Class CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:<CfnCustomDataIdentifier>
Enclosing class:

@Stability(Stable) public static final class CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder extends Object implements<CfnCustomDataIdentifier>
A fluent builder for CfnCustomDataIdentifier.
  • Method Details

    • create

      @Stability(Stable) public static CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder create(Construct scope, String id)
      scope -
      • scope in which this resource is defined.
      This parameter is required.
      id -
      • scoped id of the resource.
      This parameter is required.
      a new instance of CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder.
    • name

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder name(String name)
      A custom name for the custom data identifier. The name can contain 1-128 characters.

      Avoid including sensitive data in the name of a custom data identifier. Users of the account might be able to see the name, depending on the actions that they're allowed to perform in Amazon Macie .

      name - A custom name for the custom data identifier. The name can contain 1-128 characters. This parameter is required.
    • regex

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder regex(String regex)
      The regular expression ( regex ) that defines the text pattern to match.

      The expression can contain 1-512 characters.

      regex - The regular expression ( regex ) that defines the text pattern to match. This parameter is required.
    • description

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder description(String description)
      A custom description of the custom data identifier. The description can contain 1-512 characters.

      Avoid including sensitive data in the description. Users of the account might be able to see the description, depending on the actions that they're allowed to perform in Amazon Macie .

      description - A custom description of the custom data identifier. The description can contain 1-512 characters. This parameter is required.
    • ignoreWords

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder ignoreWords(List<String> ignoreWords)
      An array of character sequences ( ignore words ) to exclude from the results.

      If text matches the regular expression ( Regex ) but it contains a string in this array, Amazon Macie ignores the text and doesn't include it in the results.

      The array can contain 1-10 ignore words. Each ignore word can contain 4-90 UTF-8 characters. Ignore words are case sensitive.

      ignoreWords - An array of character sequences ( ignore words ) to exclude from the results. This parameter is required.
    • keywords

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder keywords(List<String> keywords)
      An array of character sequences ( keywords ), one of which must precede and be in proximity ( MaximumMatchDistance ) of the regular expression ( Regex ) to match.

      The array can contain 1-50 keywords. Each keyword can contain 3-90 UTF-8 characters. Keywords aren't case sensitive.

      keywords - An array of character sequences ( keywords ), one of which must precede and be in proximity ( MaximumMatchDistance ) of the regular expression ( Regex ) to match. This parameter is required.
    • maximumMatchDistance

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier.Builder maximumMatchDistance(Number maximumMatchDistance)
      The maximum number of characters that can exist between the end of at least one complete character sequence specified by the Keywords array and the end of text that matches the regular expression ( Regex ).

      If a complete keyword precedes all the text that matches the regular expression and the keyword is within the specified distance, Amazon Macie includes the result.

      The distance can be 1-300 characters. The default value is 50.

      maximumMatchDistance - The maximum number of characters that can exist between the end of at least one complete character sequence specified by the Keywords array and the end of text that matches the regular expression ( Regex ). This parameter is required.
    • build

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnCustomDataIdentifier build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface<CfnCustomDataIdentifier>
      a newly built instance of CfnCustomDataIdentifier.