Class CfnResourcePolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:
IConstruct, IDependable, IInspectable,, software.constructs.IConstruct

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:30:38.088Z") @Stability(Stable) public class CfnResourcePolicy extends CfnResource implements IInspectable
A CloudFormation AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy.

Creates or updates a resource policy that allows other AWS services to put log events to this account. An account can have up to 10 resource policies per AWS Region.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CfnResourcePolicy cfnResourcePolicy = CfnResourcePolicy.Builder.create(this, "MyCfnResourcePolicy")
  • Field Details


      @Stability(Stable) public static final String CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME
      The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
  • Constructor Details

    • CfnResourcePolicy

      protected CfnResourcePolicy( objRef)
    • CfnResourcePolicy

      protected CfnResourcePolicy( initializationMode)
    • CfnResourcePolicy

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnResourcePolicy(@NotNull Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull CfnResourcePolicyProps props)
      Create a new AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy.

      scope -
      • scope in which this resource is defined.
      This parameter is required.
      id -
      • scoped id of the resource.
      This parameter is required.
      props -
      • resource properties.
      This parameter is required.
  • Method Details

    • inspect

      @Stability(Stable) public void inspect(@NotNull TreeInspector inspector)
      Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.

      Specified by:
      inspect in interface IInspectable
      inspector -
      • tree inspector to collect and process attributes.
      This parameter is required.
    • renderProperties

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull protected Map<String,Object> renderProperties(@NotNull Map<String,Object> props)
      renderProperties in class CfnResource
      props - This parameter is required.
    • getCfnProperties

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull protected Map<String,Object> getCfnProperties()
      getCfnProperties in class CfnResource
    • getPolicyDocument

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getPolicyDocument()
      The details of the policy.

      It must be formatted in JSON, and you must use backslashes to escape characters that need to be escaped in JSON strings, such as double quote marks.

    • setPolicyDocument

      @Stability(Stable) public void setPolicyDocument(@NotNull String value)
      The details of the policy.

      It must be formatted in JSON, and you must use backslashes to escape characters that need to be escaped in JSON strings, such as double quote marks.

    • getPolicyName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getPolicyName()
      The name of the resource policy.
    • setPolicyName

      @Stability(Stable) public void setPolicyName(@NotNull String value)
      The name of the resource policy.