Class CfnDBInstanceProps.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class CfnDBInstanceProps.Jsii$Proxy extends implements CfnDBInstanceProps
An implementation for CfnDBInstanceProps
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(CfnDBInstanceProps.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the CfnDBInstanceProps.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getDbClusterIdentifier

      public final String getDbClusterIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The identifier of the cluster that the instance will belong to.
      Specified by:
      getDbClusterIdentifier in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getDbInstanceClass

      public final String getDbInstanceClass()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The compute and memory capacity of the instance;

      for example, db.m4.large . If you change the class of an instance there can be some interruption in the cluster's service.

      Specified by:
      getDbInstanceClass in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

      public final Object getAutoMinorVersionUpgrade()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      This parameter does not apply to Amazon DocumentDB.

      Amazon DocumentDB does not perform minor version upgrades regardless of the value set.

      Default: false

      Specified by:
      getAutoMinorVersionUpgrade in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getAvailabilityZone

      public final String getAvailabilityZone()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone that the instance is created in.

      Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's AWS Region .

      Example: us-east-1d

      Specified by:
      getAvailabilityZone in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getDbInstanceIdentifier

      public final String getDbInstanceIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.


      • Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.
      • The first character must be a letter.
      • Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

      Example: mydbinstance

      Specified by:
      getDbInstanceIdentifier in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getEnablePerformanceInsights

      public final Object getEnablePerformanceInsights()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      Specified by:
      getEnablePerformanceInsights in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getPreferredMaintenanceWindow

      public final String getPreferredMaintenanceWindow()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The time range each week during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

      Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi

      The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region , occurring on a random day of the week.

      Valid days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

      Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.

      Specified by:
      getPreferredMaintenanceWindow in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • getTags

      public final List<CfnTag> getTags()
      Description copied from interface: CfnDBInstanceProps
      The tags to be assigned to the instance.

      You can assign up to 10 tags to an instance.

      Specified by:
      getTags in interface CfnDBInstanceProps
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object