Interface CronOptions

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:30:40.470Z") @Stability(Experimental) public interface CronOptions extends
(experimental) Options to configure a cron expression.

All fields are strings so you can use complex expressions. Absence of a field implies '*' or '?', whichever one is appropriate.


 Schedule schedule = Schedule.cron(CronOptions.builder()

See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    A builder for CronOptions
    static final class 
    An implementation for CronOptions
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    (experimental) The day of the month to run this rule at.
    default String
    (experimental) The hour to run this rule at.
    default String
    (experimental) The minute to run this rule at.
    default String
    (experimental) The month to run this rule at.
    default String
    (experimental) The day of the week to run this rule at.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getDay

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getDay()
      (experimental) The day of the month to run this rule at.

      Default: - Every day of the month

    • getHour

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getHour()
      (experimental) The hour to run this rule at.

      Default: - Every hour

    • getMinute

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getMinute()
      (experimental) The minute to run this rule at.

      Default: - Every minute

    • getMonth

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getMonth()
      (experimental) The month to run this rule at.

      Default: - Every month

    • getWeekDay

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getWeekDay()
      (experimental) The day of the week to run this rule at.

      Default: - Any day of the week

    • builder

      @Stability(Experimental) static CronOptions.Builder builder()
      a CronOptions.Builder of CronOptions