Interface CfnReceiptRuleProps

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:30:41.398Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface CfnReceiptRuleProps extends
Properties for defining a CfnReceiptRule.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CfnReceiptRuleProps cfnReceiptRuleProps = CfnReceiptRuleProps.builder()
                                 // the properties below are optional
                                 // the properties below are optional
                                 // the properties below are optional
                                 // the properties below are optional
                                 // the properties below are optional
         // the properties below are optional
  • Method Details

    • getRule

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Object getRule()
      A data structure that contains the specified rule's name, actions, recipients, domains, enabled status, scan status, and TLS policy.
    • getRuleSetName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getRuleSetName()
      The name of the rule set where the receipt rule is added.
    • getAfter

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getAfter()
      The name of an existing rule after which the new rule is placed.

      If this parameter is null, the new rule is inserted at the beginning of the rule list.

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static CfnReceiptRuleProps.Builder builder()
      a CfnReceiptRuleProps.Builder of CfnReceiptRuleProps