack
and combine everything together
to generate our schema.
MappingTemplate dummyRequest;
MappingTemplate dummyResponse;
var api = new GraphqlApi(this, "Api", new GraphqlApiProps {
Name = "demo"
var objectTypes = new [] { Node, FilmNode };
IDictionary<string, ObjectType> filmConnections = GenerateEdgeAndConnection(FilmNode);
api.AddQuery("allFilms", new ResolvableField(new ResolvableFieldOptions {
ReturnType = filmConnections.Connection.Attribute(),
Args = args,
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = dummyRequest,
ResponseMappingTemplate = dummyResponse
Notice how we can utilize the generateEdgeAndConnection
function to generate
Object Types. In the future, if we wanted to create more Object Types, we can simply
create the base Object Type (i.e. Film) and from there we can generate its respective
and Edges
Check out a more in-depth example here.
GraphQL Types
One of the benefits of GraphQL is its strongly typed nature. We define the types within an object, query, mutation, interface, etc. as GraphQL Types.
GraphQL Types are the building blocks of types, whether they are scalar, objects, interfaces, etc. GraphQL Types can be:
More concretely, GraphQL Types are simply the types appended to variables.
Referencing the object type Demo
in the previous example, the GraphQL Types
is String!
and is applied to both the names id
and version
are attached to a field or type and affect the execution of queries,
mutations, and types. With AppSync, we use Directives
to configure authorization.
CDK provides static functions to add directives to your Schema.
To learn more about authorization and directives, read these docs here.
Field and Resolvable Fields
While GraphqlType
is a base implementation for GraphQL fields, we have abstractions
on top of GraphqlType
that provide finer grain support.
extends GraphqlType
and will allow you to define arguments. Interface Types are not resolvable and this class will allow you to define arguments,
but not its resolvers.
For example, if we want to create the following type:
type Node {
test(argument: string): String
The CDK code required would be:
var field = new Field(new FieldOptions {
ReturnType = GraphqlType.String(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> {
{ "argument", GraphqlType.String() }
var type = new InterfaceType("Node", new IntermediateTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "test", field } }
Resolvable Fields
extends Field
and will allow you to define arguments and its resolvers.
Object Types can have fields that resolve and perform operations on
your backend.
You can also create resolvable fields for object types.
type Info {
node(id: String): String
The CDK code required would be:
GraphqlApi api;
MappingTemplate dummyRequest;
MappingTemplate dummyResponse;
var info = new ObjectType("Info", new ObjectTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> {
{ "node", new ResolvableField(new ResolvableFieldOptions {
ReturnType = GraphqlType.String(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> {
{ "id", GraphqlType.String() }
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = dummyRequest,
ResponseMappingTemplate = dummyResponse
}) }
To nest resolvers, we can also create top level query types that call upon other types. Building off the previous example, if we want the following graphql type definition:
type Query {
get(argument: string): Info
The CDK code required would be:
GraphqlApi api;
MappingTemplate dummyRequest;
MappingTemplate dummyResponse;
var query = new ObjectType("Query", new ObjectTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> {
{ "get", new ResolvableField(new ResolvableFieldOptions {
ReturnType = GraphqlType.String(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> {
{ "argument", GraphqlType.String() }
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = dummyRequest,
ResponseMappingTemplate = dummyResponse
}) }
Learn more about fields and resolvers here.
Intermediate Types
Intermediate Types are defined by Graphql Types and Fields. They have a set of defined fields, where each field corresponds to another type in the system. Intermediate Types will be the meat of your GraphQL Schema as they are the types defined by you.
Intermediate Types include:
Interface Types
Interface Types are abstract types that define the implementation of other intermediate types. They are useful for eliminating duplication and can be used to generate Object Types with less work.
You can create Interface Types externally.
var node = new InterfaceType("Node", new IntermediateTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> {
{ "id", GraphqlType.String(new BaseTypeOptions { IsRequired = true }) }
To learn more about Interface Types, read the docs here.
Object Types
Object Types are types that you declare. For example, in the code-first example
the demo
variable is an Object Type. Object Types are defined by
GraphQL Types and are only usable when linked to a GraphQL Api.
You can create Object Types in two ways:
To learn more about Object Types, read the docs here.
Enum Types
Enum Types are a special type of Intermediate Type. They restrict a particular set of allowed values for other Intermediate Types.
enum Episode {
This means that wherever we use the type Episode in our schema, we expect it to
be exactly one of NEWHOPE, EMPIRE, or JEDI.
The above GraphQL Enumeration Type can be expressed in CDK as the following:
GraphqlApi api;
var episode = new EnumType("Episode", new EnumTypeOptions {
Definition = new [] { "NEWHOPE", "EMPIRE", "JEDI" }
To learn more about Enum Types, read the docs here.
Input Types
Input Types are special types of Intermediate Types. They give users an easy way to pass complex objects for top level Mutation and Queries.
input Review {
stars: Int!
commentary: String
The above GraphQL Input Type can be expressed in CDK as the following:
GraphqlApi api;
var review = new InputType("Review", new IntermediateTypeOptions {
Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> {
{ "stars", GraphqlType.Int(new BaseTypeOptions { IsRequired = true }) },
{ "commentary", GraphqlType.String() }
To learn more about Input Types, read the docs here.
Union Types
Union Types are a special type of Intermediate Type. They are similar to Interface Types, but they cannot specify any common fields between types.
Note: the fields of a union type need to be Object Types
. In other words, you
can't create a union type out of interfaces, other unions, or inputs.
union Search = Human | Droid | Starship
The above GraphQL Union Type encompasses the Object Types of Human, Droid and Starship. It can be expressed in CDK as the following:
GraphqlApi api;
var string = GraphqlType.String();
var human = new ObjectType("Human", new ObjectTypeOptions { Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "name", string } } });
var droid = new ObjectType("Droid", new ObjectTypeOptions { Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "name", string } } });
var starship = new ObjectType("Starship", new ObjectTypeOptions { Definition = new Dictionary<string, IField> { { "name", string } } });
var search = new UnionType("Search", new UnionTypeOptions {
Definition = new [] { human, droid, starship }
To learn more about Union Types, read the docs here.
Every schema requires a top level Query type. By default, the schema will look
for the Object Type
named Query
. The top level Query
is the only exposed
type that users can access to perform GET
operations on your Api.
To add fields for these queries, we can simply run the addQuery
function to add
to the schema's Query
GraphqlApi api;
InterfaceType filmConnection;
MappingTemplate dummyRequest;
MappingTemplate dummyResponse;
var string = GraphqlType.String();
var int = GraphqlType.Int();
api.AddQuery("allFilms", new ResolvableField(new ResolvableFieldOptions {
ReturnType = filmConnection.Attribute(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> { { "after", string }, { "first", int }, { "before", string }, { "last", int } },
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = dummyRequest,
ResponseMappingTemplate = dummyResponse
To learn more about top level operations, check out the docs here.
Every schema can have a top level Mutation type. By default, the schema will look
for the ObjectType
named Mutation
. The top level Mutation
Type is the only exposed
type that users can access to perform mutable
operations on your Api.
To add fields for these mutations, we can simply run the addMutation
function to add
to the schema's Mutation
GraphqlApi api;
ObjectType filmNode;
MappingTemplate dummyRequest;
MappingTemplate dummyResponse;
var string = GraphqlType.String();
var int = GraphqlType.Int();
api.AddMutation("addFilm", new ResolvableField(new ResolvableFieldOptions {
ReturnType = filmNode.Attribute(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> { { "name", string }, { "film_number", int } },
DataSource = api.AddNoneDataSource("none"),
RequestMappingTemplate = dummyRequest,
ResponseMappingTemplate = dummyResponse
To learn more about top level operations, check out the docs here.
Every schema can have a top level Subscription type. The top level Subscription
is the only exposed type that users can access to invoke a response to a mutation. Subscriptions
notify users when a mutation specific mutation is called. This means you can make any data source
real time by specify a GraphQL Schema directive on a mutation.
Note: The AWS AppSync client SDK automatically handles subscription connection management.
To add fields for these subscriptions, we can simply run the addSubscription
function to add
to the schema's Subscription
GraphqlApi api;
InterfaceType film;
api.AddSubscription("addedFilm", new Field(new FieldOptions {
ReturnType = film.Attribute(),
Args = new Dictionary<string, GraphqlType> { { "id", GraphqlType.Id(new BaseTypeOptions { IsRequired = true }) } },
Directives = new [] { Directive.Subscribe("addFilm") }
To learn more about top level operations, check out the docs here.
AddFieldOptions | (experimental) The options to add a field to an Intermediate Type. |
ApiKeyConfig | (experimental) Configuration for API Key authorization in AppSync. |
AppsyncFunction | (experimental) AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source. |
AppsyncFunctionAttributes | (experimental) The attributes for imported AppSync Functions. |
AppsyncFunctionProps | (experimental) the CDK properties for AppSync Functions. |
Assign | (experimental) Utility class representing the assigment of a value to an attribute. |
AttributeValues | (experimental) Specifies the attribute value assignments. |
AttributeValuesStep | (experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value to an attribute. |
AuthorizationConfig | (experimental) Configuration of the API authorization modes. |
AuthorizationMode | (experimental) Interface to specify default or additional authorization(s). |
AuthorizationType | (experimental) enum with all possible values for AppSync authorization type. |
AwsIamConfig | (experimental) The authorization config in case the HTTP endpoint requires authorization. |
BackedDataSource | (experimental) Abstract AppSync datasource implementation. |
BackedDataSourceProps | (experimental) properties for an AppSync datasource backed by a resource. |
BaseAppsyncFunctionProps | (experimental) the base properties for AppSync Functions. |
BaseDataSource | (experimental) Abstract AppSync datasource implementation. |
BaseDataSourceProps | (experimental) Base properties for an AppSync datasource. |
BaseResolverProps | (experimental) Basic properties for an AppSync resolver. |
BaseTypeOptions | (experimental) Base options for GraphQL Types. |
CachingConfig | (experimental) CachingConfig for AppSync resolvers. |
CfnApiCache | A CloudFormation |
CfnApiCacheProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnApiKey | A CloudFormation |
CfnApiKeyProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDataSource | A CloudFormation |
CfnDataSource.AuthorizationConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.AwsIamConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.DeltaSyncConfigProperty | Describes a Delta Sync configuration. |
CfnDataSource.DynamoDBConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.ElasticsearchConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.EventBridgeConfigProperty | The data source. |
CfnDataSource.HttpConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.LambdaConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.OpenSearchServiceConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.RdsHttpEndpointConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.RelationalDatabaseConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDomainName | A CloudFormation |
CfnDomainNameApiAssociation | A CloudFormation |
CfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDomainNameProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFunctionConfiguration | A CloudFormation |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.AppSyncRuntimeProperty | Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function. |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.LambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty | The |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.SyncConfigProperty | Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver. |
CfnFunctionConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnGraphQLApi | A CloudFormation |
CfnGraphQLApi.AdditionalAuthenticationProviderProperty | Describes an additional authentication provider. |
CfnGraphQLApi.CognitoUserPoolConfigProperty | Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration. |
CfnGraphQLApi.LambdaAuthorizerConfigProperty | Configuration for AWS Lambda function authorization. |
CfnGraphQLApi.LogConfigProperty | The |
CfnGraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfigProperty | The |
CfnGraphQLApi.UserPoolConfigProperty | The |
CfnGraphQLApiProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnGraphQLSchema | A CloudFormation |
CfnGraphQLSchemaProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnResolver | A CloudFormation |
CfnResolver.AppSyncRuntimeProperty | Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function. |
CfnResolver.CachingConfigProperty | The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching activated. |
CfnResolver.LambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty | The |
CfnResolver.PipelineConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnResolver.SyncConfigProperty | Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver. |
CfnResolverProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnSourceApiAssociation | A CloudFormation |
CfnSourceApiAssociation.SourceApiAssociationConfigProperty | Describes properties used to specify configurations related to a source API. |
CfnSourceApiAssociationProps | Properties for defining a |
DataSourceOptions | (experimental) Optional configuration for data sources. |
Directive | (experimental) Directives for types. |
DomainOptions | (experimental) Domain name configuration for AppSync. |
DynamoDbDataSource | (experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a DynamoDB table. |
DynamoDbDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync DynamoDB datasource. |
ElasticsearchDataSource | (deprecated) An Appsync datasource backed by Elasticsearch. |
ElasticsearchDataSourceProps | (deprecated) Properties for the Elasticsearch Data Source. |
EnumType | (experimental) Enum Types are abstract types that includes a set of fields that represent the strings this type can create. |
EnumTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Enum Type. |
ExtendedDataSourceProps | (experimental) props used by implementations of BaseDataSource to provide configuration. |
ExtendedResolverProps | (experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for data source reference. |
Field | (experimental) Fields build upon Graphql Types and provide typing and arguments. |
FieldLogLevel | (experimental) log-level for fields in AppSync. |
FieldOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring a field. |
GraphqlApi | (experimental) An AppSync GraphQL API. |
GraphqlApiAttributes | (experimental) Attributes for GraphQL imports. |
GraphqlApiBase | (experimental) Base Class for GraphQL API. |
GraphqlApiProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync GraphQL API. |
GraphqlType | (experimental) The GraphQL Types in AppSync's GraphQL. |
GraphqlTypeOptions | (experimental) Options for GraphQL Types. |
HttpDataSource | (experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a http endpoint. |
HttpDataSourceOptions | (experimental) Optional configuration for Http data sources. |
HttpDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync http datasource. |
IamResource | (experimental) A class used to generate resource arns for AppSync. |
InputType | (experimental) Input Types are abstract types that define complex objects. |
InterfaceType | (experimental) Interface Types are abstract types that includes a certain set of fields that other types must include if they implement the interface. |
IntermediateTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Intermediate Type. |
KeyCondition | (experimental) Factory class for DynamoDB key conditions. |
LambdaAuthorizerConfig | (experimental) Configuration for Lambda authorization in AppSync. |
LambdaDataSource | (experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by a Lambda function. |
LambdaDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync Lambda datasource. |
LogConfig | (experimental) Logging configuration for AppSync. |
MappingTemplate | (experimental) MappingTemplates for AppSync resolvers. |
NoneDataSource | (experimental) An AppSync dummy datasource. |
NoneDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync dummy datasource. |
ObjectType | (experimental) Object Types are types declared by you. |
ObjectTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Object Type. |
OpenIdConnectConfig | (experimental) Configuration for OpenID Connect authorization in AppSync. |
OpenSearchDataSource | (experimental) An Appsync datasource backed by OpenSearch. |
OpenSearchDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for the OpenSearch Data Source. |
PartitionKey | (experimental) Specifies the assignment to the partition key. |
PartitionKeyStep | (experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a partition key. |
PrimaryKey | (experimental) Specifies the assignment to the primary key. |
RdsDataSource | (experimental) An AppSync datasource backed by RDS. |
RdsDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync RDS datasource. |
ResolvableField | (experimental) Resolvable Fields build upon Graphql Types and provide fields that can resolve into operations on a data source. |
ResolvableFieldOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring a resolvable field. |
Resolver | (experimental) An AppSync resolver. |
ResolverProps | (experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for GraphQL API reference. |
Schema | (experimental) The Schema for a GraphQL Api. |
SchemaOptions | (experimental) The options for configuring a schema. |
SortKeyStep | (experimental) Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a sort key. |
Type | (experimental) Enum containing the Types that can be used to define ObjectTypes. |
UnionType | (experimental) Union Types are abstract types that are similar to Interface Types, but they cannot to specify any common fields between types. |
UnionTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Union Type. |
UserPoolConfig | (experimental) Configuration for Cognito user-pools in AppSync. |
UserPoolDefaultAction | (experimental) enum with all possible values for Cognito user-pool default actions. |
Values | (experimental) Factory class for attribute value assignments. |
CfnDataSource.IAuthorizationConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.IAwsIamConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.IDeltaSyncConfigProperty | Describes a Delta Sync configuration. |
CfnDataSource.IDynamoDBConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.IElasticsearchConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.IEventBridgeConfigProperty | The data source. |
CfnDataSource.IHttpConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.ILambdaConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.IOpenSearchServiceConfigProperty | The |
CfnDataSource.IRdsHttpEndpointConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnDataSource.IRelationalDatabaseConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.IAppSyncRuntimeProperty | Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function. |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.ILambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty | The |
CfnFunctionConfiguration.ISyncConfigProperty | Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver. |
CfnGraphQLApi.IAdditionalAuthenticationProviderProperty | Describes an additional authentication provider. |
CfnGraphQLApi.ICognitoUserPoolConfigProperty | Describes an Amazon Cognito user pool configuration. |
CfnGraphQLApi.ILambdaAuthorizerConfigProperty | Configuration for AWS Lambda function authorization. |
CfnGraphQLApi.ILogConfigProperty | The |
CfnGraphQLApi.IOpenIDConnectConfigProperty | The |
CfnGraphQLApi.IUserPoolConfigProperty | The |
CfnResolver.IAppSyncRuntimeProperty | Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync pipeline resolver or AWS AppSync function. |
CfnResolver.ICachingConfigProperty | The caching configuration for a resolver that has caching activated. |
CfnResolver.ILambdaConflictHandlerConfigProperty | The |
CfnResolver.IPipelineConfigProperty | Use the |
CfnResolver.ISyncConfigProperty | Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver. |
CfnSourceApiAssociation.ISourceApiAssociationConfigProperty | Describes properties used to specify configurations related to a source API. |
IAddFieldOptions | (experimental) The options to add a field to an Intermediate Type. |
IApiKeyConfig | (experimental) Configuration for API Key authorization in AppSync. |
IAppsyncFunction | (experimental) Interface for AppSync Functions. |
IAppsyncFunctionAttributes | (experimental) The attributes for imported AppSync Functions. |
IAppsyncFunctionProps | (experimental) the CDK properties for AppSync Functions. |
IAuthorizationConfig | (experimental) Configuration of the API authorization modes. |
IAuthorizationMode | (experimental) Interface to specify default or additional authorization(s). |
IAwsIamConfig | (experimental) The authorization config in case the HTTP endpoint requires authorization. |
IBackedDataSourceProps | (experimental) properties for an AppSync datasource backed by a resource. |
IBaseAppsyncFunctionProps | (experimental) the base properties for AppSync Functions. |
IBaseDataSourceProps | (experimental) Base properties for an AppSync datasource. |
IBaseResolverProps | (experimental) Basic properties for an AppSync resolver. |
IBaseTypeOptions | (experimental) Base options for GraphQL Types. |
ICachingConfig | (experimental) CachingConfig for AppSync resolvers. |
ICfnApiCacheProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnApiKeyProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDataSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDomainNameProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFunctionConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnGraphQLApiProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnGraphQLSchemaProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnResolverProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnSourceApiAssociationProps | Properties for defining a |
IDataSourceOptions | (experimental) Optional configuration for data sources. |
IDomainOptions | (experimental) Domain name configuration for AppSync. |
IDynamoDbDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync DynamoDB datasource. |
IElasticsearchDataSourceProps | (deprecated) Properties for the Elasticsearch Data Source. |
IEnumTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Enum Type. |
IExtendedDataSourceProps | (experimental) props used by implementations of BaseDataSource to provide configuration. |
IExtendedResolverProps | (experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for data source reference. |
IField | (experimental) A Graphql Field. |
IFieldOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring a field. |
IGraphqlApi | (experimental) Interface for GraphQL. |
IGraphqlApiAttributes | (experimental) Attributes for GraphQL imports. |
IGraphqlApiProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync GraphQL API. |
IGraphqlTypeOptions | (experimental) Options for GraphQL Types. |
IHttpDataSourceOptions | (experimental) Optional configuration for Http data sources. |
IHttpDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync http datasource. |
IIntermediateType | (experimental) Intermediate Types are types that includes a certain set of fields that define the entirety of your schema. |
IIntermediateTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Intermediate Type. |
ILambdaAuthorizerConfig | (experimental) Configuration for Lambda authorization in AppSync. |
ILambdaDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync Lambda datasource. |
ILogConfig | (experimental) Logging configuration for AppSync. |
INoneDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync dummy datasource. |
IObjectTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Object Type. |
IOpenIdConnectConfig | (experimental) Configuration for OpenID Connect authorization in AppSync. |
IOpenSearchDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for the OpenSearch Data Source. |
IRdsDataSourceProps | (experimental) Properties for an AppSync RDS datasource. |
IResolvableFieldOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring a resolvable field. |
IResolverProps | (experimental) Additional property for an AppSync resolver for GraphQL API reference. |
ISchemaOptions | (experimental) The options for configuring a schema. |
IUnionTypeOptions | (experimental) Properties for configuring an Union Type. |
IUserPoolConfig | (experimental) Configuration for Cognito user-pools in AppSync. |