Interface CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty extends
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 AlarmIdentifierProperty alarmIdentifierProperty = AlarmIdentifierProperty.builder()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getName()
      The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.

      Route 53 supports CloudWatch alarms with the following features:

      • Standard-resolution metrics. High-resolution metrics aren't supported. For more information, see High-Resolution Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
      • Statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, and SampleCount. Extended statistics aren't supported.

    • getRegion

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getRegion()
      For the CloudWatch alarm that you want Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy, the region that the alarm was created in.

      For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty.Builder builder()
      a CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty.Builder of CfnHealthCheck.AlarmIdentifierProperty